47. Post Eleven I Wrote, And The Dave in Twenty-One and David in Thirty-Eight Are Both Me

It just comes to me when I find a favorite post or a favorite text to write it down or record it before I forget. (In my best Sean Connery as Dr. Henry Jones from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade voice, “I [write] it down in the diary so I don't HAVE to remember.”) And for this first half of May, I think I kept track of some really good ones! – David

1. Father I just wanna say thank you for loving me you've been so good to me thank you for my house hold lord family,friend's love ones god please take this hurt out my heart lord change me oh God create in me a Clean heart and renew a right spirit in me

2. Writers, if you ever need a good name calling put down for your manuscript, go observe children fighting...they're quite creative!

3. Stuck in Atlanta

Today's flight got pushed to tommorrow.

The good news: I have one clean pair of underwear.

The bad news: My hotel only has Pepsi products.

4. I want to go out but I also want to love my couch

5. Have tried writing today. I'm still on the first paragraph. I'm discouraged but not whipped by a long shot. There are a few people out there who ask me when I'm publishing a new book. These are the people I write for.

6. God is in control. If I didn't believe this - life would be a complete waste of time.

7. The media will turn a blemish into a meteor. Have I told you child, do not listen to them! They are snakes and thieves of the truth. Hear me with glittering confidence: do not let any highter power control you.

Be different and stand out like a million suns across a sky that has only ever held one.

The beauty is in the difference.

It always has been.

8.Yeah, Yeah......the rapture seems like a really CRAZY IDEA, doesn't it??

It's going to seem INSANE right up until the moment it occurs.......and THEN, nobody is going to be laughing about it anymore. They are going to want to find out as much information about it as they possibly can. That's why we tell them, that's why we are leaving videos, and articles, and posts behind for them.....to help them on their way to a relationship with the Savior when they finally get a clue.

9. Rewarding ourselves for a job well done today by watching Turn. I know, we reward ourselves with history. It is how homeschool rolls. This show is fascinating! It is a whole different look at the Revolutionary War! Go spies!

10. no semi-colons. Those only prove that we've been to college.

11. At his best, George Lucas has the storytelling panache most authors would kill to have and all the best stories, when you think about it, the ones that stick with us, have the same monomyth/journey of self-discovery. And in Star Wars (the original) EVERYBODY discovers something they did not have or didn't know before the movie started. Han discovered selflessness for a cause bigger than himself (starting with him first, 'cause he's my favorite -- when we played Star Wars on the playground in first grade, I always wanted to be him), Luke discovered growing up hurts and you have to leave the past behind you, Leia discovered an ability to lead she may have never known if Alderaan hadn't blown up (not for nothing through the movies does she still get called "Princess") and even Vader discovers something he did not know before ("The Force is strong with this one.") ... I could go on, but the fact that we remember Star Wars and not other popular films at the time -- c'mon, who outside of Woody Allen fans remembers "Annie Hall" the Oscar winner that year? -- was not for the effects, not for the famous names attached to it (in fact, Lucas wanted to make a point of that selecting the cast of people known but not well-known, still a good idea if you want to convince people anyone can be in movies, not just the Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolies of the world) but for the story that's told, which in a way is our story too. All of us have seen and had untapped potential, all of us have suffered loss, all of us have shot a bill collector when he tried to collect what was due their boss ... ok, maybe not the last one


12. The term you are looking for is 'happy'. Not 'glowing'. Pregnant people glow. I'm just happy man

13. Diversity for the sake of "we need a token" is actually the worst kind of bigoted because it's the hidden variety that make people think that there NEEDS to be a gay friend, a token female, a jive-talking black guy. Characters for character sakes are what the world needs not more "see, we're more diverse by giving you what you asked for instead of what we wanted to write! We don't need creativity, just political adulation!"

And yess Brooklyn Nine Nine works, Renee Montoya's evolution was good, and Obsidian had the greatest. Really the biggest point, as I got into a debate about labels on a friend's status a couple weeks ago, is that people don't see people, even in themselves. They define themselves by the mundane things like being fat or being gay. They're pointless things. The longer people harp and gripe on about this, be it saying "we need more diversity" (which any comic fan can tell you they're plenty diverse if you take four seconds and look instead of expecting to be spoon fed all the answers).

14. obedience is better than a sacrifice

15. I asked Storm and Melanie, "Do you want to trust me to tell you how to vote or do you want to form your own opinion of the ones running?"

It was a good chance to make my vote count not only once but three times. I'm glad they want to search for themselves and form their own opinion.

16. Sitting here waiting on Thai food. There sure are a lot of instruments playing in the music that's playing. And I'm not sure how they know when to stop playing. It seems to happen suddenly.

17. I've got two [letter a's in the poster's name] ... no wonder I stayed single for so long... I'm too smart and too beautiful! I must intimidate men... and I'm going to live twice as long

18. "Evidence doesn't lie.... People do!" Great phrase!!!!

19. I confess to you that I am a very selfish person where Jesus is concerned. The Word tells us that if we delight ourselves in HIM, that HE will give us the desires of our hearts..... I asked the King........"But what if YOU are my heart's desire??"

I am really not that interested in the crowns, or the rewards........I WANT JESUS HIMSELF. I want His undivided attention for all eternity. I want to look into His eyes every single day forever!! I want Him for myself......ALL OF HIM. I want to go with Him everywhere He goes. I want to sit at His feet 24/7 and hang on every Word that He speaks. I want to own a piece of His heart that belongs only to me. The Word says He's a jealous God, and I like that..... I'm jealous over Him too.

20. One of the things that makes me proudest as a mom, is that all four of my kids have been taught to love God , Love ALL people no matter their differences, and to think for themselves. I have been told by many people that this makes my kids special .

