Accepting Pies Today And Every Day

[I wonder if that should be tomorrow's status, since it will be International Pi (3.14) Day … nah. Since that's the last quote in my list of interesting statuses I have collected that I've learned something from, laughed with, or otherwise stuck in my head – and of course I wrote them down so I would not have to remember them – for the first half of March, it sounded great to bring them all together! And since I have plans for the place tomorrow the fourteenth and Monday the seventeenth, I thought it would be great to just have a share day. Got the kids here on Spring Break, and I've got things to do. By the way, I'm partial to cherry pies. David]

1. Everyone always asks me, [poster's name] why are you so chipper and nice? Well today I've given this some thought.. I'm nice and positive because I believe in karma. Do as you would be proud to do, be kind so kindness is returned your way, speak do others how you'd like to be spoken too, and most importantly care like you'd want other people to care.
We all share this world.. Do you hope and dream for a shitty negative world or a optimistic kind world? You know my answer!
:)live and be kind.

2. Sometimes when I try to open a dialogue, I get more than I bargained for.

3. i have two friends both men who are going through a divorce from long term marriages ..... as women, do not ever believe men dont hurt . one lives in georgia the other here and both of them have hurt as much as any of my female friends and it is as painful to see their pain as any of my girlie girls ..... women can hurt the guys just as much as they hurt us ...... integrity in relationships is a two way street

4. Intelligence is SO FREAKING SEXY to ME! MmM

5. Welcome to snow/ice day seven hundred and sixty-five bazillion and one.
(Because in the South once we get past 5 we lose count.)

6. “Your soulmate is not someone that comes into your life peacefully. It is who comes to make you question things, who changes your reality, somebody that marks a before and after in your life. It is not the human being everyone has idealized, but an ordinary person, who manages to revolutionize your world in a second…”

7. The secret to happiness is not in doing what one likes to do, but in liking what one has to do

8. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me

9. I need someone that will treat me right and love me for me.

10. Ladies And Gentlemen. As of Today the world has begun to change. No longer will this comic industry remain as confused and foolish. For two long has it been like this. Today thats changes today....... I take control. As we speak my forces are storming dc and marvel. Warren Ellis has been Gun downed. Alan Moore was captured before he could unleashed the power of his beard. Other Independents are fleeing to the outlining comics groups. Already most of the new 52 creative board has been imprisoned. Marvel execs have fled to Disney Land which is now under siege. As I speak the situation is being brought to order. All resistance will be crushed. Dan Didio has been killed trying to flee. For now note that my new order is begin. ALL HAIL [POSTER'S NAME] LORD OF COMICS. KNEEL OR DIE!!!!!!!!!

11. Was thinking to myself that everything that has transpired in my life was absolutely necessary
...Even the things that I deemed were soooo unnecessary. As a result, I am a little more courageous, stronger, patient and wiser.

12. Sometimes, you just need someone to be honest with you, say what you need to hear, and push you to start thinking just a little differently. I am blessed a have a few of those people in my life. Today I needed someone to do all those things and they did.....thank you.

13. Fyi...we all have bad days. So just because people in customer service positions (ur call ctr rep, the dr ofc, ur cashier, the ups guy, some billing dept., etc.) have to take whatever u dish out, doesn't give u the right to do so. This week, I have been cussed out, been treated like a second class citizen and I take all of it in stride because I have to; but mark my words, if u treat a customer svc person with ill manners & hostility, u will b remembered, and u should probably b careful...not all of us r as forgiving as me. Be nice!

14. My mom staggered into the livin room while I was eating my breakfast and gave me a look. My plate went one way as I rushed to her. Lets just say that all that first aid training came back in a flash. My mother was saved by the Hymelich...or how ever you spell it. My breakfast is not important, it can be replaced, my mom can't.

15. Just checked in to see what condition my condition was in.

16. My To Do List is so long... Ugh!! Working on priorities. So difficult...everything seems important to get done right away.

17. Oh my, books are invading my life! I just bought another good one!

18. So my son's teacher pull me to the side and let me know he took away my business cards from my son....So my wonderful 8 years old son has been passing out my Business card at school and told the children to have their parents go on Amazon and purchase my book.

I told my wonderful son thank you buit he could no longer do that. His Reply: As Your Assistant Mom We Have To Make Profit And Deposit in The Bank.

