To Share Is To Care

Roses are red,
Violets are blue
I love my mommy
and daddy too!

(Sarah and Jeffrey each presented this poem April 25, 2013, “put a poem in your pocket” day at school)

Lobster friend, growing one leg at a time –
Tactical generosity abused,
Victoria says, we are not amused.

He's lost two little legs – washed away,
What doesn't kill him makes him stronger.
Nietzsche's notion that's ruined nations.

With eight legs, the third's shot away
Just picture a decapod 'come
The fifth prime – it's a brave new world.

School attacks; ten's become six
And the stubble that remains
Makes him hop on two threes, son.

Sinking in ocean sand,
Leg five is a club, come
To bat the beast away.

The rest, limp and fall
Reveal the meat, recall
A feast, here once more.

(“The Triggerfish Chorus”, a poem I wrote New Year's Day 2000, finished 1:17 PM EST)


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