Do you hate your MC yet?


Not really; I mean, my MC [main character] is Winston Churchill. For the fiftieth anniversary of his real-world death, I figured it apropos -- okay, now I'm showing off -- that he be a major character in this year's yarn. Granted, it's a job imagining a much different first third of the twentieth century (in my story Churchill's American, not British, by an accident of birth and he becomes President instead of FDR, who gave up his family fortune for love) and I'm not even into the first 100 hours of National Novel Writing Month.

Though I do have quite a bit to do the next few days, and what doesn't involve banging my head on the counter will be my clack-clack-clacking away to get wordage in. I just mentioned this to a customer of mine and he did not look all googly-eyed at me. So this really can happen, and in another world did. Details, details ... I will and can tell you that the Maine, Amelia Earhart, John Dillinger, and Vidkun Quisling have already made it into the first manuscript, some in their historical roles and some not so.

I found my post of my favorite statuses (favorite posts that I've seen and heard, not necessarily ones that I wrote) from the last half of October, and I forgot to share it Monday so I'll do it now to give myself some time to get into, or rather back into, the swing of things. Fifty thousand words is a LOT and a little to get things done and said in, isn't it.

Just ask around, David

1. That moment when I'm tired of the word sod and decide to use the word git.

2. The line will be drawn in you don't keep God in your mind.

3. Never underestimate the power of a hot shower. I was taking one this afternoon when, out of the steamy goodness, came crystal clear ideas for two soon-to-be awesome scenes for my Novemver NaNo project!
(Yes, I did sit down after I finished and jot out the descriptions for them, because, y'know, November will get here, I will sit down, and say: "Okay! Time to write those awesome scenes!------- Uh, yeah. Those scenes. The ones from the shower. That I thought of- and have now forgotten completely. AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" LOL)

4. Write like no one will ever read your book.

5. Such a good mentality to have. Cures my inhibitions.
(response to status four above)

6. And then edit like everyone will.
(response to status five)

7. I have to say that I absolutely love the All New, All Different Marvel. Not the books, because I can't say just yet, but what it's doing for the comics in general. Most of these characters have been around longer than us and it would be silly for them not to change and evolve over time. I love seeing the mantle passed on and seeing characters I love grow old and finally seem like the age they should be. You have Old Man Logan passing it on to X-23, Old Man Rogers passing it ...on to Falcon and Banner is now the Maestro with Cho becoming the Hulk. Peter Parker is growing up and making way for a new Spider-Man. Teams are changing and evolving. New characters are redefining what it means to be an Avenger. And for all the complaining about Marvel not giving a shit about the X-Men and Fantastic Four, every team you look at has Mutants throughout and 2 of the FF are on prominent teams as well.
I just think it's a bold direction and I'm excited to see where it goes. It's so different from the movie universe and I'm happy about that because Marvel was starting to kind of make their books a mirror image of what they were doing on screen. I think it's important to realize that we'll always have the stories we grew up with and those characters will always exist, so why not welcome new changes and ideas? This has to be the boldest move forward either company has made in the 19-20 years I've been reading comics and that makes me so happy. There's diversity in the comics and behind the books as well. We all know that everything will go back to status quo one day, I don't think either company is brave enough to make long standing changes, but why not enjoy the ride and if there's good stories, even better. It's so easy to be cynical, anymore. You can sit there and say "Eh why bother they're just doing it for sales." And you'd be right. But why do we have to brush everything off now? What happened to having fun while reading these things and seeing where the story went? It's just so crazy to see how jaded and rigid a lot of comic fans have become. In any event, I'll be happily taking in each new story, each week and enjoying myself.

8. I live on the edge:
I refuse to watch the Star Wars trailer
I will buy my ticket once the movie is out, and I am ready to see it, the day of!
Feels good to be a rebel.

9. What a brsve new world we live in, where star wars fans are excited by star trek, and star trek fans are excited by star wars.
10. Two calls to public works, one to environmental services and flagging down a police officer; yet Petey the Posthumous Possum continues to ripen and get flatter.

11. There was once a macaroni and cheese restaurant in my college town. Not sure if this will help anyone's book, but it was freaking awesome. And then it closed.

12. I once heard that we love Jesus as much as the person we love the least ... and it IS so hard to disassociate what a person does from who a person is (another quote: we're not human doings, we're human BEINGS) but that's when we ask God to clean us up -- I've having to do this with [REDACTED], long story -- and the Holy Spirit to ... this isn't Scripture-speak, but bear with me, take our ego out of the relationship; in other words, to not make it about what I can get out of it, but about how it will glorify God.

Of course we want to be loved. God IS Love. But the forgiveness comes in when we love another person as we love ourselves -- not for nothing does Jesus cite this besides loving God will all of yourself as the greatest commandment. For when we follow this, all the others will be in lockstep. smile emoticon

I love you too

(me to my niece Catrine, 102215, 1132 hrs)

13. The mother is a topographical map of Utah.

14. I have nothing but praise for the craziness that is NaNoWriMo. smile emoticon My first attempt was in college, and I'll always remember starting my draft while in the green room of the Phoenix Ballet performance of Mendelssohn's A Midsummer Night's Dream. I was in the small choir for the vocals, an amazing opportunity! Still I wrote on. Didn't make it that year, but it was my first try and I'm not about to say it was a waste. wink emoticon
15. Why do we say 'can't wait'? We obviously can because we are.
16. See, this why I'm a sith. We at least know we are lying to everyone. Sanctimonious jerks, that's what jedi are
17. I've planned out all of the basics of my novel, but I'm sure it'll change as they always do when I actually start writing them. As long as you've done a lot of world building in your head, you'll be surprised what you come up with.
18. Today at my son's school, a kid walked in with a legit Captain America costume. Full on mask and everything. I said "Hi, Ethan," to which he replied, "Captain America."
The moral of the story is, those masks don't work at all, but still you should believe in yourself.
19. What's with the sesame seed shortage?




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