Nothing Ever Remains Obscure

Ok, since this collection of my favorite status and passages I've read over the last half of August would sit in my draft folder until next week (won't be here Monday for Labor Day, Ensign's tomorrow, and I will probably relate something that happened in our household when I get back) and my brain's got the consistency of spaghetti since I couldn't get back to sleep after a 4 am car alarm, I will share it today.

As for today's title, it's a new Playstation 4 game which I think would sound better if its title were rendered in Latin!

But then, I've always hated a Roman named Status Quo.


1. To all my Christian friends and family that know how I am this missive should come as no surprise as I do this every once in a while and it is not meant as being disrespectful (but I am also the child that asked if there was a limited number of folks in the world where the heck did Cain find a wife and was she one of Lilith's kids) especially when I have sat quiet and said nothing as the world around me has continued to prove to me that common sense took a holiday and never c...ame back.Something for folks that have a problem with Transgender/Gay/Narcissistic to think about ESPECIALLY if you call yourselves Christians: Adam was a hermaphrodite that got the ultimate in surgeries, he was cloned in all but gender and that is how we got Eve. Sounds stupid? well that statement was based on the words put forth in the BIBLE. LOGIC says that if EVE(and LILITH) came from Adam, then Adam had both male and female in him an while he chose to stay male, he gave life to females..AND since..he and EVE begat several children who in turn had to have "known" each other as they were the only folks on the earth, let us throw a little incest in there just to even the mix....and THAT is just the first book of the Bible. Now before you all go having a fit with me and saying I am anything other than what I am, know this, I grew up Christian, my father was a deacon, my mother a Deaconess and there were at least 2 ministers in my family that I know of...I had the Bible preached at me 7 days out of the week and though I can not (intentionally) give you the book chapter and verse I KNOW the bible. I know that it is full of oddities and eyebrow raisers as well as lesson taught through stories. But those that use it to further their BS ideology are more jacked than I can put words to. Jesus said unto the men let he who is without sin cast the first stone He didn't say give any exceptions of what kind of sin, he said SIN when they looked around there were no accusers, so what in this world or any other aside from the the tortured mental world that you live in makes you collectively or individually think that any of you have the right to stone anyone for what or who they are?????Maybe you all should lead the life of the fine gentleman again in your Bible that said do as you wish but as for me and my family we shall serve the Lord. If you need translation of that he said You all can do what you want to do but me and my family are going to serve our Lord in OUr way and we are going to stay out of your business... maybe you should too. To my Friend Keith, yes I have been thinking again and you know what happened the last time I started thinking about things in the Bible it has happened again.And I didn't want to send you back to revisit the words again....

2. [This Poster's boyfriend] works in the ER, saving lives on a daily basis. Sometimes when I feel like my writing is worthless, I tell him that I don't know how to measure up to him literally saving lives, but he's quick to remind me of something I think every writer should keep in mind. He tells me that if he didn't have a day off and couldn't sit down to read a good book or watch a show, he would spiral down into depression and a much darker path because of everything he ha...s to deal with. In a way, books aren't just for entertainment, but they can literally save a life because they provide a temporary escape from reality. For people like [him], this means a lot.
So if you ever think you're wasting your time writing, and if you ever think your writing is worthless, remember that a first responder could have your book in hand and retreat to it for a few hours, and that could save their sanity, so they will be ready to face the grim reality again.
Once you publish a book, you never know who reads it. You might never know because they won't always leave a review or reach out to you, but that doesn't mean you didn't touch their life.
So keep writing.

3. We have a society of blind, rude, "supposedly" entitled children, that could care about nothing, but if you spell something wrong. Oh, besides their selfishness. The fact is, we are being led to slavery & or slaughter. A lot of parents need to think about their actions, or lack of, that allowed this to be the norm. I am physically ill over this & accept my own failure. Have to say though, my boy is good, faithful, & aware.

4. Thanks, David Alvin....much appreciated! Tom [McBride, professor/co-creator of The Mindset List from Beloit College, Wisconsin]

(to me on Facebook's The Mindset List page, 081716, 1350 hrs)

[Hey, I'll take appreciation where I can get it! - D.]

5. He truly stumps upon the terra his footprints will take centuries to begin to fade. Thanks for laboring him love.

6. Why is everyone's font big??

7. Aww, poor baby. He tortured his co-stars by remaining in-character on and off set and is upset that the film wasn't more "artistic" despite the fact he still hasn't seen it? I found the visuals quite stylistic, which was more of a point than the actual plot. (I enjoyed the movie, but all I really cared about was that they didn't ruin Harley for me.) Jordan Catalano [whom Leto previous played in the mid-1990s TV show My So-Called Life - D.] is being a diva about this.

(one poster's response to the 081616 article, "Jared Leto Reportedly Feels He Was 'Tricked' Into Suicide Squad")

8. I'm heading n to work on fruit.LOl

9. Taste your words before you spit them out.
Never judge to someone without knowing the whole may think you'll understand, but you don't.
We all live in a glass houses, and no one has a clean windows...

