Whereas I ... Listen To The Radio

Twenty-two years ago ...

Romans 3:21-31                                                        May 4         K
11 days [to graduation from Stetson]                        1, intern!
for a most excellent day, and Desta's throat              9405.04

This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference. 22

I did not expect people to miss having me at Lake Mary [High School in Florida, where I did my student teaching internship] as much as they have said -- from Desta, Karyn, Camille, Harry, and Charles to members of my 3rd and 4th period classes. I didn't want any send-off parties, so Charles [Coursey, Stetson class of '67 and history teacher there then] took me to a Chinese buffet for lunch and wished me the best.

On the home front, I need to iron out my portfolio for presentation next week (!), pray for Dr. Dershimer as she heads for Germany on a cultural exchange, Galen as he is having problems sorting out his feelings for Jami with her signals, and me as I try to control my instincts.

Becky Eskolin's b-day (1972)

And here are my thoughts for today ...

My boss Erik cut in this morning with that part of my title after the ellipsis when I referred to Martha, Sarah, and Jeffrey being the more musically inclined among my household, and I had to write that down before I forgot, I laughed so hard! Sarah and Jeffrey are both in Carol Choir at Bethany, Martha's in the main choir, and not only does Martha have some skill with woodwinds (that's flutes, clarinets, etc.) Sarah has signed up to play the flute in Longfellow's band next year! Really, I am excited for them -- I know they'll be turning to me when the math and science come up.

My faith means I have a purpose. It means that I am not just a random mix of molecules thrown together by accident, and that I don't have to worry about what is in the future or what is after death. We are called to God because he loves us and has forgiven our sins. This is the only thing that matters.

More Faith Statements by our confirmands (that is, people being confirmed after a now-four year training in Bible study, church doctrine, and service to others) today and tomorrow -- I wonder what mine would have been, had I written one when I was finishing ninth grade in 1987, when most of the confirmands do but there are exceptions, see Darla from my post two days ago -- and I must confess, many of them are better formed than mine was at that age. And none are perfect, but our faith keeps being built up, torn down, and rebuilt on throughout our lives. I have no energy to criticize that.

I believe God will always be there for me and will always forgive my sins. I know God is always watching over me trying to get me to do what is right. I believe with God watching over me anything is possible. I also feel like I have someone to turn to in a time of need and when I have good times. I believe when my time comes I will be reunited with my loved ones in heaven.

Last night's barbecued chicken in the crockpot with green beans -- we really need to get our vegetables eaten! -- was DE-licious. And I forgot to tell much about Saturday, where the kids and I were among the twenty-three at Breakfast With The Boys and that afternoon after Martha got home we went bowling with several other family and friends. It got Sarah frustrated at first that she kept getting gutter balls, but she got back her form. And Jeffrey who turned in his first written book report today was pretty outstanding for how long he's played the game too. Me?

While I have had times of doubt, there have been times where I have felt His presence. I feel it most when I lose all other thoughts but God. I just feel it flood my soul and I feel this warmth of God here with me. In that moment, all doubt is gone and I realize what my faith is.

My writing's still better -- in fact, I got some ideas for my planned National Novel Writing Month novel "Threnody" down! And with the kids and I watching "Firebird", Sunday's night episode of Once Upon A Time, it looks like we're seeing the start of a happy ending -- even for Hades! -- with him receiving True Love's Kiss and Henry informing the Underworld's residents what they need to do to "move on" (not .org, proceed to the show's, and I expect the individual's version of, heaven) and Hook's ready to leave with Emma and Company ... alas, he can't because he's already dead.

A statement I especially like is "Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant or insecure, remember to whom you belong." It's a reminder that we are loved by God and forgiven by God and he will always be there for us. I have learned from going to church how enjoyable it was to actually help people and interact with them. From helping out with the lutefisk dinner to helping out at the local food pantry.

Back to "Firebird" for a minute -- it seems there's a reason Hades wants to keep it that way. Likewise some of the hardly sweet cream who would like to rise to the top once Hades leaves the Underworld ... an episode that started out "underwhelming" in my words turns out to be setting up a season finale and final confrontation in Storybrooke, or wherever that portal manifested in the face of the broken clock tower took Hades, Zelena, her daughter, and Emma and Company. AND it's coming in less than two weeks!

I'm a fan, let me geek.



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