A Most Unnatural State
[With my change of career and consequent change of schedule from Fast Cash North to Trinity Health -- beginning next month, it's unlikely I'll be posting these favorite statuses of mine as much as I have. But anything's possible. Check out what I've collected here today! -- David]
1. We within the Beauty seem to be existing within hundreds of dimensions smultaneously. It's a most unnatural state.
(Syzygy Darklock, Dreadstar issue 21, cover date October 1985)
2. Funny how Doom's sudden appearance throws them all [on a cover of Avengers posted above] into interpretive dance mode.
3. But in the end, American innovative spirit is stronger than his insecurities
Tim Kaine, (D-VA), 060217, 0928 hrs (re: President Trump pulling the USA out of the Paris Accords regarding climate change mandates. I have my doubts about this act being an insecurity; me, I think it's a libertarian's wet dream.)
4. The State has the estimated cost by having a child from birth to your child turns 18 years, to be an average of 1 million dollars! But 1 million might not be so bad if you split it up? We can either say a child costs:
· 55 555 a year
· 4629 month
· There are 154 per day...
· About 6 bucks an hour...
So you can think about the awesome car you could have had if you didn't have children, or on all the wonderful ferieturene you will miss. Maybe the best advice you can give someone is wishing for a full life is not to have any children. Or maybe it's the opposite?
For what it is you actually get you for this million dollars?
The right to choose the name. First name, middle name and last name!
Little magical glimpse every day.
Giggles under the covers every night.
More love than your heart can hold.
Sommerfuglkyss and bjørneklemmer
Endless wonder over rocks, shells, ants, clouds and warm cookies.
A hand to hold, usually covered in sticky jelly, sand or chocolate.
Someone blowing bubbles and fly kites with.
Someone to laugh you cracking with, no matter what your boss say or how things have gone with your stock that day.
For 1 million dollars you can extend those childish ways. Joys of life with 18 years! You can:
Drive with finger paints
Carve Pumpkins
Play hide and seek and kick the can
Build Sandcastles and snowmen
Catch bugs, and
You need never stop believing in Santa Claus!
You have an excuse to:
Continue reading Winnie the pooh and all the children of noisy village
Watch cartoons on Saturday morning
Go to the movies to see disneyfilmer and
Make a wish on a falling star...
You can frame painted rainbows, hearts and flowers, party hodefotinger under fridge magnets, always have homemade juletrepunt, get hand and footprint in clay and egenproduserte cards with hatches for mother's or father's day.
For $ 1 you'll be a hero just because you could:
Get down a frisbee from garage
Take the training wheels off his bike
Removing a splinter
Fill a plaskebasseng
Remove gum from a ponytail
And train a fotballlag who never wins, but who still always get ice cream or hot dogs as encouragement.
You can fit in the front row to see:
· First step
· First word
· First day of school
· First prom
· First time behind the wheel
You can be immortal. You get a new branch on your family tree, and if you're lucky, a long list in your obituary with names of grandchildren and great-grandchildren...
You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications and human sexuality that no school will ever be able to give you.
In the eyes of a child does right under God. You have all the power to heal a scratch, scare away monster under the bed, comfort a broken heart, seize inside a slumber party who sliding out, imprint them forever, and love them completely without borders.
If you grab opportunities and taking care of moments then that's pretty good deal at that price
.. (¯ `•.\|/.•´¯)..
.. (_.•´/|\`•._).. .•.!•.¸.
♥.If you let go a little, you will have a little happiness. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of happiness. And if you let go completely, you will be completely happy! 
6. Marry a woman of your status, because if you marry a richer you will get a boss, not a family
Cleoboulos of Lindos
(shared on Greek Philosophers Facebook page, 1836 hrs)
7. mermaids don't lose sleep over the opinions of shrimp
9. Praying, God can do anything but fail
10. Today’s Fun Fact: the word "go" occurs 1,358 times in the Bible. Which doesn’t mean much without the contrapositive: the word "stay" appears only 53 times. And in half of the first eight--(which is as far as I checked) -- the word “stay” was actually used in the negative. Meaning used in statements that said, “Do not stay”. All I can say is that in the research world, a ratio of 1358 to 53 is definitely statistically significant....
(from "Call Me The Wanderer" by Wendy Wippel, on the Omega Letter Community Facebook page, 060717, c. 0925 hrs)
For what it is you actually get you for this million dollars?
The right to choose the name. First name, middle name and last name!
Little magical glimpse every day.
Giggles under the covers every night.
More love than your heart can hold.
Sommerfuglkyss and bjørneklemmer
Endless wonder over rocks, shells, ants, clouds and warm cookies.
A hand to hold, usually covered in sticky jelly, sand or chocolate.
Someone blowing bubbles and fly kites with.
Someone to laugh you cracking with, no matter what your boss say or how things have gone with your stock that day.
For 1 million dollars you can extend those childish ways. Joys of life with 18 years! You can:
Drive with finger paints
Carve Pumpkins
Play hide and seek and kick the can
Build Sandcastles and snowmen
Catch bugs, and
You need never stop believing in Santa Claus!
