The Latest Post I've Ever ... Posted

So the week's gone well ... The official title of my position with Trinity Health is "Warehouse Assistant" in their Materials Management warehouse. So if you've ever wondered where all those supplies you find at the hospitals and doctors' offices and clinics come from ... unlike the warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, it is finite. (We won't even talk about that other movie, something about a crystal skull.) It's pretty big, but it is easy to get around in, and I've been told for the first week I'll notice it in my legs. Considering that at my previous job -- dang, last week was SO long ago! -- I moved far less, I can't lie that I notice it when I leave for the day.

Will this improve my balance as measured by the Wii Fit Plus?

Seriously, Martha and I have worked out on that every day since we got it for twenty bucks at a garage sale four weeks ago. And to get balanced -- that is, get your balance centered -- it feels to me like I have to lean forward as though I've never stood on two legs before and have to stick my gut out more than I, or I'd like to think any rational being, would like to. Now as I speak (as I write this, 2104 hrs CST Thursday evening) Martha's out to pick our daughter Sarah up early from a week of camping with her grandparents and various cousins and her aunt Mary because her eyes and nose are swelling. I know she has allergies, I know she has asthma

-- and I want to give Sarah the benefit of the doubt --

but it's getting harder to do. Both she and Jeffrey have to learn that they can't quit something because it's tough or it makes them uncomfortable. And with that I'm pointing three fingers back at me, yes I am. But I'm at home writing this at the same time as Martha's driving though I pray she's safe (I heard of a recent road accident on the way she's headed) because she says I'm still not used to getting up as early as I do and she does for Trinity. Martha's usually right about such things. Although Sarah home this weekend would put a crimp in our anniversary celebration plans (the kids weren't due back until Sunday afternoon)

But only if I let them, David


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