We Think It's John Lennon.
My reply? That they should called Yoko in.
And what else was going on in my/our young life/lives this weekend before Victoria Day (celebrated only in Canada, on the Monday before May 25 -- you mean the United Kingdom doesn't celebrate this) ? Friday night after I got home Sarah, Jeffrey, Martha and I settled in to eat and watch once more The LEGO Movie. I had forgotten what the Kragle was and how the "Piece of Resistance" makes all the difference -- heck, I'm not telling you, see the movie! But watch out for the highly sophisticated inter-locking brick system ... or was it the invaders from the planet Duplo ... again, heck with it! Still, I like Emmet's idea of the double-decker couch.
And a few hours before Saturday, I was told we'd have a guest for the day.
Still, I can't get mad at our niece/the kids' cousin Josceline about that. I admit, I wanted to sleep in for the first Saturday of Breakfast with the Boys NOT being in session and urge the kids to not wake themselves or me up, but the three of them had fun with their tablets, watching the third Alvin and the Chipmunks movie on our big screen, meeting Martha for lunch at Burger King, and taking in some time at the library. When the kids ask this, even if it's to play on the computers, I'll still make the most of it. Checked out five more books, finished three over the weekend, but more later.
At least one night a week is pizza night.
And as we had to go to Walmart anyway to get this ... forgive my lack of the technical terms, a Micro USB port after we'd gone outdoors at Longfellow to shoot some hoops, swing, and climb over the play set, we bought Totino's pizzas except for me -- I'm really partial to Roma brand, particularly its cheese. And somewhere in that last sentence is a meaning that I've mercifully slaughtered. We did well and we've been keeping windows open in our house to save money and also for a great breeze!
I got most of my hairs cut yesterday.
Not so much because I needed it, for it was still pretty short yesterday at church where we welcomed new members and honored upcoming high school graduates. But it's better to do it now while thinking about it than trying to shoehorn in some time later this summer to do it with some crazy schedules. And yesterday when Breanna came over to take Sarah and Jeffrey with her and Josceline to the weekend stock car races, Martha surprised me with it!
But SHE didn't cut my hair -- she'll pop zits, pull white hairs I have, but not cut my hair.
My sister-in-law Lesa, who's got one of those high school graduates finishing school Wednesday (our nephew Mathew, who's currently taking a computer science course online) and is planning the reception for him next Sunday after graduation, did. Great job; I'll have to show it off when I can, but my own selfies are not great.
They're more the enemy of best, as I aspire to be more than.
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