You have an excuse to:
Continue reading Winnie the pooh and all the children of noisy village
Watch cartoons on Saturday morning
Go to the movies to see disneyfilmer and
Make a wish on a falling star...
You can frame painted rainbows, hearts and flowers, party hodefotinger under fridge magnets, always have homemade juletrepunt, get hand and footprint in clay and egenproduserte cards with hatches for mother's or father's day.
For $ 1 you'll be a hero just because you could:
Get down a frisbee from garage
Take the training wheels off his bike
Removing a splinter
Fill a plaskebasseng
Remove gum from a ponytail
And train a fotballlag who never wins, but who still always get ice cream or hot dogs as encouragement.
You can fit in the front row to see:
· First step
· First word
· First day of school
· First prom
· First time behind the wheel
You can be immortal. You get a new branch on your family tree, and if you're lucky, a long list in your obituary with names of grandchildren and great-grandchildren...
You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications and human sexuality that no school will ever be able to give you.
In the eyes of a child does right under God. You have all the power to heal a scratch, scare away monster under the bed, comfort a broken heart, seize inside a slumber party who sliding out, imprint them forever, and love them completely without borders.
If you grab opportunities and taking care of moments then that's pretty good deal at that price

.. (¯ `•.\|/.•´¯)..
.. (_.•´/|\`•._).. .•.!•.¸.

6. Marry a woman of your status, because if you marry a richer you will get a boss, not a family
Cleoboulos of Lindos
(shared on Greek Philosophers Facebook page, 1836 hrs)
7. mermaids don't lose sleep over the opinions of shrimp
8. Me: "Dad, can you help me with this project? It's been driving me crazy for almost a month."
Dad: "Have you tried X?"
Me: "Yeah, a couple of times, but it wasn't working."
Dad: "Try X again."
Me: "...."
Dad: "Have you tried X?"
Me: "Yeah, a couple of times, but it wasn't working."
Dad: "Try X again."
Me: "...."
*tries X*
*project seamlessly comes together and is magical in under two hours*
Me: "... ??? ... ??!!?! .... !?!?!????"
*project seamlessly comes together and is magical in under two hours*
Me: "... ??? ... ??!!?! .... !?!?!????"
9. Praying, God can do anything but fail
10. Today’s Fun Fact: the word "go" occurs 1,358 times in the Bible. Which doesn’t mean much without the contrapositive: the word "stay" appears only 53 times. And in half of the first eight--(which is as far as I checked) -- the word “stay” was actually used in the negative. Meaning used in statements that said, “Do not stay”. All I can say is that in the research world, a ratio of 1358 to 53 is definitely statistically significant....
(from "Call Me The Wanderer" by Wendy Wippel, on the Omega Letter Community Facebook page, 060717, c. 0925 hrs)
11. So earlier I was on the phone to my mother, speaking Danish.
Then when I hung up on her, I got a call from one of my elders, and spoke with him in Romanian.
Then when I hung up on him, I got a call from my best friend and spoke a mixture of English and Espo.
Then when I hung up on her, I got a call from one of my elders, and spoke with him in Romanian.
Then when I hung up on him, I got a call from my best friend and spoke a mixture of English and Espo.
Then, I got on the bus, and spoke to the driver in perfect English with no trace of an accent (because I can hide my accent and often does).
The poor chap looked mighty confused.
The poor chap looked mighty confused.
12. So, [this Poster's friend, see picture above] asked if the sword in dress-scene from Wonder Woman was plausible. I promised to give it a serious try, so I took my regenyei onehander and shoved it down my sheer chiffon dress. It worked.. surprisingly well. The sword sits pretty decent and I can walk and dance in it without that much of a fuss. I also think it could be drawable if it was just 10 cm shorter (which I estimate WW's sword to be) so that also kind of works. So the verdict is that the scene is actually surprisingly plausible.
13. I remember Inverness quite well. Racism/bigotry has been entrenched into my entire existence in the South. Seems worse as I get older. Or I excuse less.
14. Loved the costume.
When Marvel says, "We need more female, ethnic, diverse, etc heroes", true fans like myself think, why not bring back Talisman, or Firebird, or Photon, or Sabra???
Instead of changing Ms Marvel, Thor, Wolverine INTO females.
[And someone wondered aloud to this Poster that Ms Marvel was ALWAYS female! It was funny, you had to be there.]
15. Not sure this is a good thing, but then it's only Yahoo. Could be fun if they change the name. Something like Verahoo!, maybe?
(Grant Letz, 060817, 1320 hrs, responding to "It's Official: Yahoo shareholders approve the $4.48 billion sale to Verizon")
16. I'm learning about the beauty of spontaneity this summer. Of course, all lessons are much easier learned poolside!

17. They say that this election result shows what a polarised nation we have become; between young and old, north and south, remain and leave, male and female, Tory and Tory...Anyway, the best news to come out of yesterday was not the result, it was the increase in turnout. Many more are realising that actually, en masse, you can have your voice heard if you turn out to vote. It is, alongside music, literature and the great baked bean sandwich, one of life's amazing privileges. x
[The Poster's referring to the results of the British election of 060817 the previous day.]
