Unexplained Bales of Hay

Eighteen years ago ...



morals can't be divorced from my life! Jessica Whetstone (CC 2005) overcoming ennui, Michigan State fellowship servants in ministry at Pittsburgh; work recharges me; grow

It's difficult for me to not have compassion for the suffering -- but David Hammock and my Dad really push it. We want to change but we're "too old" or "too set in our ways" to even try. People who can't change are dead already, because they turn their backs on those who can help the most -- and by relation, turn their backs on Christ who can help the best.

So my journal entries in 2000 were day of the week, prayer requests, and something ... really, not quite as snarky as it sounds. Eighteen years later, there's plenty of people (heck, even myself) whom I could replace the name of my then-landlord and my dad with.

But I digress. Today I sit after church home with my kids while Martha's at choir practice and Sarah is having a nice cough while Jeffrey's watching one of his latest football plays. And today's title

may be the most unusual line I've read this week,



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