
Showing posts from November, 2015

Today is national WRITE LIKE YOU'RE ON FIRE day.

Ensign: Okay, NOW you can panic. [But don't.]

Don't write today....Just write all night.

Stop checking your word count every other sentence.

Stay away from the forums. STAY AWAY.

Ensign: In the name of all that is pure and good, don't read your novel so far.

Dinosaurs. In the novel. Do it.

What's that, Lassie? The plot is stuck in a well?

How to catch a (plot) bunny: Hide in the grass and make carrot noises.

Consider that plot hole a main character.

Ensign: Remember Godwin's Law. Have you referenced Hitler yet?

When in doubt, bears. Bears with LASER VISION.

Don't worry. November has 31 days.

I will not use contractions. I will not use contractions.

Kill your MC. We can rebuild him. Bigger, faster, stronger.

Ensign: Explain NaNo to someone today. Take pictures when they fail to comprehend.

It's Guy Fawkes night. Burn something innocent.

Do you hate your MC yet?

Wear a silly hat. Why? Because I told you to!

Where's that 10 lbs. of chocolate gone?