Twenty-Seven Days To Christmas, And Refrigerator Magnets

WORD COUNT: 43,566

No, this piece isn't about refrigerator magnets per se, I'm just thinking that since I need to get majorly caught up if I want to reach 50,000 words by close of business Friday for my National Novel Writing Month novel “Rivalry” I will just post what's gone on over the last two days – well, SINCE I wrote Monday's post. And I'll do it in 120 words (the amount I use on the backs of my books; I figure if I can't give a synopsis in that space, I am doing something wrong), so here goes:

The Charlie Brown Dictionary reading two pages a day in the morning with Jeffrey. Sarah finally has her library book back at Longfellow. Martha and I both working forty hours a week. In down time at work I read another Daredevil anthology, a Doctor Who graphic novel, and a story on the death of Mr. Hooper in 'eighty two. (Big Bird really misses him.) Ate spaghetti last night for dinner with garlic and cheese sauce, awesome! Lost a friend in Pennsylvania yesterday, but keeping my word – that I admit I need to do a better job of – is priceless, even if you have no money. My uncle Robert died, and pray for me to not throw everything away!




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