10. New brands, networking, and nights out. We had the best time in Las Vegas!

11. Feeling really good about life today! I only have 2,680 emails in my inbox. I consider this a major accomplishment. 🙌🏼

12. It takes about 6 episodes for the acting of the lead character to get better

13. When you're supposed to feel happy because you're on happy pills, but you should just pull up your big girl pants and handle it yourself.

14. A story about booze, not incidentally shared to my feed by a bartender friend of mine. Also a story about how consumerism, addiction, and oppression interact. And about how many of us are conditioned to vent about how crappy our lives and our system are without taking the super hard next step of fighting back against that. Well worth the read.

15. Writer support, not writing support.
I'm In serious need of comfort food.
What's you're favorite soup recipe?
I generally make either tomato bisque, tom kha gai or potato sausage and need a change.

16.It's strictly propaganda. Who would've guessed?

Also, once it becomes normal, the next version will probably have a camera and microphone concealed within the shell through a transparent but tinted front panel. If discovered, it will turn out to be for security purposes.

17. Well, despite all efforts to "practice" getting used to it, the actual [first day of school, which for my kids was the following day - D.] DOES hit like a brick ...

me, 082316, 1121 hrs

18. I'm happy my kids will get a break from each other too. There's been a bit of bickering going on. David, that's funny. The day does hit like a brick! lol

a local friend of mine responding to that, 1150 hrs

19. The voice of caution was sometimes tiresome, but usually correct.

(Sean Danker, Admiral, p. 72)

20. And what is friendship but the sum of favors?

(Campbell Black, Raiders of the Lost Ark, p. 59)

21. When a person really loves you they will do anything they can to show you , even when they have made a mistake upon bad judgement and they see the damage that has been done, they will do anything to make it right to make way to make things they way it used to be.(It take a strong heart to love and a even stronger heart to love after being broken.)~* there is good and there is bad in this world but we have to find the good in that person no matter what that person has done*~ i...f you really love them and you will know it if you do then you can find the good.(Saying I love you to someone is words rolling of the tong.) but actually showing you and doing things to make things right lets the person with the damaged heart know they really do love you.( life is to short to not to be happy so make the best of what ever happened and let it go.) love is precious thing to have and the most heart breaking thing to lose.(So if you really love the person your with no matter what comes in your all's way work it out and make the best of your all's relationship it may be hard to do but If you really love them then you will.)

22. If you ever need alien conflict in your story have two opposing species interact.
Take for instance, highly technological vs highly botanical.
"Move over I have to stop the bleeding with this moss!"...
"No I am going to stop it by electro-scraping the edges!"
"Ugh can't you do ANYTHING without electricity?!"
"COMING FROM YOU!! Can't you do anything WITH technology?!"

23. By the literal dictionary definition as it exists today, yes white people can be victims of racism. The point of changing that definition is so that we can delineate hurt white feelings from actually-harmful, life-threatening memetic notions about POC.

So it has become the new understanding that racism is specifically about systems of power - white people have it in America, POC do not. Therefore, when a POC says "all white people don't understand this issue," they are saying something that is A: mostly actually true, and B: even if it were significantly harmful, it lacks the institutional power for anything to come of that. The stereotype that white people are ignorant and like pumpkin spice latte has never contributed to police brutality; the notion that black people are stupid and lazy does. People die from that.

So it's important to control our language and clarify the difference in social power between white people and POC. Hence, I subscribe to the new understanding of the word 'racism,' and I view all disparaging opinions of white people as simple prejudice.

24. When you need to blow up your enemies and take the throne on the same day...

The Violet Vixen [it's a online clothing boutique - D.], 082816, c. 2330 hrs

25. I Feel the ocean breeze blowing
from the coast of your heart
The gulf of happiness remains
waiting for the currents
that will sail me to you...
The pebbled sands the beaches
we lock our dreams to
I lay at night depicting
stars of our unity
In the constellations of hope
You fill ventricles that
were once empty spaces,
your soul envelopes and
my fingertip traces
I am love

~Simply Tylee

[Any poetry that uses "ventricles" or other blood vessels and makes them work works for me! Copyright the stated author above. - D.]

26. The best feeling in the world is taking your bra off after work, especially when you're home from work before 4 pm.

[I'll have to take the poster's word for that ... - D.]

27. "Latte" is Latin for: You paid too much for that coffee...

28. Ciaran sits in his chair and cries "The standard of evil just continues to fall nowadays."

29. I wonder if all those emo kids who turned bro are cowboys now

30. It disturbs me to hear the Hitler label put on any person someone dislikes, or dislikes their policies. It trivialized the horror that Hitler was actually responsible for. The mathematical way he went about torturing and killing millions of people, experimenting on and then killing twin babies and young children. Putting people in concentration camps to work them to death and then burning their bodies by the millions. It's easy to call someone Hitler because ignorant people would have to think in original descriptive terms. Original thought might be more than some mentalities are capable of
I am not a Trump supporter. I'm just a student of history. Study a little maybe.

31. I study history and it disturbs me when I hear and echo.

(in response to previous post)


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