Were Did He Learned That From???? Hmmmm

Love My Children

19. I wanna be in my feelins right now, but I just DON'T have time for all that!

20. It is what it is !!!!!!!!

21. I work for myself, which has its advantages and disadvantages, of course. Today was one of the “cons.” Things got pretty heated when I called myself into the office over the watching of a George Raft movie during work hours. THEN, a lunch on top of that. It’s happened more than once. “But,” I protested, “I’m also working in the evenings when TCM is on. That’s why I got a Macbook Air!” To which I replied, “I pay you for a solid 8-15 hours per day.” To which I retorted, “But at minimum wage, while you keep most of the fee!” It went back and forth like that for about 20 minutes and I thought it would come to blows, but cooler head prevailed. There was also the issue of empty root beer cans at my workstation (or McDonalds), which is really the whole house. I even confronted myself with a couple Funyun wrappers in the couch, which I refused to accept responsibility for. Things like that. But it’s the life of a writer, which, by the way, usually elicits “looks” and eye-rolls when someone asks me what I do. It’s the same kind of guff Bogey got from Ward Bond and Barton MacLane in “The Maltese Falcon”—disrespect, attitude because “Oh, you’re a writer.” Simmer down. Don’t crowd me, Tom. Yes, it’s the only skill I possess, “writing.” Well, that and my legendary parallel parking skills. I can put a sedan in a space no bigger than a can of beans. But I’m not bragging. I’m just distracting myself from worrying about the next round of “being called into the office” for this, that, and the other. Anxiety. It comes from sitting around all day with a 100 lb. bulldog, and a shelf full of books on Churchill. Is there a correlation there? Probably, but heck, I digress. Stalling for time until I see myself goofing off again.

22. Emotionally scarring 2 11 year olds by dancing on old school cheese while cooking is an epic win no matter which way you look at it

23. Nana keeps getting flyers and brochures for hearing aids. She throws them in the trash while exclaiming "Why do I keep getting these!?!" I'm going to start answering her by mouthing the words. Teeheehee.

24. Just 2 let everyone know ,again,that when at work I can not open an IM or add new ppl (both r blocked). As a VERY HAPPY and somewhat SUBMISSIVE civil servant & as part of our contract ,which I can not go into,main page & pixs posts on FB can & will b checked weekly.So plz bear with me,& I will answer your IM's etc when off the clock~~NOW BACK TO WORK

25. Completely I'm really frustrated. But I figure that if I can make it through a smarter class of "US history 17b" at the college ("socialists history of America" as I like to call it)'then I can handle a textbook filled with less and propaganda.

26. dr who is the best sow ever made

27. 'Strangely it wasn't in the water that they met'

28. I have a hard time being friends with other women in person. I'll give you my reasons:

They are catty.
They are two faced.
They'll do anything to make themselves look better than you.
A good few will try to get with your boyfriend/husband.
They're selfish.
They only ever talk about themselves.
Not many play video games like I do.
They're too good for pizza and fries.

And the list goes on. Those reasons are from personal experience. Plus, I was spoiled by the military... I expect maturity and so seldom do I ever find it. Guys are just easier and less demanding than women. Plus, they're funnier and talk about cool things like video games, guitars, and food. I'm hesitant to hang out with women due to the fact that I've been stabbed in the back Moore times than I can count. It's too much competition to ever have fun with women.

[In case you haven't guessed, a woman wrote this. – David]

29. Cant seem to perk up...Sleep keeps trying to kidnap me, ugh

30. Live like today is all the world will remember of you when you're gone.

31. Has anyone ever taught you to pray?? Seems like when we are instructed, we end up saying some kind of canned prayer, folding our hands, bowing our heads, closing our eyes. Sometimes I pray like that - but most of the time I just lift my eyes toward heaven and tell God what is on my mind. Jesus instructed us how to pray..... He didn't get on His wonderful knees, bow His precious head, or fold His beautiful hands. He lifted His eyes to heaven.....and said, "Our Father, which art in heaven - HALLOWED BE THY NAME!!!"

When we pray, we lift our hearts toward heaven.......speaking to Him HONESTLY from our hearts - and starting out by EXALTING HIM, PRAISING HIM, WORSHIPING HIM, LOVING HIM, AND TELLING HIM HOW GREAT WE THINK HE IS, AND EXPRESSING HOW THANKFUL WE ARE EVEN TO KNOW THAT HE'S THERE......


A heart of thankfulness.......a heart filled with GRATITUDE for His great sacrifice, and a heart that is willing to SUBMIT TO HIS AUTHORITY is what reaches the ears and the HEART OF THE KING......



Reach out to Him HONESTLY.......and He will pour His wonderful SPIRIT upon you. When He does that, you WILL be able to reach out to HIM with your heart and touch Him......

32. So, which is it? Is President Obama the iron-fisted, power hungry king/tyrant/dictator who will wage illegal wars to kill whomever he wants or is he the weakling who empowers our enemies to make bold moves such as Russia sending troops into Ukraine? Because I hate to break it to you folks, but he can’t be both.

