Stay away from the forums. STAY AWAY.

WORD COUNT: 37,505

I really don't visit the National Novel Writing Month forums anyway -- I'm not stuffy, I just find or find out enough through the Facebook page, meeting with the local writers, and through research I have to do anyway to keep me going. At least I think so ... you could almost subtitle this year's NaNoNovel of mine "Berlin" because I've airlifted so much of papers I've written in high school to get my word count up to speed. Keep in mind, this month is about WORD COUNT, not necessarily coherence and definitely not about editing -- take your time after the November feeding frenzy! So they say.

This weekend was a lot of fun, I admit. Saturday while Martha worked her shift at Burger King the kids and I were at the original Marketplace Foods -- there's five of these supermarkets now in Minot, and we were at the first one selling hot dogs and pops for a dollar to raise money to benefit the Horn of Plenty, a local charity spearheaded by KHRT (say "kay heart") our local Christian radio station to put together Christmas food and toy baskets for families whose names are submitted for them. For most of the shift Jeffrey, Sarah, and I sat and stood left to right at the table Marketplace had set up, Jeffrey serving hot dogs ("Bun me!"), Sarah handling the money, and me pouring the drinks!

Personally, I think more people came around for Jeffrey's entertainment value. The Horn of Plenty tables were set up from eleven to six Thursday through Saturday, and when I volunteered to help I was asked if I could work a whole shift ... with a nine-year-old and an eight-year-old, yeah right. So we were there until three and Jeffrey's probably got the knees to show for it! Anyway, Martha came home shortly after we did and we settled in for the night; at least an hour of it. Then we got a phone call from Sarah's friend and classmate Scottie (or her mom, I don't remember which) asking if she could stay the night with us, and she came over while I was out getting some groceries.

"Sarah, your room is a mess!" This is what Martha told me Scottie said when she got to our house and went upstairs with her -- if THAT gets her to start cleaning her room after Mom and Dad say it and she does nothing, I'm all for it. The five of us had Martha making spaghetti and garlic bread (oh we helped of course) and just hanging out -- everybody but me was on a tablet for a while and then Jeffrey and I were playing Minotpoly, the high school business club's version of "Monopoly", then Scottie joined in and I took over as banker and then the kids got ready for bed and the following morning woke up and I headed for church with Martha and the kids behind me.

That is, Martha and the kids would have been behind me had our van not been clicking when my wife turned the key in the ignition. She called me as I got to Broadway and I went back to pick them up, and Martha drove to church -- she's the driver unless she can't be -- and we got there about three minutes in. We had to get a new battery for the van, and her father Robert helped us install us, mainly because he has the tools and we do not. And we are thankful, though I'm sure this was a moment several people wished that Martha had married someone more mechanically inclined than I am. But after that we got in, warmed up to a pork chop dinner, read and went to bed.

Getting to church a few minutes late really is not held against us. While Sarah and Scottie were in Creation Station and Jeffrey in Holyword Theater, I had the first and second graders with me in Parable Playhouse with their shepherd Shellie and my confirmation helpers Brandon and Dalyce and once we got the lesson read (for first and second graders it's out of the illustrated SPARK Bible, the others out of The Living Bible) acted with the puppets the play! Had six boys in class, so Shellie agreed to be Mary, and my angel -- I had two this week -- used a plane flown by Sesame Street's Ernie. That was one angel, I do not remember the other ...

Now to get back -- I mean, stay away STAY AWAY -- from the forums!



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