Just so you know, tomorrow here barring a life-changing event in my ... life you'll see my favorite posts, expressions, and other things I've heard, seen, and done the last half of September! And with that, I may well get my introduction for tomorrow out of the way. But if not I'm ok with that too. I got a new monitor for the computer I type most all of these missives of mine on this morning and I'm a little spoiled by the view! Now FORWARD!

Oh wait, backward ... I don't know with many great specifics what the future's like. Yes, let's start with what's been happening and plan from there. Friday night we got home and had dinner, Martha and the kids called me shortly before I left work for the night and said I could go pick up whatever I wanted so it wouldn't be cold by the time I arrives. Fair enough, I chose some Taco John's Street Tacos while they all chose McDonald's.

I considered their new Chicken Sopapilla Taco where the breading tastes like one of their desserts, but after the cashier Tyler's description and seeing the texture of the food item close up I decided against it -- not so much that I mind a sweet and spicy combination (I MISS BURGER KING BACON SUNDAES) but this wasn't the night. So while having dinner in the living room the family and I watched The Good Dinosaur, and this time I stayed awake for me! It made more sense too.

Saturday while Martha worked at Burger King the kids and I slept in -- no Breakfast with the Boys that day due to the Scandinavian heritage festival Norsk Høstfest where so many from many churches keep it going! -- until eight before we woke up (oh, the kids got to sleep in Friday too for it was the first teacher in-service day of the year), hung out at the house a few hours, and then headed to the school park at Longfellow, then the Coin Show going on that weekend, and home to meet Martha!

The rest of that day is a blur ... Sunday we got to church and the kids went to Sunday while Martha had her first handbell practice, and I was downstairs with the rest of the family and whoever else stays to socialize when we don't have speakers in between services. When Martha's mom Sharon asked me whether I missed teaching Sunday school (spring was my last time doing it), I had to say yes and no.

Then came our second Sunday morning church service, which usually I'm not at unless Martha lets the kids stay with her either in the choir loft -- by the way, it was their second singing in Carol Choir for the year, and they were both in fine form! -- or with me downstairs where I can ride herd on them either in the activity room or helping out in the nursery. But Wednesday I got asked by the monthly Faith and Care Coordinator if I'd read at that service and I said I would.

I need something to DO in church, just sitting there is not what I see as honoring God. There are moments I don't see my life as honoring God, but I digress. Anyway, Lauren who was the coordinator there (it was Jacob who asked me) was so effusive that I showed up because there are really some people in church who like my reading style as well as you can pretty much ask me to do something and I'll do it ... but I don't always think when I say yes, that's true.

Sue from second service whom I'd never met before that I was aware of recognized me as the reader when I was in ReStore before I got to work this morning, and I have to admit it's nice to hear. Not that I hear at home how I suck all the time, but at home where the people REALLY know who you are and what can trigger your vampirism, it can hurt to hear yourself scrutinized. I pray I'm getting better at not hearing that, or at least responding to it so hard.

Sunday was also Sarah's first birthday party of the school year, for her school friend Damia at Planet Pizza. She turns ten tomorrow, and while she ate and had fun, Jeffrey, Martha, and I went to Applebee's for lunch (as we did for Sarah when Jeffrey was at a birthday party some weeks ago). We won't be going there every time we have some free time with one child, but kudos to Janelle our hostess, Danielle our waitress, and Michael the general manager for one specific thing!

Jeffrey had ordered the kids' pizza and he was not a fan of the sauce, so he asked -- well, Martha started it; we had the same orders we had last time -- if he could have the two mini cheeseburgers instead. It was no problem at all and that replacement order did not reflect on our bill. (This may show you how much fine dining I do -- I heard a stat on Top Chef's second season from 2006 that only 36% of Americans regularly enjoy fine dining -- for I expected to get charged for both!)

We saved nearly $400 on a bill we expected to pay last month that we were able not to, so we have stretched ourselves out a bit. Just as you can stretch out in our niece Breanna's new place, a fourplex in the southeast part of town. They've -- she and Avery, who turns three months on Wednesday -- with help from the sisters set it up pretty well, as I saw out there Sunday. Played hide and seek with the kids and fell asleep on the couch watching James and the Giant Peach three times, so I'm told ...

Yesterday we also got some fun time in with Sarah while Jeffrey stayed at my in-laws' house with his aunt Mary watching football. The kids were there with Mary cleaning out Grandma and Grandpa's camper while Martha and I were at church's second service (I was so glad they helped!) and when we arrived to pick them up Jeffrey was looking outside for us as Grandpa was asleep in his chair. He opened his eyes, found me sitting on the stairs, and asked me how I did sleep.

Oh wait, that was him!



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