Either Way, You're Needed At The Party!
[Most people call it a job, but I try to be excited about it! Today is my last day at Fast Cash where I've been for about fourteen years, Monday is my first day at Trinity Health ... let's face it, July for me will have a learning curve. And how long that takes to surmount will determine when I drop in again with your ... well, with MY favorite reads and quotes from life, the universe, and everything! So here's the last half of June 2017 wrapped up for you. Explanations other than in brackets are extra.
1. I died on purpose.
Well, you'll live.
(Jeffrey Alvin and his mom, my wife Martha, regarding a game he was playing, 061817)
2. Sometimes you're a piece of birthday cake, sometimes you're a pinata. Either way, you're needed at the party!
3. Feel the pleasure of life in every second.
Keep smiling...
Rainy Monday
Thank you God..

4. Planets galore! Our Kepler space telescope has identified 219 potential new worlds in our galaxy.
(Kepler and K2 Missions page on Facebook, 061917, 1234 hrs)
5. Loving Inside Frustrating Eternity
6. Discernment is not knowing the difference betweeen right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.
(Charles Spurgeon, KHRT's Thought For The Day, 062017)
[Female Poster's friend] you must buy it and wear it to satisfy my intense need of wearing this. Take one for the team.
8. God does not intend for your marriage to make you happy...instead he intends for your marriage to make you HOLY. Often He is using your spouse to get out of you what needs to be out of you so that you can become the YOU that He created you to be. Stop misunderstanding the purpose for your marriage and stop resisting the process.
(Mend Our Marriage page on Facebook, 062017, 1529 hrs)
9. I tend to reach a point where I stop caring about the quality of my job and my relations with management. This typically happens when my approach to work ethic is repeatedly under appreciated and overlooked.
I've verbally retaliated against coworkers and supervisors in the past as a result, which may be entirely shocking for those who know me. I'm shy and low key.
At my current job I feel that I'm steadily inching my way towards that point again. Not because I hate it or hate my coworkers. Mostly because I simply don't LOVE it.
I would suggest looking far and wide. Look for something that will help achieve YOUR goals. Not the goals of a company or industry.
I'm currently considering things I haven't in the past. Because hey, who knows what will make me tick? If I haven't figured it out yet, might as well keep my mind open right?
Finde something that will love you back. Keep looking until you find it!
10. Far from that. [Former President Barack Obama]'s the opposite of Reagan, who used to be the best, but now has a challenger for that title in President Trump. That man is just fantastic, lacking only Reagan's sense of humor.
[This was posted 062317 -- June 23 for the rest of us -- in answer to the question "Was Obama the best president of your lifetime?"]
11. He didn't get his full potential!
(Jeffrey Alvin, 062517, 1042 hrs, on my picking up more discarded library books from Bethany Lutheran Sunday -- it's been my third trip as of that day!)
[Well said, my son. Well said.]
12. Why Did Yisroel Merit Receiving the Torah?
Today many sacrifice positions and careers out of loyalty to G-d's laws. Men and woman brave penury and persecution. Kollel wives endure poverty to enable their husbands to study Torah.... That is a fiery ordeal. But it is done with love, for in their heart burns a fiery love of G-d and His Torah. Because they are a fiery nation, He gave them the Torah of fire. -- Awake, My Glory.
Rav Avigdor Miller zya
13. "It is the eternal struggle between these two principles -- right and wrong -- throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time, and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings."
Abraham Lincoln - 1858
(President Abraham Lincoln - Quotes and Pictures page on Facebook, 062617, c. 0854 hrs)
14. A duel between three people is actually called a 'truel'.
(Death Wish Coffee Company page on Facebook, 062717, c. 0755 hrs)
[Shouldn't this be "among three people" since it's more than two, says my inner English geek?]
15. Every woman is your sister treat her accordingly.
16. Today was a busy day, but not all bad, I made pretty good time, passed through most of the stop lights on green!
If you have ever dealt with the public you know most are ok, but of course you have those people. Who's mission in life is to make yours more interesting.
Like one guy who bought some hot dogs, of course hot dogs aren't the only thing we sell, but he brought them in foiled wrappers, which might be hot dogs or something else?
I asked him how many he had? He said. " ...Two can't you count?"
I said I see to wrappers, but since I lack X ray vision, I can't see what is inside!
He was like "So did you interrogate, the last guy?"
I I asked you a question, like everybody else, which he said "Well I don't want them, I'll just take the news paper!" And left the food.
It's really amazing how much stuff customers waste!
Oh well tomorrow is another day!

