Six Figures

2. H2O: Just Add Water. We were home last night strolling through Hulu and came across this Australian show. My first impression was that it was Charmed with mermaids, but instead this series that Martha and Sarah found while Jeffrey was watching YouTube on his tablet and I was finishing reading some books I'd picked up this weekend -- one being 31,173 below -- at our dining room table about three teenage girls who gain various powers over water along with a big floppy tail whenever they're touched by water ... is touching in a crazy way. Watched three episodes last night.

14. Instead of staring into a word processing document to finish my novel "Victory" and getting lost upon lost, I broke the thirty-six chapter story that I've worked on intermittently over the last ten years into six posts of six chapters each which are right now part of that 2382 total you see below. I want this out by the time Sarah and Jeffrey start school this fall, in twenty-three days. And when it is live on CreateSpace to be followed by other online platforms, it will be my fourteenth book -- my seventh published and printable work of fiction, along with six nonfiction and one book of poetry. 

153. Fish caught in nets after Jesus appeared to the disciples, post-Resurrection. Yes, the figure's right there in John 21:11. I didn't realize there was so much more to it; apparently that was the known number of species of fish in the world at the time (Jerome cites this in the fifth century, four centuries hence) and the number itself is a triangular number (17 + 16 +15 ... 1). Also, it's the number of times the tetragrammaton, the Hebrew rendering of YHWH as the name of God, is seen in the book of Genesis. AND there are that many days of the year left as I write this! I didn't plan that one.

2382. According to the Blogger platform that I use, this post will be the 2,382nd there. So it's the 886th published (that is, that I've written on Blogger) and in that four-digit count is included 1,484 imported (from Multiply, before it went completely commercial) posts and as of now 12 drafts, six of which are those "Victory" posts I'm set to edit this month. That and get ready for my role as the Municipal Liaison for National Novel Writing Month in this area this year. I already know the story I'm writing, it's just a matter of getting there in three months' time.

31,173. The number of verses in the Bible. That and many other figures (see 153 above) appear in Trevor Barnes' The Bible In 100 Numbers (ISBN 9781435163003), the book I picked up for myself last weekend while getting Martha an exercise ball, Sarah an emoji sticker book, and Jeffrey two Finding Dory figures on our last weekend before budget cuts will be made. And Martha finally let me in on seeing how she lists what bills to be paid when ... it is not that I don't care, it is that I want to take some of the seriousness off of my wife. What she lets the sisters get away with is mind-boggling.

293,123. According to the North Dakota State Fair and as I read in today's Minot Daily News before work, that's how many people attended this year. It's down, but the director isn't too sad about that -- with a drop of four percent from last year's 305,093 attendees despite the economy (which can get blamed or credited for just about anything) as we get back to relative normality here in Minot, neither am I. Now if the blamed construction around town would just finally get done before school starts in twenty-three days ...

We have normality. I repeat, we have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem.



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