Don't write today....Just write all night.

WORD COUNT: 41,352

Looks like this is what I will HAVE to do. And this with the kids up late since they're off school the next two days ... (it's Thanksgiving Day tomorrow, the start of a four-day weekend for them) but I can do this. No matter how scatterbrained it feels.

I mentioned books that wound and stab us yesterday, and one that I read through the same day I checked it out was Si Spencer's graphic novel Bodies (ISBN 9781401252755) . Illustrated by four different illustrators and covering four different times in London (1890, 1940, 2014, 2050) all of them are connected by a mutilated body done the same way every time, the detectives find themselves connected by the event.

I was thinking about it this morning, and there's an original series Star Trek episode this reminds me of, only in this case the killer never left the planet ... I know I am loved. Tomorrow's Thanksgiving Day, and this is the first morning we found a majority of snow -- and had to be careful of ice -- on the ground on Martha's way to work and on my way bringing the kids to school.

But it appears to be melting already, at 1218 hrs Central Standard Time as I write this. And it's supposed to be sunny this weekend! "So you see that Jeffrey is slow at [everything, every] time." Sarah wrote that in my journal today where she knew I'd read it, and the kids goad each other on. PLEASE let them get enough sleep the next few days! Today is Hat Day at their school, and the kids get to wear their favorite hats (I SO wish I'd taken the photo before they went to school, darn it).

During the day as she did yesterday, Sarah is one of the performers in a class play based on the book The Day The Crayons Quit and I really must read this myself -- she's Blue, in her words "short and stubby". Jeffrey has been working on robotics in his gifted class, and last night I met him at the monthly Cub Scouts pack meeting. Due to my work schedule, I got there just as the new

Scouts were being decorated (they get whisker paint on their faces to signify they have met the Bobcat requirements) and they were pretty much done! Getting things lined up with the other Bear Scout leader Matt and meeting another Scout leader's newborn son born this past Saturday!

And now cometh the giving of thanks, the meeting of family

(ultimately I'm more about that than the food anyway)

Happy Thanksgiving,



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