Hey, It's Tax Day!
[And here's my standout statuses ... or stati ... or catching moments, such as looked appealing to me at the time I cut and pasted it the first half of April 2014!
Resistance is not Windows, David]
1. I was sad when I thought I left my coffee at home this morning. I was happy when I discovered I brought it after all. I was sad when I discovered it was cold. Oh the ups and downs of this life.
2. That's really interesting. I love hearing the history behind things.
Unfortunately, I am a very trusting person and it's easy to fool me. I've never liked that kind of thing much. Innocent jokes are fine once in a while, but a whole day of it and as you so rightly point out many of the jokes go WAY too far, it makes me crazy. Because then real news gets disbelieved.
3. There are "phlebotomists" & then there are "Miracle Workers" ... EVERYBODY on our team could put BOTH of these titles on their resume! Thank you Lord for my skill!
4. I'm serious about my grind because there is nothing funny about broke & ANYTHING worth having, is worth working for! Don't ever think that your going to find diamonds and gold when you're only willing to scratch the surface!
5. ... you will not spoil it, you will make it special...
6. You know.... if I ever write a character for DC or Marvel, I am going to say, "Screw writing for a demographic." Screw people who might call me a close-minded writer for not having, (Hypothetically), a black person or a woman as my protagonist. Screw writing to please the armchair bloggers and "so-called feminists on tumblr" instead of writing to write a good and enjoyable story. Yeah, that sounds mean, but honestly, I have begun to be disgusted at people who feel like they have to write for specific demographics for fear of being called a bigot. Writers should write good stories if they want to.
7. what?? I didn't do anything?. Opinions come with the conversations. Its interesting to see what my friends say. You'll never know unless you ask right?
8. My house has been so quiet this morning! Why? Because the boys MAY or MAY NOT have been playing on their tablets all morning (Out of my norm I know, but they've been fighting SOOOOO bad lately and my head feels like it explodes with every fight they have soooo yeh....I may or may not....be ok with them being on their tablets all morning....Just for today at least....
9. I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food.
10. When writing a book since there is no art you don't even have to give the character a race or or heck even a sex. over all though when it comes to writing give a character a race should be the last thing you care about if they turn out white they turn out white,if they are asian or black they turn out asian or black it shouldn't matter as long as they are good characters.
11. I walked into the public restroom at work today and encountered a woman who I assume was homeless. She had everything she owned scattered across the room and was bathing and brushing her teeth in the sink. I didn’t want to make her feel awkward so I just simply walked by, used the bathroom, washed my hands and was drying them when we made eye contact. She instantly burst into tears. She didn’t say a word. She just cried. I’m not sure why, but without even the smallest bit of hesitation we both opened our arms and just embraced each other tightly. It happened so naturally and automatically – it was as if it were a scripted scene out of a movie. We hugged for a solid 3 minutes - maybe more - still never saying a word. Then she finally pulled back and said, "What’s your name?" I said, "Pamela. What’s yours?" She said, "Shelly." I said, "Keep your head up, Shelly. Stay strong." And I left.
Moral of the story: Sometimes, you just need a hug.
12. Supposedly, my internet is now 4 times faster. I'm expecting things to blur by.
13. Sigh.... So tired.... So many thoughts trying to figure them out and it's not working...... Driving me crazy actually.... I think I need a vacation from myself... Lol
14. The companion is the Doctor's moral compass, but usually the Doctor is playing moral compass for whatever situation he drops into. Then when things go nuts the companion helps tie him back.
