This Is A CAT?
[Odd thing about status #1 here posted by a friend from the last half of May; I would think a cat would get into the makeup before a dog would. The Poster of status #12 might agree with me! Oy vey, it's like Robert Heinlein said, women and cats will do what they please, and men and dogs had better get used to the idea. Enjoy. -- David]
1. My dog just ate all my makeup. I came home and she was covered in lipstick and blush and eyeshadow. I kid you not.
Should I be worried about her? She hasn't chewed anything since she was a puppy and she's now nine.
I'm thinking about calling my vet and telling her I have veterinary cosmetic emergency.
2. I'm grateful for family bonds. However dysfunctional we may be, in the end, we are family.
I'd rather argue with my sister, brother, niece, or cousin any day than putting flowers on their graves. Whether they tolerate my sense of humor and snarky comments today, or we disagree on politics, religion, or current fashion, I still love them and am thankful to have them in my life.
3. "You built your wall so high, no one could climb it, but I'm gonna try. Would you let me see beneath your beautiful? Would you let me see beneath your perfect?"
"I wished you the best of all this world could give and I told you, when you left me, there's nothing to forgive. I always thought that you'd come back, tell me, all you found was heart break, and misery. It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way you're happy without me."
Um.. hello rock. I'm [the Poster of this status]. And I've been living underneath you. Anyone else not know who this Labrinth guy is and his good music. I love the lyrics!!
4. ... Not everyone, however, can speak with equal confidence about whether they themselves have been a mentor to someone else. . . . When we mentor others, we are challenged to help shape the future by molding the next generation of leaders, to pass on the values and heritage of everything we hold near and dear, and to affirm the inherent worth and talents of those who look to us for a blessing.
(Stanley J. Meyer, Christ In Our Home, 052217)
5. Brian K. Vaughan's Saga is incredible and unexpectedly autobiographical.
(Saga at Image Comics Facebook page, 1223 hrs)
6. Are We Living Lives Worth Their Sacrifice?
Around Memorial Day here in the U.S., I always think about the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. And sometimes, I have to say, I feel a little sad. Not because their sacrifices weren’t noble and brave. But because of how few of the people they sacrificed for, really choose a life of freedom.
In a free country, we all have the ability to direct our own lives, but not all of us have the vision or the courage. Instead, most people subject themselves to decades of working non-stop for someone else, building that person’s dreams.
They trudge back and forth in a rut, trapped inside small thinking and fears.
Or maybe they’re so conditioned to follow the status quo, they just don’t see that there is another way.
That other way is ENTREPRENEURSHIP:
- Freedom from a boss who owns that person’s time and sweat.
- Freedom from having to do one boring job day after day.
- Freedom to earn as much as the business can generate.
Sure, it can feel scary to go out on one’s own… but once a person sees what’s possible in their own business, it’s impossible to be satisfied with a life in the rut.
(Millionaire's Mind Facebook page, 1246 hrs)
7. Dear Liberty GB
On behalf of PNR - Partido Nacional Renovador, the Portuguese nationalist party - I would like to convey my deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the killed and injured in the brutal terrorist attacks last night in Manchester.
In Portugal, we follow and support your actions against the domination of Britain by the EU and your fight to maintain your borders and identity. We are ready to unite and collectively combat the menace of terrorism and Musli...m extremism in Europe.
On behalf of PNR - Partido Nacional Renovador, the Portuguese nationalist party - I would like to convey my deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the killed and injured in the brutal terrorist attacks last night in Manchester.
In Portugal, we follow and support your actions against the domination of Britain by the EU and your fight to maintain your borders and identity. We are ready to unite and collectively combat the menace of terrorism and Musli...m extremism in Europe.
The Portuguese do not forget that English soldiers in the 12th century helped us conquer Lisbon and expel Muslim invaders from what we still call St. George's Castle. You can count on us, not to pray, but to change politics!
Kind regards,
Carlos Gustavo Neto
PNR - International Liaison
(Liberty GB Facebook page, 052317, 1038 hrs)
Kind regards,
Carlos Gustavo Neto
PNR - International Liaison
(Liberty GB Facebook page, 052317, 1038 hrs)
8. This strip [today's cover photo], published 56 years ago today on May 23, 1961, was the first appearance of Frieda’s cat, Faron. Charles Schulz quickly realized that Faron as a character was flawed, so he dropped the cat from the strip later the same year. Faron’s last appearance was in a strip published on November 20, 1961.
