Oh Well, Olive!

Martha Jean (my wife who usually goes in these posts by simply "Martha") lamented this bad pun when she was ready to put some olives on the pizza she planned to make for herself this evening before going to the first rehearsal for Chamber Chorale tonight. She asked me last Sunday if that was all right, for a few years ago I blew up about it for I felt, and still feel a little, it takes time away from her family (that is, Sarah, Jeffrey, and me -- especially me) yet I said I was good with it. I think my exact words at church last week were "I will try to bite my tongue about it". For I believe I have gotten better at keeping my temper reined in, especially when I know blowing up will do no good.

Not even to me.

Speaking of church, this morning's worship service was held outdoors at our local Scandinavian Heritage Park, well attended and with a potluck dinner (brunch? lunch?) afterward. While we were eating some of the worship organizers went around to take photos of us holding up Bible verses and other encouragers to share with the churchgoers on Wednesday night, which is where in a few weeks Sunday school will be taking place as well as Confirmation classes do already! And we'll be able to eat there as well as worship, just not confuse the two like I'VE been doing lately, forgetting to say a blessing before I eat when I'm on my own!

Sorry, Screwtape, but that is not due to indifference!

August has been my month to re-read How to Win Friends and Influence People as well as to realize how no matter what effort I make applying said principles I will not satisfy or relate to everybody. And especially since Friday at work (the intensity of said job as well as the utter BLAH I'm feeling at the end of some days being why you don't see me here as much as you used to) I'm seeing that some of the pressure and dislike has nothing to do with me. Indeed, I pity -- but I won't say that too loudly -- some who feel, or it seems to me they feel, that sarcasm and hostility is all that will get through.

And on that note, I'm going to do the dishes.



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