15. Never let a fear of sharing your talents hold you back, for you were given them for a reason.
16. I'm really not interested in starting a debate - really - but IF you are claiming to be a Christian, and IF you believe what the BIBLE says, (little things like "Study to show yourself approved unto God") then WHY would you think that EASTER - named for the Goddess Ishtar - and full of sanitized human sacrifice rituals (from the eggs to the bunnies) - has ANYTHING to do with Jesus/Yeshua (or your preferred spelling)? Resurrection Sunday (still the day picked by the Catholic Church for coinciding with Ishtar's day) ok. Seriously, if you want to follow the Bible, folks, black and white, Passover. If you must have your eggs and peeps and such, it all goes on sale after Ishtar/Easter
17. Today consisted of a walk up to the Pizza Pizza while playing "Lego Batman" (I was Wonder Woman and Poison Ivy. First we had to defeat a Clown Good and Mime Goon and use the "lasso of truth" on them. They both admitted their nefarious deeds as well as the fact that they sing in the shower. They then joined us on the good side. Next The Joker and Lex Luthor were using the Jokerbot to destroy Gotham city. So Superman and I had to defeat the Jokerbt and use the lasso on Lex and Joker. Again we were successful. After that The Penguin and a few others joined us and I had to get everyone back to my secret hideout on Mount Olympus so I flew them all there in my invisible plane.) We then each had a slice of Pizza and then when we finished out slice we went next door to Yougurty's where we got some frozen yougurt and each got 3 toppings. Then more Lego Batman on the way home. (Penguin bumped his head while using his umbrella to glide around and I had to help him with his injuries.
Then we went to Walmart to pick up some stuff and a frame for my Uncle's birthday present for tomorrow. I picked up two books that are based on the Canadian Curriculum (one grade 2 and another grade 3) and Mac did the first 3 pages with me and impressed me when he very quickly picked up how to do double and triple digit addition including carrying numbers. . Now we are getting ready for some yummy taco salad for dinner. I love our weekends together.
18. May the "equanimity" consume you!
19. I have a beautiful crazy mind? Am I too beautiful to live too? Or is that only when referring to food? Because I will totally declare that I was too beautiful to live in my death speech( you know my funeral letter and whatnots) but in the words of the doctor: 'You just wait I'm busy!' Not gonna die quite yet
20. Shopping errands and Goodwill drop off done! Snack bag packed for upcoming trip. Boys are doing household chores while I do the bill paying and the RS Newsletter. This newsletter is going down. I will force it to stop being unruly and submit to my demands. I will not, however, be making that new masthead I need/want to make. Unfortunately most of my graphics arts creative juices are failing me. I can't believe I used to do graphics art... LOL
21. So take THAT newsletter. HA! Not 100% happy with it, but it's done and I'm going to happy dance. Especially since I'm not making graphics. ROFL.
22. If you love water, you'll love 70% of me.
23. Is [a female celebrity] one of the 1 in 4 that believe the universe revolves around the earth? There is a documentary coming in spring 2014 that will try to prove that the earth is the center of all things and a former [science fiction tv show] captain is narrating it. Our world is slipping backwards slowly and the Fundie Religious, Creationists and Muslims are not helping any. How much longer until the next Dark Ages and how long will it last this time? Humanity is slipping and mental illness is taking over!
24. Money attracts the female you want...struggle attracts the female you need
25. People of the Facebook, if you're calling for an auto quote because you think your insurance is too high, have your current policy with you. You saying, "I don't know" to all my questions is not helpful. At all.
26. Highest Honors. Cried in the conference room. No shame. May the Bard be with you.
27. men may wear the pants but remember it is your wife who determines how much they get taken down ... (not to be crude but if she is overwhelmed at home she is not going to feel all sexy girl at night ) help your wives men!~love you all
28. No matter how much structure we create in our lives, no matter how many good habits we build, there will always be things that we cannot control and if we let them, these things can be a huge source of anger, frustration and stress. The simple solution is learn to go with the flow. LAUGH, SMILE, BREATHE and go SLOWLY!
29. Have a wonderful Tuesday my dear friends and God bless us all always
30. Yay my car has brakes. Now I can stop. It's the lil things in life that make me happy.
If u need anything fixed on ur car, go see Mike Blackwell at The Shop across the street from the Satsuma Handy Way. He does great work and has good prices.
31. I don't serve God because I'm afraid of hell. If He was a jerk who played with us like toys, or turned His own creations into murderers for His own pleasure like "allah", I wouldn't bow before Him even if it meant I would spend eternity in hell for it.