“Many years ago I decided that it would be kind of funny during the constant struggle that went on between Frieda and Snoopy, if Frieda were to bring in a cat in order to try... to win out in some way over Snoopy. So I made up this cat Faron, after Faron Young the country western singer, but suddenly I discovered many things. In the first place, I discovered I couldn’t draw a cat, which is a frightening thing to find out after you’ve already introduced a cat to the strip. And here we get right down to a basic analysis of humor. I discovered that by having a cat in the strip it was turning Snoopy too much towards being a real dog … and it started to draw all the personality out of Snoopy. So the whole thing didn’t work and I think poor Faron is gone for good.” - Charles Schulz, 1970.
(Charles M. Schulz Museum Facebook page, c. 1153 hrs)
9. David Alvin they don't need to stick friend!! His word says where two or more stand in agreement on it shall be granted -- standing and believing!! Just waiting for you to be placed in the position!!! Claiming victory on this job!!!!
[This was a Friend's response to my reply thanking her for prayer because "the more (job applications) I get out the more likely one will stick!"]
10. Only trust someone who can see these three things in you:
The sorrow behind your smile
The love behind your anger,
And the reason behind your silence
Thank you Lord for Blessings
“Many years ago I decided that it would be kind of funny during the constant struggle that went on between Frieda and Snoopy, if Frieda were to bring in a cat in order to try... to win out in some way over Snoopy. So I made up this cat Faron, after Faron Young the country western singer, but suddenly I discovered many things. In the first place, I discovered I couldn’t draw a cat, which is a frightening thing to find out after you’ve already introduced a cat to the strip. And here we get right down to a basic analysis of humor. I discovered that by having a cat in the strip it was turning Snoopy too much towards being a real dog … and it started to draw all the personality out of Snoopy. So the whole thing didn’t work and I think poor Faron is gone for good.” - Charles Schulz, 1970.
(Charles M. Schulz Museum Facebook page, c. 1153 hrs)
9. David Alvin they don't need to stick friend!! His word says where two or more stand in agreement on it shall be granted -- standing and believing!! Just waiting for you to be placed in the position!!! Claiming victory on this job!!!!
[This was a Friend's response to my reply thanking her for prayer because "the more (job applications) I get out the more likely one will stick!"]
10. Only trust someone who can see these three things in you:

The sorrow behind your smile

The love behind your anger,

And the reason behind your silence

Thank you Lord for Blessings
11. Last night a woman in my taxi insisted I take her Mace because I was the first woman taxi driver she'd ever met and she decided I really need it. I can honestly say after giving hundreds of people rides over the past few months, many whom society would deem pretty "shady", I have never once felt truly unsafe or felt that I needed Mace.
The one unifying theme of the ones many people would be scared by? They mostly wanted to talk and tell their stories. That's what most pe...ople want.
The one unifying theme of the ones many people would be scared by? They mostly wanted to talk and tell their stories. That's what most pe...ople want.
So, the can of Mace is going in the trash where it belongs -- even though I appreciate her intention. Most people are good and respond well to open, calm and positive energy. That is my major take away from three months of being in a vehicle with an endless array of strangers.
Most people are truly good if one looks with eyes to see.
12. To the cat: I do not wake up for pushy felines.
Sincerely, the person that feeds you.
13. Coffee: When Your Brain Needs A Hug
(posted on Death Wish Coffee Company's Facebook page, 052517, 1706 hrs)
14. "A true scientist remains doxastically open. That means that she works always on the assumption that her theory is a) false or incomplete and b) will therefore change."
"Scientism, in contrast, is doxastically closed. That means that it identifies our best theory but then behaves as if it is a) absolute truth and b) will therefore not change."
(Rebel Yid Facebook page, 052617, 0746 hrs)
[Sorry for the delay. I had to look up what doxastically meant. It's the adverb form of "doxastic" which means of, pertaining to, or depending on opinion; conjectural. Courtesy of Wiktionary.]
15. Perhaps, I just don't remember, but I don't recall there being so much cancer years ago. I don't recall there being so much diabetes. I do know that, insulin is used to nurture cancer cells in the laboratory. I wonder if sugar consumption, followed by insulin response is causing more cancer, and diabetes. I believe that sugar in our foods is our mortal enemy. I haven't had any sugar, corn syrup, etc. in my foods . for 2 months.
16. Call an Egyptian black.
Lol that title only translates in the unites states. Even Africans are insulted when you call them black. Thats saying something.
18. ... It is as though, like children, we yearn for our superheroes to be real, only to repeatedly discover they are myth. We are left longing for something to fill the emptiness and quicken our confidence again.
