Go Make Me Happy

This was Jeffrey's half-joking line to me after church yesterday when he, Martha, Sarah, and I were grocery shopping at Cash Wise Foods after Sarah's friend Scottie had spent the night with us (I say with us because she's practically a special guest, there more than some family are!) when we encouraged Martha to agree to pick up lettuce and tomatoes to make BLT sandwiches with the bacon she needs for some recipes she's looked up online to help her start a program of weight loss. She'll be able to move a lot better as well, for her left knee has really been acting up on her; we don't know whether something's torn or it's just pain coming with age. I just want it to be something she sticks with, not only eating leaner and working out at she can but also being healthy, for her household's sake as much as mine!

And as I write this, Martha is scheduled to get an ultrasound done (no, not for THAT, we took care of that after Jeffrey was born!) at the hospital to check for a blood clot. And the good doctor she went to changed her blood pressure medication. I would welcome some extra prayers and energy for her, thank you so much. Now what would make me happy is to see the result of steadily keeping my wife healthier and getting her nicer. I can only keep Sarah and Jeffrey out of her way so much and only agree with her being down or herself so much. I don't want to get to the point where I'm dreading coming home again ... and maybe I shouldn't say this in a public post, but if I'm the only one who cares whether the kids are getting their work done and being worthy of having friends, it's hard to keep up.

Saturday Martha surprised us by bringing Scottie to our house with her after she'd gotten off work, and the kids and I had gotten home about ten minutes before. It was our off-Saturday from Breakfast With The Boys so we'd slept in, or rather I had more than the kids! Around noon Sarah asked me if she and Jeffrey could pool the allowance I'd paid them Friday to buy a Rubik's cube and I'd pick up the tax on it. Not so unreasonable, I thought, going to Kmart and then afterwards to the State Fair Grounds which when the North Dakota State Fair is not going on at the end of July hosts occasionally intelligent events and then checking out the Minot Coin Show held in conjunction with the regional Flea Market. I like the Flea Market, them not so much, but they'll stop and look around with me. I appreciate that, as some of it's a trip through childhood for me.

So when we got home and Scottie had been picked up by Martha at her house and met us there, we each drifted off into our own things for a while. While some hamburger was thawing out on the stove, we were discussing what movie to go see -- which once Oak Park Theater which is rebuilding from the flood damage of six years ago will likely mean go see there a bit more, but for now without a very special occasion or a ready supply of cash means go see by renting it at Video Magic -- and while Martha and the kids went there I went to our local Carmike Cinema for the (much buttered, but I think it will be our last one for a while with certain conditions) popcorn as well as some necessary groceries, like Hamburger Helper deluxe cheeseburger macaroni that sticks to the ribs! AND Death by Chocolate ice cream, which I got them all as a treat.

Never say you go away from our house unfed! Scottie was with us at church yesterday after the kids had all stayed up Saturday and assembled two jigsaw puzzles that have been sitting on our dining room table for weeks, after we'd watched Trolls (again for me and the fam, and I stayed awake through the whole thing this time so it made sense) and the Billy Crystal/Bette Midler 2012 vehicle Parental Guidance with them as grandparents. Once you get used to them ... at that age (and I've learned now they're only two years three months apart; Billy's now 69 and Bette's 71) a multigenerational comedy like PG (I'm naming it for the movie rating of the same name) is truly fun. Sunday afternoon after grocery shopping Martha's sister Mary treated us to lunch at McDonald's -- got my Shamrock Shake, YES! -- and then was out at our place helping the kids put together their Valentine's Day boxes for school tomorrow.

Martha and I are just not the crafty ones,



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