Minutes From The Last Meeting of The John Keating Society

[Oh, there is no such organization, at least according to Bing and Google – isn't it scary that we don't know how we found things before search engines? – but I think there ought to be, that and a Roger Taney Society. But I digress.

Dead Poets Society is one of my favorite movies, and one of my most thoughtful. That is, filled with thoughts, something that perhaps I have thought but never worded, or that I love the wording my friends and others used – even if they quoted it themselves, and it inspired me to keep track!

Anyway, I'm taking a break today to make a better Ensign devotional for tomorrow by sharing various Facebook statuses – or stati? Don't go there – that I collected over the first half of January on Facebook, with spelling and style intact but identities withheld (unless they ask).

And in keeping with the motto of the society,

“Just when you think you know something, you have to look at it a different way.”

Sounding my barbaric yawp, David]

1. "Why do you talk to yourself so much?" Umm that may be becase the only other human in the house doesn't unless it's screaming or saying derogatory things....*flinches for the cyberslaps*

2. Love and hugs back at you from another imperfect creation of God.. Jes Oves you and so do I May God Bless You.
(corrected in the next minute to "Jesus Loves You" but it was so funny!)

3. No true prophet would profit from fear.

4. Time is to relationships as heat is to everything else - bend, coalesce, break or sublimate.

5. Don't stop trying to better your life. Just use your intellect to fulfill healthy desires and suppress unhealthy desires.

6. By all means do not play politics with your purpose, passions, gifts, talents or callings. Promotion comes from God.

7. One of the best reasons not to be arrogant or overconfident is that quick and easy access to knowledge and technology makes everyone vulnerable to competition.

8. Whatever it is your scared to try...your greatness could be wrapped inside.

9. I just read that Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr. were both born in 1929. I've always thought of them in two completely different time periods.

10. Praying pain releases me.

11. My success required dogged determination, persistence, and unfailing dedication. I will achieved what I have set forth to do, because I will not allow the degradation of my environment to set the map for my destiny. I am aware that in the Incohation of this journey, I will meet many resistance, but I pledge that I will not give up.

12. My nails are finally again!

13. so many options. one i should take. one i need to take. one i want to take. one is very tempting. one could be da.gerous. one is my dream.

14. Lunch with Kari, Mike and Gerald.....theology, friendship, and laughter...3 of my favorite things!

15. I think it's almost pretty drink time again!!

16. Sigh.... Some people still never seem to amaze me!!!!! Grow up and realize that I don't care about what you do or what you say.... Why can't people be happy for others??? I wonder if it because they are unhappy themselves???

17. Nice write David!

18. Desire without conscience sours into greed.

19. Today, one of my cohort members gave me a hug and said "You're the bubbles to our cohort 7 champagne!!!" Ele Clay, you made my day sweetheart!!! I love ya! Paul A Miller this one is just for you.....I think the most alarming statement that has now become a common phrase is "KIM'LL DO IT!!" Thank you for unofficially making me your leader folks.....with me as your leader, things could get interesting!

20. *sigh* The cat. That is all.

21. Great news! So tumors have been reduced to"Swiss cheese" consistency, the doctors said, instead of solid masses. Now they sort of ribbons through the healthy tissue. New rounds of new chemo start Tuesday. They said it will continue to attack! I feel there is a tiny battle going on inside me. Lol

22. Michael B. Katz: For most of recorded history, poverty reflected God’s will. The poor were always with us. They were not inherently immoral, dangerous or different. They were not to be shunned, feared or avoided. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, a harsh new idea of poor people as being different and inferior began to replace this ancient biblical view. The biological definition of poverty reinforces the idea of the undeserving poor. Poverty, in this view, results from personal failure and inferiority. Moral weaknesses – drunkenness, laziness, sexual promiscuity – constitute the most consistent markers of the undeserving poor.

The idea that a culture of poverty works its insidious influence on individuals, endowing them with traits that trap them in lives of destitution, entered both scholarly and popular discourse somewhat later and endures to this day. Faulty heredity composes the third strand in the identification of the undeserving poor; backed by scientific advances in molecular biology and neuroscience, it is enjoying a revival. The historical record shows this idea in the past to have been scientifically dubious, ethically suspect, politically harmful and, at its worst, lethal. That is why we should pay close attention to its current resurgence.

23. Rushing wastes the time its trying to save.

24. There's plenty of room for both stark horror depictions and gorgeous depictions in the world.

(Not bad; one for every hour of the day!)


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