The Gospel According To Dana

The Gospel According To Dana

And NO, I'm not referring to someone I know (though in the context which I heard this yesterday, it may be a future Ensign). But Pastor Janet used this person yesterday in her sermon to illustrate the point that everybody has God's call on their lives, even if what you and I consider God's call is not always obvious. The Dana in question specializes in removing tattoos, and one client in particular was someone who wanted the tattoos of her abusive boyfriend's name removed that he made her get.

So yesterday was Easter (and at least one church I've been member of in my life – Bethany's actually the sixth – referred to Resurrection Sunday because, unlike Jesus rising from the dead, “Easter” does have pre-Christian, decidedly non-Christian associations) and for the first time in years I chose to go to our sunrise service. I also signed up to read the Scripture so I'd have more incentive to be there, and after service Breakfast with the Boys served muffins and juice.

Then after Martha sang at both services we were over at her parents' house for Easter lunch – or is it Easter dinner, I can never quite tell – and hung out relaxing for a few hours afterward. Between the NCIS marathon running on USA Network and Sarah recovering from the chills and fever this weekend that Jeffrey had Wednesday and Thursday, I'd say we have done very well. Oh, and if you're looking for the April Fools' joke today in something I'm writing here. I think the joke is there isn't one.

Catch you soon, I have goals to achieve! David


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