33. There can be no love without trust, and no trust without courage. Which is why we are not a species of cowards.

34. I have owned my faults over my life, warning people that I am fickle at the best of times. When my resilience is tested, however, I find a strength and loyalty deep in my heart which holds me fast. I'm thankful for that this Monday.

35. Anybody in southern Illinois area I have a treadmill for sale $275 firm good for tax time

36. A friend of mine has been hemming and hawing about whether to quit his job and start a business he’s always dreamed of. His big excuse now is that the U.S. is on the verge of a Greater Depression, but I pointed out to him that the terrible economy might actually be great for his particular kind of business.

As I’ve said so many times over the years, if you’re waiting for everything to be just right before taking action, you’re in possession of a foolproof excuse for failure. I like to think of action as an opportunity to make mistakes that give you a front-row seat in the Theater of Learning.

Carlos Castaneda explained it succinctly when he said, “A warrior lives by acting, not by thinking about acting, nor by thinking about what he will think when he has finished acting.”

Are you a warrior?

37. Rushing, rushing, rushing. Schedule changes. Suddenly nothing to do.

38. You know how you can't just sit in a rocking chair and rock a baby all day long because there is so much else to do?

I am ignoring that principle today.

39. Once You've Accepted Your Flaws, No One Can Use Them Against You.

40. This morning before going downtown.
[Poster's Son]: Okay I'm dressed... Wow, mommy, I like that outfit. Are you wearing that today?
[Poster]: Yes I am, thank you honey.
[PS]: Mommy, you look Beautiful. I like what you are wearing.
[P]: Thank you sweetheart. But it's nothing special.
[PS]: It doesn't matter because I like it.
This is why my confidence is improving, I figure, if the one person who's opinion really matters to me thinks I'm beautiful, then who am I to say different?

  1. I am a covenant kid. I have every reason to grab and hold onto the promised hope with both hands and not let go! I run for my very life to God holding onto this spiritual unbreakable lifeline. I will not fail. I will succeed. I will live and not die. God gave His word; He will not take it back. It is a permanent promise. Amen

  1. Blurt. Syncopate. Distill.

43. Wtf is wrong with this woman? It's 65 degrees and a red flag warnonv!

44. My bamboo are whistling hymns and clapping their hands in praise~

45. was going to complain today about the weather and how much i ache .... but the Lord reminded me that i have medicine i can take for that because i have medical insurance (some dont) , i have shoes in my closet to put on my feet (some don't) , there is food in my fridge to feed my belly (others will go to bed hungry and they have no address to recieve food stamps or any other aid) , i have a home with heat and i have had that this entire winter (some dont and many who dont are veterans in a military community ) i dont care how or why they are homeless the fact is they are and most of us are one paycheck away from homelessness ourselves ... i see all the reminders to bring our pets in out of the cold (and yes bring your pets in) i rarely see anyone reminding us that the least of these of our brothers (some are children ) have no place to call home in this winter weather .... let us bring our homeless into our homes also .... for the Lord will say to you , you saw Me hungry and gave me nothing to eat or He will say you saw Me hungry and fed me .... thanks to Manna Cafe Ministries for caring for the least of these just a reminder before i complain i am so so so blessed and the pain i feel i have medicine to ease it and a game plan to resolve it .... thank You Lord for perspective today ....

46. You are valuable and irreplaceable. If you are ever told otherwise, do not believe it.

47. In offering their opinions on just about every issue imaginable, all media pundits — repeat, ALL — totally ignore the F Factor: FORCE. Mao had it right about the underlying source of all political power — the barrel of a gun — but the normalcy bias lulls naïve Americans into believing it could never happen here.

Worth thinking about:

“What if doctors refuse to treat Medicare or Medicaid patients?” No problem. The government can simply force them to treat such patients.

“What if companies decide to lay off employees if the minimum wage goes to $10? “ No problem. The government can simply force them to keep minimum-wage employees on at $10 per hour.

“What if a company throws in the towel and announces it’s moving its operations to another country in order to survive?” No problem. The government can simply force it to stay.

Far-fetched, right? Hmm … but isn’t this the same government that forces people to buy health insurance, forces people to do things that are against their religious beliefs, and forces people to pay others not to work?

Buy, hey … what do I know?

  1. When guys get jealous it can be kinda cute. When women get jealous, World War III is about to start.

49. [Poster's son] singing: The wheels on the bus go open and shut.
[Poster]:No Bryce, the doors on the bus go open and shut. James what goes up and down?
[Poster's husband]: My blood pressure!
[Poster]: LOL!

50. Grace is having a relationship with someone's heart, not their behavior.

51. Oh yes I did do it after the gym!!

52. Accepting pies today and every day.


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