DO, Miss Lock-In, Mister Chambers?

Thirteen years ago ...

Philippians 3:8-14                                              January 1
Mary w/her kids in Mott; St. Louis staff.           10501.01

Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.

Don't criticize, condemn, or complain.

Well, this could definitely be a resolution for me, and like developing the attitude of Christ, it takes a lifetime to consistently achieve. What great goals my married life, my prayer life, and my God-breathed life can aspire to ... when my ego's left out of it.

Dennenberg, Berry. Voices From Vietnam. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1995.

Unlike most histories of the Vietnam War (which often leave me scratching my head), this collection of letters and direct quotations from both sides flows remarkably well. The author lists his sources thoroughly and gives a timeline at the end, but no index. For someone approaching the subject the first time or the hundred and first, the author's interconnections may seem biased toward the Vietnamese. It is, but the author is just and fair in reporting firsthand from Americans too.

ISBN 0590435302

[I pasted the Voice of the Martyrs report on Afghanistan on the following page.]

The [youth] lock-in [at Bethany Lutheran Church where I was one of the adult helpers] was a lot of fun; I hadn't been to one since high school. After playing an icebreaker with Catchphrase (which showed a woeful lack of common knowledge), Tami and a group went for groceries. Then we toasted in the New Year and at 0045 this morning went bowling (where I actually bowled a strike and two spares in my second game!) We all played, and my team won Disney Scene It! Then we broke up to watch movies, play games, and/or fall asleep until 0800.

And in my first post of 2018 ...

Let's just say I am glad to be awake for it! The time at which I'm typing this (1637 hours) is just after I'd be getting home from work. But today's New Year's Day, one of six holidays that Trinity Health allows its employees -- most of them anyway; I mean, someone's got to work in the hospital and sick people just won't take a day off, darn it --  to be off with pay if you've been with them ninety days. Since I started there at the beginning of July I wasn't able to take advantage of Labor Day, but Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day was all good.

Another caveat. At the medical supply warehouse where I work, we can only take advantage of a half-day off if a holiday's on Monday or Friday unless we get the hospital stocked for Monday by coming in a half-day Saturday. Which I did, and I can't really complain about that. And over the weekend I cannot deny I've caught up on my sleep deficit and as we have ended one year and are beginning another, I realize unlike in '05 before the kids and still in the newlywed phase I may not so much believe in making new year's resolutions anymore

but I do want to keep them, David


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