For You Who'll Be Sixty And Up
Some of my favorite passages quoted in "Age doesn't matter unless you're a cheese." Collected by Kathryn and Ross Petras. ISBN 9780761125181
And the main criterion for getting quoted by or collected in this book is that you had to be at least sixty years old! For me, that's about fourteen years to go ...
One starts to get young at the age of sixty, and then it is too late. (Pablo Picasso)
When I was forty and looking at sixty, it seemed like a thousand miles away. But sixty-two feels like a week and a half away from eighty. I must now get on with those things I always talked about doing but put off. (Harry Belafonte)
At twenty, a man is full of life and hope. He wants to reform the world. When he is seventy, he still wants to reform the world, but he knows he can't. (Clarence Darrow)
My experience has been in a short seventy-seven years ... that in the end when you fight for a desperate cause and have good reasons to fight, you usually win. (Edward Teller)
When one has reached eighty-one, one likes to sit back and let the world turn by itself, without trying to push it. (Sean O'Casey)
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