Not Quite A Space Odyssey
Seventeen years ago ...
Romans 8:24-27 May 12
for the burden for lost 10105.12
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know now what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groaning so which cannot be uttered. 26
My throat is clearing up, praise God! Though I have a full day ahead, I can meet it with confidence that I am not broken, nor beaten, and not lost. Let me be more faithful than I have been and believe that thy will can be done for me. For the future, that's a little opaque; but I can control what I am doing now (and get some sleep!).
Shelley, Mary. The Last Man. With an introduction by Marge Piercy. New York: Bantam Books, 1994.
Could Mary Shelley have ever felt this exhilarated? After writing her third (in 1826), deeply introspective anti-Romantic novel, the end of humanity by a catastrophic plague in the late 21st century is also a triumph. Lionel Verney narrates the tale of his own conversion as well as the story of those closest to him as they love and meet their fates fighting.
[Also included on the two written pages of this journal entry are prayer requests for Martha sings, Julie and her wisdom tooth, and a picture of a frizzy brunette.]
For those who keep on dreaming of living in a 9/10 world ...
The author best known for Frankenstein (who for the record is the last name of the scientist who made the monster, not the monster himself) wrote a better book in my opinion with The Last Man ... unfortunately, it's a mite anachronistic to be remade into other media without major adaptation. But that's ok too -- you need lesser-known work from your favorite writers to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Here on Mother's Day Eve, I'm home with the kids for a bit before picking Martha up from her Saturday shift at Burger King (and before you criticize, we're down to one vehicle right now and the managers there have been mock-begging Martha to come back) with Sarah overcoming some really bad sniffles and Jeffrey laying on the couch, both taking advantage of their lazy Saturdays. And I'm getting better at that too.
At least, I believe I am.
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