[Yeah, about both the waste and tomorrow.]
17. I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact
(Elon Musk, seen 062817, 1235 hrs)
18. Trying to explain what being touch starved is to someone who is not familiar with the concept:
Me: Basically it is the lack of skin to skin contact with other human beings. I mean cats and dogs can help a little but human beings is best.
Them: So do you want a hug from me?
Me: No thankyou. ...
Them: But you just said you are touch starved and a hug would be human contact.
Me: Yes but it has to be *specific* human beings.
Them: So like girlfriend/boyfriend?
Me: Can be. Just someone you are comfortable with?
Them: Are you not comfortable with me?
Me: Not to the point where you would refill.
Them: Refill?
Me: Yeah you would not help my touch neediness because you are not the *right* person.
19. I hope you find a love you don't have to question.
20. As long as we take glory from one another, as long as ever we seek and love and jealously guard the glory of this life-the honor and reputation that comes from men-we do not seek and cannot receive the glory that comes from God. Pride renders faith impossible.
-Andrew Murray
21. Actual conversation with [Poster's daughter, C] yesterday.
C: Hey mom, we're getting new competition leos!
M: Oh great! ( in a sarcastic tone because they cost $1,000,000)
C: They are so pretty! With see-through 3/4 sleeves too!
M: What color?...
C: Pink and margarita
M: Ummmmm so like pink and green?
C: No! Like nude color Mom....margarita!
M: ......................
C: (looking at me like I've lost all sense)
M: Oooooh! You mean CHAMPAGNE??!!??
C: Yea, that's it! I knew it was some kind of drink!!
😂 This child!
Them: So do you want a hug from me?
Me: No thankyou. ...
Them: But you just said you are touch starved and a hug would be human contact.
Me: Yes but it has to be *specific* human beings.
Them: So like girlfriend/boyfriend?
Me: Can be. Just someone you are comfortable with?
Them: Are you not comfortable with me?
Me: Not to the point where you would refill.
Them: Refill?
Me: Yeah you would not help my touch neediness because you are not the *right* person.
19. I hope you find a love you don't have to question.
20. As long as we take glory from one another, as long as ever we seek and love and jealously guard the glory of this life-the honor and reputation that comes from men-we do not seek and cannot receive the glory that comes from God. Pride renders faith impossible.
-Andrew Murray
21. Actual conversation with [Poster's daughter, C] yesterday.
C: Hey mom, we're getting new competition leos!
M: Oh great! ( in a sarcastic tone because they cost $1,000,000)
C: They are so pretty! With see-through 3/4 sleeves too!
M: What color?...
C: Pink and margarita
M: Ummmmm so like pink and green?
C: No! Like nude color Mom....margarita!
M: ......................
C: (looking at me like I've lost all sense)
M: Oooooh! You mean CHAMPAGNE??!!??
C: Yea, that's it! I knew it was some kind of drink!!

[Competition leos = competition leotards; when I first read this, I was thinking something to do with the Zodiac!]
22. Our ancestors were not stupid. Given a time of plenty and safety, when they did not have to spend every minute looking for food or protecting themselves from predators, they could do great things. I remember a former NASA employee who, when laid off, studied archaeology in North Africa and found inscriptions thousands of years old which accurately revealed the orbit of the moon - something that western science had only recently discovered (when preparing for the "moon shot"). When a person has the time and the will, great things happen.
23. During the pre-Christian era the responsibility of guarding the oracles of God had rested on scribes and rabbis among the Jewish people, who had most admirably discharged their duty, but after the time of Christ the guardianship of both Old and New Testaments was transferred to the Christian Church. Unfortunately, in its over-jealous charge of the Book, the ecclesiastical hierarchy came to view the Bible as its own private property and not as a deposit which it held in trust for all mankind. This wrong outlook resulted in ignorance of the Bible among the masses and led also to neglect of its contents among the learned.
(Mildred Cable and Francesca French, The Bible In Mission Lands, p. 23)
[This book's copyright 1947 and here in 2017 as I read this passage I find myself wondering how true this is the other way around. That is, that the Bible is ignored among the learned and its contents are neglected among the masses. Your thoughts?]
24. Rats! Another June has passed, and I didn't get any honorary degrees!
(Snoopy, Peanuts, last two panels, June 30, 1972 strip)
[I feel your pain, my beagle friend.]
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