We are the cart people.

So one of the nurses said to Sandy and me when we were bringing the cart upstairs in the freight elevator at Trinity Hospital today. It got me thinking of us who work in the Materials Management warehouse as the Morlocks and they in the hospital as the Eloi ... Yes, a crude analogy from H.G. Wells' novel "The Time Machine" and I'm learning not to share what may make me sound more pretentious than I am, particularly when I'm around more people regularly. On another tack, I am getting better at backing up the truck I have to drive for now between the warehouse and the hospital. It helps to not have three people screaming directions in my ear!

But I don't digress. (For a change.) Sunday afternoon after church where I got to read the lessons -- which I really get into! -- I treated Martha and the kids to lunch at Trinity Hospital's cafeteria and used MY badge to pay out of my check for the first time. It worked well, and later that afternoon we started shopping for Sarah and Jeffrey's school supplies. We got word from Martha's sister Mary about some good deals at Staples, and we did some comparison shopping as well so we'll do the lion's share of picking up this fall's supplies Friday after work. Less walking around.

And since I napped right after getting home with the kids today -- the last day I will have to pick them up at Robert and Sharon's after work as Martha will only be working at Burger King on Saturdays after tonight! -- I am in theory ready for anything tonight once my bride steps through our front door. Of course, I say that and plans will change the minute (actually, in a few minutes as I write this and the clock strikes nine) she does

and we meet her,



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