21. I know your friends list Dave I have NO doubts there. Like me you do not keep the typical "Christian" friends.

22. The day started full of love & sunshine & ended with me going into wonder woman mod Now,I fine that early tomorrow morning I'll b on my way 2 Fredericton, New Brunswick,for a 1 o'clock meeting with their Cultural affairs office~~something that could of been taken care of with just one phone call: Me & my big mouth .As I'm putting together everything I'll need,Terry walks into my office & hands me one of our departments credit card,stating "Good luck, see you on Monday & oh yes,NO SHOE SALES" Going 2 b a very lonnnnnnnnnnnng day

23. Unforgiveness is choosing to stay trapped in a jail cell of bitterness, serving time for someone else's crime.

24. Just ranting... Strangers need to mind their own business. My child is acting up in a store, you darn right after several warnings they will get a swat on the butt. Don't like it, look the other way. I refuse to raise spoiled little brats.

25. Make God Your "One Thing"

Life isn't supposed to be complicated. Jesus didn't die so we could live complicated, frustrated, miserable lives. He died for us so we could enjoy life. The minute everything gets complicated, it steals joy. We need to learn how to stop stressing and stop living an excessively busy lifestyle.

The opposite lifestyle is one of simplicity. Simplicity means "single, consisting of one thing, unmingled." God has dealt with me about living a simpler life. He has shown me that the only way to do this is to just be about "one thing."

God just wants us to be about Him. He tells us in His Word that we won't inherit His kingdom if we don't come to Him very simply as a little child and say, "I believe."

That almost sounds too easy, and you might want to complicate it...but don't! God's plan for you is simple. It may not make sense to your mind, but there's nothing complicated about God, and He doesn't want you to be complicated. Come to Him today, saying, "I believe." Make Him your "One Thing."

Prayer Starter: God, I believe in You. I don't want to live burdened by complications, so today, I seek a life of simplicity by making You the "One Thing" that my life consists of. Lead me in Your simple plan for me.

26. Decisions decisions..what to do what to do ........on the up shot I had an hour nap......I feel like im a power charged delusional chatter monkey. Tonight shud be fun!!!!!!!

27. My junk drawer is full. Must be time to start another one.

28. Know how the enemy wins the world.......by starting with the family. He takes down families, and that takes down communities - which takes down the country eventually. That is what has happened in the USA.

They fed us propaganda on television about how dangerous things were becoming, showing us nightmare stories about people right next door - effectively manipulating people into avoiding getting know their neighbors. They wanted everyone afraid of everyone else to further divide us.

They passed laws which forbid us to discipline our children, which causes parents to detach from their children. If you can't discipline them, you can't stand to be around them. The end result is a generation of children with no guidance, no discipline, no direction.

They took the bible out of schools, so now there is an entire generation that doesn't know God. There is no WHY they shouldn't steal, kill or destroy - simply that it's "wrong" to do so. Removing the education of eternal consequences for our decisions was a death blow to our population.....with a whole generation of young adults with no purpose or direction.

We have to REFUSE to allow the enemy to take our families down.

If you are one of those out there who CAN connect with your family - but you hesitate to do so.......REFUSE to be separated from them even though you can't stand being around them.......lol. THEY ARE YOUR STRENGTH STRUCTURE CHRIST HAS PROVIDED TO YOU. Together you can stand......divided you fall. Work it out - work together on all the issues that keep you at odds, pray for each other - never give up......

29. A good day to aggravate someone and I chose my brother......

30. Boy oh boy am I ever glad my thoughts are not available for public viewing cuz today is just one of those days my thoughts have a mind of their own and.those lil boogers are runnin amuck!!!!!:-)

31. Bus time! Then back to the homestead to do some stuff. Lots of stuff. Like folding and putting away laundry and washing more laundry because laundry never stops. EVER.

32. It's just that I am, anything else is a gift.

33. Happy 60th Birthday [my uncle, this May 14] Rocky (James Edward Peterson). You may be sixty but you are and always be the baby of the family. I am reminded today of how you got the nickname "Rocky". Living on a hill at Brookside, Ky, we had a large rocking chair (armless) and you loved rocking in it. You could actually hear the echo of the sound all around, hence, the name Rocky. One of those nicknames that just sticks...I love you !

34. Talent Is God Given. Be Humble. Fame Is Man-Given. Be Grateful. Conceit Is Self-Given. Be Careful.

35. Welcome to the world Alexa Noelle Hunter. Born May 14. 2:26pm, 7.75lbs! We are in love!!!

36. My prayer today is simple: Lord help me to be the same person "in person" who I am on social media, and the person that you truly know when no one is looking.

37. How I know I'm a nerd: my autocorrect fixed the word 'did' to 'd&d'

38. Good afternoon, David! I thought I'd share with you ... A couple weeks ago, a friend of mine asked me, how my Shaklee business was going, and I said to her, good, but I've really got to get things a moving.. :) she said to me, that's what you said, last time, and we both chuckled!! I'm out there sharing Shaklee, why isn't it growing as quickly as I need/want it to... Then I said to myself, my Shaklee business is exactly where God wants it to be right now. As long as I'm sharing and doing things the best that I can, God will take care of growing it as He sees fit, not as I want it. I can share Shaklee, but if others aren't open to it, it is not in my hands. He will put people in my path as He sees fit as long as I don't give up. shaklee is a beautiful blessing, and it has enriched my life in so many ways. I've met wonderful people like you, Martha, and your kids as well as countless others. So as one of my business partners says, keep on keepin' on... And be at peace exactly where you are! Have a terrific day, David

39. I said they got a character trait right. I didn't say it's the RIGHT character's character trait.

40. Autocorrect...beaver wonder if it does more harm than good?


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