It's Really Three Weeks Until Spring?

Seven years ago ...

Job 4:1-21                                                                                    March 2
the innocent who suffer; [my weight that day of] 209.4 lbs.       10903.02

Shall mortal man be more just than God?
shall a man be more pure than his Maker? 17

2 Peter 1 - Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ:
According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be stablished in the truth.

[Space here, though I didn't make one in my written journal I'm quoting from here.]

Gaining weight and raising blood glucose is not how I want to greet [March 2, 2009 which was a] Monday. Nor with Sarah's cough, neither my sister Bonita dead from her breast cancer the eighteenth of last month [January 18, 2009]. Help me, Lord, to see day by day what's really and WHO's really most important for the sake of the life I have left. Amen.

[Bottom left on this page I placed a sticker of Dora the Explorer and Boots with autumn leaves.]

Reversing the WABAC Machine ...

After work last night I got to Christ Lutheran for the last Cub Scout meeting I'll be leading. Not only because Jeffrey's didn't seem to be getting much out of it and Martha and I decided to pull him from the program (and I had at least one parent there empathize with me on that) after three years but. And this is a big but -- I wonder if Jeffrey's vision is really frustrating him and he doesn't know how to tell us, never mind the growing pains both he and Sarah are still experiencing. Today after school's the kids' six-month eye exam and for about a year and a half Jeffrey's vision has been close to but not needing corrective lenses. Since Martha and Sarah and I all wear glasses ourselves, it would make sense for Mister J to need them as well. Non sequitur, but follow me anyway.

I also don't want to be getting more ill reports like I did yesterday about my son -- honey, Martha, when you're reading this please forgive me for not saying our son, it's just hard to switch pronouns so much without my sounding multiple personality -- from his teacher when he was ... let's see now, "he was kicking another student repeatedly and when the CLC teacher told him to stop, he just kept going. She had to talk to him several times. This occurs quite regularly." And I talked to both his and Sarah's teachers this morning and let them know I keep up with what's going on with them, the good and the bad. With a culture in school and out today that's so bully-sensitive (and not the excelling, Theodore Roosevelt kind) today, I want none of us becoming one.

SO I picked up the younglings at Grandma and Grandpa's last night where Martha's aunt Shirley was visiting for the month (and is looking much better than I've seen her lately!) and brought them home and fixed everybody the Totino's pizzas we'd bought this weekend. Cubed pepperoni for the kids, bacon and pepperoni for me -- and I could still taste the bacon even after I streamed pepperoni on my pizza because they never put enough! -- and ground pork and Canadian bacon (which I do not plan to move to Canada to get no matter what happens this November!) for Martha. It was ready, along with the shredded cheese she likes atop it, when she got home from work at Burger King last night; she's taken on Tuesdays now as well, I just want her to leave the bad back and all else there!

I can be talked into rubbing it out, David 


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