Easy, I'm A Friendly Beast.
Today's title comes from one of the main characters in the series, a canine bounty hunter named Gog or Magog or Gog n' Magog depending on what part of the story you're in. I still don't understand that … anyway, Gog befriends Longshot on our world (remember, Longshot doesn't know who he is; heck, Longshot's chosen name comes from a survivalist who calls him that in passing) and gradually gets nastier to him and, drawing magic from all around him becomes larger and ready to give Longshot a good trouncing for exiling him here! (But he's the one who chose to stay when all the other Longshot-hunters got to go home, so what does that tell you?) Introducing new villains like the corpulent Mojo and the six-armed sorceress Spiral and with cameos from She-Hulk, Spider-Man, and Doctor Strange, this series originally cover dated September 1985 to February 1986 – which means it originally appeared from July to December 1985 – was also an attack on mass media before it was cool!
At least, that's how I in January 2014 can see it now, or begin to. This weekend was also my debut teaching Sunday school in Parable Playhouse after first service at Bethany yesterday … I'd written up the play for a lesson based on Jesus calming the storm (Matthew 8:23-27) and in a change of pace the five kids, my assistant Brandon, and I performed the play first and then had the fifth graders read the Scripture, which in a Bible with subject headings is broken up into several stories. Throughout chapter eight you've got Jesus healing a leper, a centurion's servant upon being asked by the centurion himself, Peter's mother-in-law (which shoots in the foot the Catholic church's argument that priests must be celibate, for Peter “the rock” having a mother-in-law must have had a wife; it actually is a power issue from the eleventh century, but again I digress), some tests of discipleship, Jesus “quiets” a storm, and casting demons out of two men and into a herd of pigs.
The sun's not shining too brightly today, yet my heart sings … this week my daughter Sarah is Student of the Week in her second grade class, and that means a lot! She got to fill out a poster with interesting facts about herself, color it, add photos, and she gets to help out her teacher Mrs. Braasch as “special helper”. Saturday I brought Jeffrey to and from his friend Jasper's house for his eighth birthday party with a LEGO theme. He and six other boys had a lot of fun there, and overnight Friday we had our niece – Sarah and Jeffrey's cousin – Josceline spend the night because her grandparents (my in-laws Robert and Sharon) were out of town. Went well, we all save Martha slept in, and Sunday after church Robert and Sharon came over to help me – okay, Robert did the lion's share of this, but I did get to help and didn't look too mechanically inept that day – put a new prong on our block heater so I can plug the car in if it gets freezing weather again. With sixty-nine days to spring, that could happen.
Guess this is the right planet, after all.
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