Our Family's Medical Alerts
Five years ago ...
February 22, 2012 Thredbare
Aplomb with me in this tesseracta?
Now advance with me for ten day and night --
Dawn, the day of the hearts in taffeta.
I don't think the vocabulary CAN'T sounds stilted sometimes, anyway. Here on Ash Wednesday I've vowed to give up anything with calories between meals (so water and coffee I can still have), and I've started something else special with Martha.
If I were motivated by other than love, I don't think I'd bother. WHY does it seem or why do I feel I'm the last person to know where our tax forms are or to know when what's being done on our house and ... I'm just so not used to this lack of information, and I don't like it.
Or being told I'm supposed to be satisfied with being out of the loop; how am I contented with that?
Leading up to this weekend ...
Our current plans involve celebrating Sarah's birthday (the 28th, the day before Ash Wednesday this year) this weekend after she's played her clarinet solo at Magic City Campus along with the other musical soloists this coming Saturday morning! Sunday after and at church we have our annual Sunday School Carnival and Silent Auction where anything can happen and usually does! Friday here in Minot the Oak Park Theatre that got closed due to the 2011 flood is officially reopening and for three dollars a ticket you can see Moana or Passengers. I spaced on film #2 when I stopped at my in-laws to pick up the kids Monday night but several there reminded me in one voice.
I expect it will be a busy opening weekend, so I'm not sure we'll take it in right then. In any event, I'd welcome any competition with our other movie theatre in town, Carmike Cinema for prices alone. I doubt I'm alone in that. Now on our home front, Martha's due to see a doctor Friday for a scheduled MRI below her left knee where the stress fracture is, so we hear and she will not get the result of THAT until the following week. As for myself, I could probably handle an MRI there, but not on the upper half of my body, for the shunt I had placed in me to drain a benign tumor when I was five years old is plastic but utilizes metal pins to keep it in. An MRI would pull them out and I would miss you.
This is what I've been told, anyway. And being kept out of football and soccer and wrestling because my mom was afraid I'd get my head smacked around may have contributed to my general disdain for sports, but that's ok. This morning on another note after I'd brought Sarah to school Jeffrey and I met Martha for another doctor's appointment for him, one he was particularly nervous about. Not just because he wanted to get back to school in time for gym -- though I must admit when I was his age I was the opposite, I looked for any excuse to get out of gym! -- but because he just didn't want to go her. But Mom and I were with him, and Jeffrey did well enough.
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