That's A Lot Of Rehearsals!

Yesterday afternoon the family and I went to Arts In The (Minot City) Park annd caught the Minot City Band playing, the Nodakords group and Dakota Blend quartet singing a capella -- that's fancy for "without instruments" and comes from Italian, literally "in the manner of the chapel" -- and Steve Holmes, an artist out of Garrison. The Nodakords is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year and one of the people there was said to be with them since the very beginning!

And from that came today's title.

Or I could have gone with Timebound, Rysa Walker's debut and Amazon Breakthrough Novel (ISBN 9781477848159) Grand Prize winner. Like The Time Machine it's a novel about time travel told from the narrator's perspective, but here Kate Pierce-Keller discovers a CHRONOS key that unlocks her genetic potential to do so, and soon it comes in handy as she has to prevent her grandmother's murder ... who's originally from the early 24th century.

I have learned to appreciate stable points anew because of this engaging book.

How much around ME has only come into existence recently and I just don't remember it due to overlapping memories? One of those issues coming about when you could meet yourself or cross timelines or ... I get older and that's even more complicated. Elsewhere, it looks like I'll have to restrict my library runs to weekends since starting next week I'll be working several hours earlier on weekdays than I do -- than I have -- for nearly fourteen years.

And I'll get off three hours earlier than I do now, so it breaks even.

Charles Soule, a Brooklyn-based comic book writer, musician, and attorney looks pretty good all around. I read two of his Star Wars stories, Star Wars: Lando (ISBN 9780785193197, art by Alex Maleev) and Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin (ISBN 9780785196792, art by Marco Checchetto) and the former dealing with a heist from the Emperor himself and the latter restoring the trust of the two named Jedi in the face of a wasteland planet ... it took two reads because they work so well!

This is not solely because I'm partial to reading Star Wars. But it's close.

Saturday morning I was out getting mine and Martha's names entered into the Medora Giveaway held annually by KHRT, and we've got fourteen chances to win at seven different Minot locations, including Dakota Pawn this year even though I'm still that business' employee until the end of the week. The drawing isn't until July 13th when I won't be there anymore. I'm sure the family and I will not object to winning a trip there this year, for we haven't been in a while.

And I really like getting out of town from time to time!

Compare with the novel I read by a now-local author, Michael Kim Daniels' Mutiny (ISBN 9781632320735) which begins quite literally before the beginning with God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit creating angels and letting them participate in His Grand Design. But then Lucifer tries to learn a little more that God can tell him, and the rebellion begins and proceeds throughout the end of the world and redemption. In this book, that came/comes in 2028 our time.

I've also got "Biblical Astronomy", an unpublished text of his which he signed for me.

And right now Daniels is reading my debut novel Progeny and I'm hearing good things from him of it. And I'm reminded I need to wrap up the storyline that I started with it -- I wanted to get that done and bound by the end of this week, but we'll see what happens with that and what work I'm saving for typing out wherever I'll have a big block of time to do it. This week I really need to start planning for a lot of changes -- and growth, yes.

So you may hear from me here a lot less than you do now, David


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