Unfortunately, my family and I have made plans to not see Minot Summer Theatre's fourth offering of the outdoor summer season, Little Shop of Horrors (today's title is a song lyric from it; Steve Martin sings it in the movie version). But it's very possible for Sarah to become one, though right now she is leaning toward being a teacher. Heck, when I was her age I changed my career goals every few months. My kids' six-month checkup at Dakota Kids Dentistry yielded NO CAVITIES (Joy!) and in Sarah and Jeffrey's mouth each at least one tooth in front on the verge of falling out -- and it seems Sarah's is currently being held in by a spacer, a necessary evil lest the tooth behind it grow it crooked. Jeffrey may need a spacer next year, so it's nothing to get cocky about -- and actually, since Independence Day weekend he really hasn't been. (Yay!)

Last night when I got home we were in the process of receiving dinner from Pizza Hut, the three pizza special as well as breadsticks and Mountain Dew. I could barely drink the Mountain Dew myself (I'm sticking more with water lately) and while we all ate well, I'm starting to dig just plain cheese pizza and not the pepperoni I so loved in my younger years. Got enough food to fend for ourselves the next few nights at least! Martha had an especially upset tummy from a frappe she had had for breakfast -- I'm concerned she doesn't always eat before getting to work at seven in the morning on weekdays -- and between whatever lunch was (I'm sure she told me, I just don't remember) and our dinner it was not fun. We got the kids to bed early last night but Sarah shortly after came down because she was scared of the light on the stairs going out.

Even though both she and Jeffrey have night lights in their room -- she gets that from her skittish and I think indulged cousin who sometimes sleeps over. Jeffrey came down before I went to bed myself (Martha was already sleeping AND sawing logs) and asked if he could sleep in the hallway by his sister's room ... I said yes, because at least I'm beginning to learn what issues are mountains and what issues are molehills with the kids (check out Kevin Leman's Have a New Kid by Friday, ISBN 9780800732189, that we bought at synod and I've read to Martha -- some of it is sticking!), and then Jeffrey tells me low and conspiratorially that he'd already moved his stuff into the hall. I didn't want Sarah to freak out again, so I let it slide. They both slept well, they both came downstairs by themselves (I have kids who look forward to going to the dentist, yay again!), and we had breakfast out at BK afterwards. I'll take that.



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