Mary personifies the only real superhero for this or any other age. Her strength is her humility and gentleness; her powers are demonstrated in self-sactifice and faithfulness. She reminds us that the Christian faith honors what the world often considers weakness.
(Stanley J. Meyer, 053117, Christ In Our Home)
19. At the same time, I think it’s also important that there are new fantasy/sci-fi stories out there, especially ones that are strictly for an adult audience. I’m thankful that Image Comics has been so supportive over the last six years letting Fiona [Staples] and me tell our unfiltered story of sex, drugs and sloppy proxy wars.
(Jeffrey Renaud,, "INTERVIEW: BKV Brings Saga Out West For 'Fun-Filled' Arc, The Coffin", c. 1330 hrs)
Most people are truly good if one looks with eyes to see.
12. To the cat: I do not wake up for pushy felines.
Sincerely, the person that feeds you.
13. Coffee: When Your Brain Needs A Hug
(posted on Death Wish Coffee Company's Facebook page, 052517, 1706 hrs)
14. "A true scientist remains doxastically open. That means that she works always on the assumption that her theory is a) false or incomplete and b) will therefore change."
"Scientism, in contrast, is doxastically closed. That means that it identifies our best theory but then behaves as if it is a) absolute truth and b) will therefore not change."
(Rebel Yid Facebook page, 052617, 0746 hrs)
[Sorry for the delay. I had to look up what doxastically meant. It's the adverb form of "doxastic" which means of, pertaining to, or depending on opinion; conjectural. Courtesy of Wiktionary.]
15. Perhaps, I just don't remember, but I don't recall there being so much cancer years ago. I don't recall there being so much diabetes. I do know that, insulin is used to nurture cancer cells in the laboratory. I wonder if sugar consumption, followed by insulin response is causing more cancer, and diabetes. I believe that sugar in our foods is our mortal enemy. I haven't had any sugar, corn syrup, etc. in my foods . for 2 months.
16. Call an Egyptian black.
Lol that title only translates in the unites states. Even Africans are insulted when you call them black. Thats saying something.
17. Bring to me the sunrises
Transform them into steps
To find my way to heaven's gate.
And find my old, new self.
Transform them into steps
To find my way to heaven's gate.
And find my old, new self.
~~~>Tesa Wallace~~~Copyright @2017 All Rights Reserved
18. ... It is as though, like children, we yearn for our superheroes to be real, only to repeatedly discover they are myth. We are left longing for something to fill the emptiness and quicken our confidence again.
Mary personifies the only real superhero for this or any other age. Her strength is her humility and gentleness; her powers are demonstrated in self-sactifice and faithfulness. She reminds us that the Christian faith honors what the world often considers weakness.
(Stanley J. Meyer, 053117, Christ In Our Home)
19. At the same time, I think it’s also important that there are new fantasy/sci-fi stories out there, especially ones that are strictly for an adult audience. I’m thankful that Image Comics has been so supportive over the last six years letting Fiona [Staples] and me tell our unfiltered story of sex, drugs and sloppy proxy wars.
(Jeffrey Renaud,, "INTERVIEW: BKV Brings Saga Out West For 'Fun-Filled' Arc, The Coffin", c. 1330 hrs)
20. Just six weeks after the Battles of Lexington and Concord, Harvard President Samuel Langdon, MAY 31, 1775, spoke to the Massachusetts Provincial Congress. [It] was titled "Government Corrupted By Vice":
"They ... attempted, by a sudden march of a body of troops in the night, to seize and destroy one of our magazines, formed by the people merely for their own security ... The fire began first on the side of the king's troops ... But for what? Because they have made a noble ...stand for their natural and constitutional rights, in opposition to the machinations of wicked men ... aiming to enslave and ruin the whole nation ..."
"They ... attempted, by a sudden march of a body of troops in the night, to seize and destroy one of our magazines, formed by the people merely for their own security ... The fire began first on the side of the king's troops ... But for what? Because they have made a noble ...stand for their natural and constitutional rights, in opposition to the machinations of wicked men ... aiming to enslave and ruin the whole nation ..."
Langdon continued: "We must keep our eyes fixed on the supreme government of the ETERNAL KING, as directing all events, setting up or pulling down the kings of the earth at His pleasure ... That for the sins of a people God may suffer the best government to be corrupted, or entirely dissolved; and that nothing but a general reformation can give ground to hope that the public happiness will be restored ..." Bill Federer, American MInute
(posted on The American Experiment Facebook page, 1531 hrs)
(posted on The American Experiment Facebook page, 1531 hrs)
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