I serve the King because I LOVE HIM. I serve Him because HE IS GOOD, and because HE IS KIND and MERCIFUL, and because HE LOVES US and gave HIS OWN LIFE to prove that love to us and to save us.
I serve the King because I RESPECT HIM........and I consider Him WORTHY of my devotion. I bow before Him HAPPILY, WILLINGLY, THANKFULLY........and I'm really glad that He's our creator because HE'S WAY COOL....... I like Him ALOT and I look forward to spending lots of time at His feet just hanging on every word He's got to say......
32. A very emotional day today. One of those overwhelming days that hasn't fully soaked in yet. Maybe it is just an accumulation of crazy stressful days...I don't know... but I know that if I didn't have Jesus Christ, family and friends I would be lost.
33. I have come to the conclusion that understanding females is outside of my area of expertise.
34. Forandring fryder :)
(trans. "A change of pace")
35. Lunch date with me myself and I!!!!! This is what I NEED to get back to ... spending time with ME!!!! ♡ I've always found that I'm at my best when I've had time to pamper myself and focus on my inner! Been grinding too hard lately, trying to shake that feeling off of me!
36. I guess it's really NOT all that bad over here on my planet!
37. Hell, I could handle if it was just a solid enough issue that it feels worth $4. Half the time I feel cheated cause they give 1/4th of a story because they need to write for the trades instead o the issues and then for a trade of the story it's an ungodly price and just... sorry, venting.
38. The fairy tales serve more of a purpose than we might think......
Yes, they communicate dark things to those with a dark eye....but isn't this world we find ourselves in DARK??
Have you considered that we are ALL Cinderella??
The children of wickedness use us, step on us, make servants out of us, and oppress us - determined to KEEP US DOWN.
BUT.....we have the Holy Spirit (fairy godmother) who comforts us, teaches us, and gives us HOPE, and makes it possible to MEET THE PRINCE!! All we have to do is ENCOUNTER HIM - and He falls madly in love with us, slays the dragon for us - and takes us out of the sewer to set us in a palace for a home.....where we live HAPPILY EVER AFTER......because evil can't touch us anymore.
39. happy as a peanut butter cup..wait.
40. I feel so awesome when my friends buy pedometers! We all r holding each other accountable! If u have a friend & they not suppporting your journey they aren't your friend! B careful of the pals that buy u dozen of donuts when u already overweight!
41. Dear Panic Attacks,
You know...I don't need you around really. I can handle life on my own and these random visits from you are getting as annoying as a whore with the clap.
I don't need you 6 times a day. I don't need you gripping me in a bear hug so tight that I can't breathe.
So I need to just let you know...we're breaking up. I'm walking away.
You go your way, I'll go mine and everyone comes out with a clean shirt on...
42. The kids are fantastic colorists, and tonight [one] caught up on 42 pages of her new Geronimo Stilton book (a detective mouse) and [the other] after dinner read "Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur!" ... then something he's been after me to read with him the last few days, "The United States in World War I".
Again, reading this sixth-grade book (and he's in first) was HIS idea, not mine. I am really proud of my especially bright kids!
43. I am so tired of users. Don't even try to BS me with "soul bonds", that we are so alike it's uncanny; that we have this "connection" because we seem to be likeminded. Here's a newsflash for you - if you duck and run when I have personal turmoil that I am going through, that you have to separate yourself from me so that my "aura" doesn't impact you -F*** Off! Unfriend me now because sometimes everyone goes through hell. Life isn't always a ray of sunshine in the flower garden. Sometimes life is up to your elbows in dirt. Sometimes we get smudges of it across our cheeks as we work things out so we can have the beauty of roses. Personally, if you never get your hands dirty you never develop any character which means I've outgrown you. Sorry you chose to stay in mediocrity!
44. Taxes filed. IRS paid. Dishwasher running. Pack of boys sent to the mall. Scriptures done. Hot Chocolate procured - took me three tries. Don't ask. Meats thawing for dinner. Still to do: Plan a dessert option for tonight, shower, and I don't know...
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