What I Got Done Here Up To 2 PM CST Today

Our church directory photo :)Oct 9, 04:24 pm

Denial anger bargaining depression acceptance – five stages of being on Top ChefOct 9, 08:51 pmdenebian of 23rd century Star Trek = denobulan of 22nd century? The key word in all of those is … Death. (“I,Mudd”)Oct 12, 09:34 am

Thunderbird effect … What if Wolverine had died on the X-Men's 2nd mission instead? And for a Spellsinger movie adaptation, would the characters of Flor

Oct 12, 09:35 am

Jeffrey will be coming to Adam's birthday party Saturday; he's looking forward to it! From the invitation I'm guessing he likes Star Wars (great taste!) … Any particular gifts we should look at for him?

See you Saturday, David (Jeffrey's dad)
Oct 24, 11:19 am

By the time you're reading this, I will have just cleaned copies of messages and other thoughts I've sent to myself so far this month out of my cell phone! And since I know my current profile photo IS said church directory photo, I'm not leaving anything out! Maybe.

This weekend, the short short version -- it's been a long day already -- we got the kids new winter coats, we sent the better part of Sunday cleaning out a large bin of photos out; at about one-third of what it had, we no longer have duplicates or negatives or many pictures of people we don't remember.

And I'd say they're taking that rather well,



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