A Balanced Diet Is A Cookie In Each Hand!

Nineteen years ago ...

Genesis 7                                                                     February 16
secret gatherings; Christians in China                       9802.16

And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee I have seen righteous before me in this generation.
And Noah did according unto all that the LORD commanded him.
And they went in unto the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.
And they went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in. 1,5,15,16

The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. Psalm 145:17

Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

Two of Mr. Reynolds; family, a daughter and stepson, just left the store at 0138 hours Tuesday. He's dying from cancer, and I must pray for them, especially since they've driven since 0500 Monday from Grange, Indiana.

I couldn't think of her name (left) when we met in Winn-Dixie yesterday, but I want to remember her because she took time to remember my family more than I do, praying. The man hitchhiking from Satsuma and the woman skiing super-G gold in Nagano [Japan, in the 1998 Winter Olympics] -- how Lachesis measures just a life!

And here's the latest!

As you can see from reading my journal entry and compare that with how I write now, I use a lot of classical (to me, anyway) references. So unless you happen to KNOW that Lachesis was the Fate of Greek mythology who measured people's lives literally by a thread, that the woman skiing I refer to is Picabo -- pronounced peekaboo -- Street (I always wondered how you got there), and the woman I met at Winn-Dixie, Reverend Elizabeth Glover-Galloway, I'd met before at church, you can just follow the pictures, business cards, and other minutiae that I pasted in my journal that I really can't render here.

But I CAN render eighteen of my favorite reads, quotes, and other stuff that I like how they're written even if I don't agree with them, particularly part of #1, from the first half of February for your perusal, and maybe even mine.


1. I actually was more interested in the prostitues and lepers part.

Although, I would argue that thievery is often a result of systemic poverty so perhaps there is more to delve into that too...

2. Are guns laws also what's causing teenage pregnancy here? Maybe there's a cultural aspect in America that we (and especially Brits and Aussies) aren't looking at. American culture is clearly failing at making Americans civilised. There's a deeper picture than just "ban guns". You take the guns away and Americans will find other ways to be violent. In fact if you look at terrorist acts in America from the 60s to 90s, majority of them were done with homemade bombs.

3. Error 404
Your haiku could not be found
Try again later.

4. Have a Happy B-day!! And please celebrate it, it's the one day of the year when people get to celebrate that you were born. If that sperm had made a wrong turn, someone else could have been born. But it was you! Yay!

5. A couple of weeks ago my son and girlfriend's son decided they would destroy a neighbor's fence. They weren't being mean, just making a poor choice and not understanding what they were doing. I was really upset with them, but in the middle of being frustrated I decided this was a learning lesson. At first the neighbor was rightly upset. While her fence was quite broken down and tattered to begin with the boys had no right to destroy it. I had them g...o over and apologize and told her that the boys would be paying for the fence out of birthday and Christmas money. She said, "Oh it's OK boys will be boys." My response was, "Yes Ma'am, and they will stay boys if we don't teach them how to become men." The boys decided on their own to write apology letters and they happily worked to fix the fence. While not awesome they left it way better than they found it. I am proud of the growth they showed through the whole process.

6. Apparently copious amounts of caffeine and a vow of silence are gonna be required for me to get through this day of pretending to be a decent caring functioning member of society. Bah.

7. A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand!

8. Money-without me no one can pay their bills for you!

9. There can't be a funeral if they're all dead!

Sarah Alvin, 020517, 2003 hrs (I can use her name, she's my daughter!)

10. Anyone who's writing at this very moment?

11. A year of writing without any moments of thinking, " This is awful," "Who would ever want to read this?" "Stop editing, just write"... just pure writing for the joy of the process and 10 million dollars and a luck dragon. Sounds awesome.

12. Some powerful dreams featuring both my grandparents who wanted to tell me something important. They gave me a couple of pieces of paper from a spiral bound note pad with information and an address written on it in purple ink. They were in an 1930s hotel room located on the right hand side at the end of a corridor for part of the dream and then we were in a carriage of an old fashioned train mostly made of wood going somewhere together for the last part. It all seemed very imp...ortant. There were well dressed men queuing up on the train to speak to my Poppa. They didn't seem to know he was my Grandad and tried to push past but Grandad hugged me tightly and they had to talk to him while we hugged. He told me he and Nan had psychic gifts, that I'd inherited some psychic abilities from the family line and it was time to use them. Shame I can't remember what was written on the piece of paper they gave me though. Woke up feeling like I'd had a special visit from them. I rarely dream about them and even more rarely appear together.

13. This is the real test of faith: Will you keep a good attitude when you’re doing the right thing but the wrong thing is happening? Will you be your best when you’re not getting the credit? If you’ll stay passionate about life, God will weave it all together, and in the end, you’ll come out fulfilling your purpose.

14. Finally, learning to adapt to each new circumstance means seeing events through your own eyes, and often ignoring the advice that people constantly peddle your way. It means that you ultimately must throw out the laws that others preach, and the books they write to tell you what to do, and the sage advice of the elder. "The laws that govern circumstances are abolished by new circumstances," Napoleon wrote, which means that it is up to you to gauge each new situation. Rely too much on other people's ideas and you end up taking a form not of your own making. Too much respect for other people's wisdom will make you depreciate your own. Be brutal with the past, especially your own, and have no respect for the philosophies that are foisted on you from outside.

(Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power, p. 429)

15. Just as Israel's salvation from Egypt was not the end of their battles, so our salvation from sin is not the end of our struggles. When we fall down before the Cross and confess our sins, we are reconciled to God, and we enter into the new covenant. That moment is our new birth, our new beginning of life in covenant with God.
However, we will always be tempted to settle down and accommodate ourselves to the world. We will always be tempted to rest in the victories of the past, forgetting that a new generation of Christians needs our witness, our teaching, and our example. The power of the blood of Jesus and the glory of Pentecost must be passed on to new believer in order for the world to be saved. We must never let it be said that a new generation arose who did not know the Lord nor the works that He has done for us.

16. In spite of the militancy of James and John, Jesus appreciated their enthusiasm and commitment. Better a fervid, burning sense of concern than a casual, lukewarm response. Before we over-thirty types write off the young, militant churchmen who disturb us with their unsettling tactics on behalf of peace and/or justice, we need to recall that at least two of the Twelve showed similar traits and tendencies. Nevertheless, Jesus called them and worked patiently with them.

(William P. Barker, Saints and Swingers: The Under-Thirties In The Bible, p. 126)

17. Don't expect the typical left-wing regressive to employ a scintilla of critical thought or enough intellectual honesty to grasp the meaning of this quote. Most have ascribed to the views of a core of dedicated liberal fascists bent on disruption, mayhem and chaos in order to destroy this country. The sooner we all recognize this and prepare appropriately, the better off we will be.

18. Truth sets you free, Levi, unless you turn your back on it. And if you do turn your back on it, I guess you're worse off.

(Kay Arthur, Israel My Beloved, p. 238)


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