You're No Superhero, You Need To Use The Microwave!

A little context, please: this morning as Sarah sat across from me and Jeffrey to the left of me eating breakfast at the dining room table and with me reviewing their spelling words with them (oh, and Sarah has her test on the moon Friday to continue studying for as well) she was starting to pick on him for something he missed and I made the comment in a stern yet joking voice that I would zap her with my heat vision if she didn't stop.

Heat vision is most commonly associated with Superman, who usually gets first crack when you think of superheroes … I know neither of us meant it the way it came out, but it hurt a little. (Though I did come back with “Isn't Batman a superhero? He needs to use the microwave too!”) After last night's Halloween party in our church basement where Jeffrey came away with quite a lot of candy and, according to Martha, a can of soda because he tried so hard at one particular challenge, I met them.

I already know what tomorrow's title here will be if I'm allowed to write it: “The Year of the Ninja and the Orchid Ballerina”. But for THAT explanation, you will have to come back then, won't you? I can live with that … tonight the kids have choir (and Martha will be leaving for choir herself, leaving the kids home with me once I get home from work tonight) and I pray they continue to be awesome and surprise me! Or heck, that I surprise me over the next few days! Even without using the microwave.

National Novel Writing Month in less than two days, David


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