Hungry Small People Take Road Trip.

[Sounds like The Canterbury Tales set with the Republican debate last night in mind, but no. It's just favorite posts I've read (not that I've written, but others) this first half of December that I believe worthy of a wider audience. -- David]

1. The real prize is your novel draft, and you have that. I'd say print out a copy of the certificate anyway and mark it up until it feels honest, like add the word "almost" in front of "winner" or add your exact word count to it or something, if you don't want to use it as is. But if you do, mark it up in very tiny words and just remember it as a funny story (trust me, it will be funny eventually), because all the rest of us consider you a winner.

2. Nangover: mild depression, lots of chocolate, not sure what to do with my extra time

3. I found this to be funny and sadly, something that I could actually see happening... Am I the only person on the internet who doesn't care what Neil DeGrasse Tyson has to say about EVERYTHING?
"Neil Degrasse Tyson explains how the twin suns on Tatooine would give you skin cancer in mere minutes"
"Neil Degrasse Tyson explains how the holodeck in TNG isn't really possible."
"Neil Degrasse Tyson explains how the Doctor's two hearts would cause dangerously high blood pressure and kill him"
I think he just comes across as a condescending jerk who acts as a fun-sponge. We get it Neil, you're really smart. Now stop browbeating the common people.

4. A baby cat may be a kitten,
But a young bat isn't a bitten.
If you write it, it is written,
But if you cite it,
It's not citten.

5. some people think that because you are a have to be a door mat..but i don't see it that when you are exhausted..& don't feel like being talked to like a dog..i just say..don't stop here with your trash it won't be tolerated. just saying.

6. Sane person: "Hey, what are you writing?"
Me: "Oh just starting a new story"
Sane person: "Oh? What's it about?"
Me: "A necrophiliac serial killer that is having to help find another serial killer, while a girl that is his type of victim is forced to work with him too!" 😁
Sane person: *slowly backs away*
Ah, joys of being a writer lol 😜

7. Then, the guest room made into movie room and 3 little trolls is to calm down for the evening with a film:)

8. Dating is hard, you have to weed through misogynists men, racists men, sexist men and men who think Moffat's Doctor Who writing is genuinely, thoroughly good.

9. I feed my son with adult food from old Camembert to spicy Cassoulet since he's a toddler.
Most French do that.
It can weird out foreigners.

10. This group has people in it.
Don't know if you knew that. I didn't have to say it but I did because of some reasons.
Bravo being part of the human peoples of nano.

11. Gah, you all look so respectable and mundane. Seriously, though. You guys look awesome!

12. Censorship does no one any good.
Let them speak. And then tear them to pieces.
Freedom of speech will allow them to say it. It will not protect them from interpersonal repercussions.
13.Wait, wait, wait, when was Mysterio rumored as a villain for the second season? That would be awesome, but wouldn't DD just not notice the illusions?

14. You will fall in love with me. When the time comes you won't be able to run. I will torture you slowly as we make love and watch you climax as you take your last breath.

15. The point is if #RebeccaMader plays the Witch well enough that you hate her, then she's doing her job great! Anytime you have an actor/actress that plays their character well enough to make you love to hate their evil character then they've done a GREAT job!! That's the whole the evil job well enough to make you love to hate them....just like Regina. We love to hate her as the #EvilQueen but soon became the #EvilRegals but then found she changed so now we have a new wicked to hate.....they do their job well!

16. You know you've spent too much time on Facebook when you try to "like" an email. D'oh!

17. You are just like annoyingly pretty.

18. [The poster's name began with "g" and she asked with almost unlimited funds what you'd buy that begins with the first letter of your name; this one's my favorite!]

Girls... Id buy them, as in, pay them to work for my political platform.

19. [The above poster's stated political platform -- I did ask.]

End white supremacy, fight to even the gender playing field.

Bring economic freedom to African countries which basically goes with ending white supremacy.

Create one economic currency

20. Last night after I got to work, a phrase or poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson came to mind and that is?
"it is better to have loved and lost, than have never loved at all.'
I was thinking yes how sad a soul a person must be, to have not only have never have loved, but also to have never have been in love.
it would be a shame, almost a lost soul if you will, to never know that feeling of being intimate with another, it is easy to see how some might become bitter with life as one s...eems to have been cheated of such a thing.
Yes sometimes it maybe love isn't perfect, and can bring about all sorts of emotions both good and bad.
but those good times can leave such cherished memories, not taken away by time.

21. I don't think of people who use slang as dumb; only people who genuinely don't know how to speak properly. Example: "all Muslims is terrorist."

22. [This poster's six-word description of The Lord of the Rings.]

Hungry small people take road trip.

23. I am TERRIBLE, AWFULLY TERRIBLE to tell when someone is flirting with me.. I need to be told "hey you're niice I'm flirting" or else I NEVER get it...

24. So on Saturday I am going to go see the new Star Wars movie. As we all know it premiered last night and will have an official release on Friday the 18th. I also believe that in some countries it is coming out earlier. This means of course that other people will have seen it before I do and potential spoilers will ensue.
Keeping that in mind I offer the Promenade this minor request....
Post whatever you like. I won't get angry and I won't throw a fit. I am not a spoiled child and I can deal with a spoiler. I will probably just stay off Facebook for awhile until I see it anyway. No one here deserves to get blasted for expressing their love (or hate) for the new Star Wars movie. Thank you, and keep geeking on.


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