18. Does anyone else get irrationally angry when a seasoning mix ("chicken", "Italian", "soul food") lists "Spices" as the ingredients and nothing else?
19. [This Poster is speaking about her son.]
My son [his name] told me that he doesn't want to go to his 5th grade prom. I asked him why, he told me that he doesn't really care for it.
I tried to convince him, and told him that his friends were going, and that he may regret it later in in life. He told me that he don't follow what his friends do, and that he 'don't believe in regret'.
when that boy makes a decision, he stays firm by it.......
Guess there won't be any prom photos for my little one. It was hard to make peace with the fact that I raised him this way.
1. Don't do things to please people
2. Be honest about your feelings
3. Don't be pressure to conform to what society wants you to do.
4. Make your decision wisely and don't burden your soul with regret.
My son [his name] told me that he doesn't want to go to his 5th grade prom. I asked him why, he told me that he doesn't really care for it.
I tried to convince him, and told him that his friends were going, and that he may regret it later in in life. He told me that he don't follow what his friends do, and that he 'don't believe in regret'.
when that boy makes a decision, he stays firm by it.......
Guess there won't be any prom photos for my little one. It was hard to make peace with the fact that I raised him this way.
1. Don't do things to please people
2. Be honest about your feelings
3. Don't be pressure to conform to what society wants you to do.
4. Make your decision wisely and don't burden your soul with regret.
20. Faith is only as real as the corresponding object of faith... Although everyone in this world has faith of some kind or another (including atheists and agnostics), such faith may be grounded in delusion, and therefore it may be powerless to save their soul from spiritual death and the loss of the Eternal... A person may be sincere in their convictions, yet sincerely wrong. This applies to the truth claims (both explicit and implicit) confessed by all faith systems of the worl...d, including secular humanism, atheism, agnosticism, paganism, and nihilism, as well as more "traditional" religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, pantheistic philosophy, theosophy, kabbalah, magic, nature worship, animism, and so on and on. Everyone who adheres to a belief system of any kind is existentially responsible for what they believe, and their choice is of eternal significance. In light of this, the relevant question is what do you believe and why? In what or in whom do you put your hope? Where do you find life? What are you loving? Where are you going?
(from Hebrew for Christians Facebook page, 061317, 1638 hrs)
21. Parent says: Go find a way to entertain yourself or we're going to have a rest time.
Child hears: Let's march through the house blowing the weanie whistle to see if we can make her completely lose her mind!
22. When you are tempted to sin, look for the way of escape. Finding it is not usually the problem; taking it is.
(Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah, 061317, 1725 hrs)
23. The people are like eaglets. The Lord has freed them so they may learn to fly -- to serve and live in the blessing and purposes of God. Leaving the nest is difficult, but the Almigthty, like a mother eagle, is at the ready, swooping down under them and bearing them up so they may live to fly again.
(Jeanette Bialas Strandjord, 061517, Christ In Our Home)
24. Man is like a novel: up to the last page one does not know what the end will be. It would not be worth reading otherwise.
(Eugene Zamiatin, We)
25. I can't really explain what's going on in my life lately because it's hard to verbalize it... but I'm going to tell you something that just happened.
I have been having dreams. Inception dreams, dreams that feel like deja vu, dreams that happen in real life. Just really really weird things have been happening to me lately...
I dreamt last night that NASA had contact me and wanted me to go on a solo mission to Saturn. Particularly one of Saturn's moons. They informed me that they had made contact with our ancestors. They were highly evolved humans... and we had written stories about them through all of time... I didn't understand why they chose me... but you know... I was down for that ride...
I said goodbye to my loved ones... I prepared myself physically and mentally... and I took off, out of the atmosphere. They had provided me with a space ship that was the fastest thing ever invented by man kind.
As I was about... half way to Saturn... the steering port of the ship broke. I knew at that moment that I was literally fucked... and I was going to die out in space... alone...
That was until two super massive black holes appeared out of nowhere and collided. It was at that moment that my entire being split in half.... half of me was dying. Burning alive, deteriorating. And the other half of me had landed on Saturn's moon... and I was greeted by many people... and a man came up to me. He placed his hand on my head. and held my hand. "You're late." he said. I asked him many questions... but the first was... "who are you?" and he told me his name was Odin.
THEN I WOKE UP. I did my morning routine. (i peed lol) and I checked my phone and I read an article stating that recently, two black holes had collided and earth was picking up the frequency from the waves of the collision...
Here is where it gets even weirder.... I've been reading the book, American Gods... and it's incredible.... well. There's a man named using a cover name in the book called, Wednesday.... today he revealed his true identity...
and who is he? and why did I start crying? Odin... his name is mf Odin.
bye! i'm done.
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