Say WHAT Now?

That's what Jeffrey said yesterday from his room when as usual he did not want to get up any sooner than he had to! The last few days, actually, he's been wondering if it was the weekend starting with Thursday … but anyway, Martha came to the bottom of the stairs after getting out of the shower and when Jeffrey said “no” to coming down for breakfast before church SHE asked was it ok if she had what was in his Easter basket!

(Sounds of stampeding on our second floor.) Saturday afternoon after Martha came home from work I went with her sister Mary to get the fixings for our kids' Easter baskets and Sunday after church – interesting message Pastor Gerald gave, particularly concerning the tomb; read Scripture straight, and you'll find that Jesus was already out of the tomb before the stone was rolled away! – we met at my in-laws' house and five kids had their Easter egg hunt.

Martha's oldest sister's Lesa's youngest child Trevor – he's gonna be THREE this July, really? – got the front of the house to himself, and the four older kids who still hunt eggs (our Sarah and Jeffrey, Martha's sister Margaret's youngest who lives with grandma and grandpa Josceline, and Lesa's middle child Brandon) got the backyard and that of their neighbor who still hasn't moved back into his house since the flood three years ago to hunt thirty eggs each in, six each of five different colors.

And then to lunch of ham and corn and mashed potatoes with homemade single-serving fruit pies as well as Breanna's (Margaret's older daughter – don't worry, a family flow chart is forthcoming) homemade Easter basket cookies, complete with “grass” (dyed green frosting), red licorice handle, jelly beans, and cookie basket! The kids had fun with the egg hunt, and Sarah after I picked her up from her friend Scottie's overnight Saturday was told by her mom she was welcome anytime.

Glad for me to hear that

(and maybe a few more details about the week, for this day has already been busy),



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