When All They Want Is To Be Happy
[Sounds about right. And with Sarah and Jeffrey having been out of school most of the week due to heavy coughing and high fevers and me now coughing like my stomach's about to burst out of me, I'm glad that I've been gathering this collection of my favorite posts and passages from the first half of March. I share, I sit back, and I'm happy. -- David]
1. I dropped my lecture notes in the toilet & spilled cadaver preservative in my trunk. How's your day going?
2. The man who writes about himself and his own time is the only man who writes about all people and about all time.
(George Bernard Shaw, "I Become An Author")
3. So Puck now serves as Captain Marvel's exposition font. Would it kill them to have an occasional cartwheel?
(Alpha Flight page on Facebook, 030217, 1146 hrs)
4. To hurt us, fight for, so bad, just dance is good again lol...
5. I gave up on the idea of Canada and now I got a call for a job interview in Canada. Everything always happens after I've moved on and come up with a new plan. Story of my life.
6. You know what, Dad? It's called Angry Birds when all they want is to be happy.
(Jeffrey to me, 030417, 1106 hrs, when we were watching The Angry Birds Movie)
7. I appreciate the inclusion of Red Sonja, but I wouldn't classify her as a superhero. Also, I find it odd that she is often drawn on covers with an ax, yet she has never used one in a story. She's the She-Devil with a Sword, people.
8. These miserable females don't even want ya man, they really be wanting your JOY!!! All I got to say is, don't let your food get cold because your watching my plate!!!!
9. My favorite part about this scene is that Xavier is sympathetic to Rogue. Everyone knows what she is really asking [when it's said in X-Men: The Last Stand that there's a "cure" for mutants]. And everybody knows why. [Rogue can't touch anyone without absorbing their memories, powers, and abilities and potentially rendering them comatose.] Storm tries to build her up, but while Xavier would agree with Storm, he also completely sympathizes with Rogue.
10. #Newbie Author Tip - Know your characters. To make your story compelling characters must WANT something or someone. Of course, the best part of writing is throwing obstacles in their way and see how they respond. If you start off a novel unsure what the characters want, you're making it tougher on yourself!
(Jenn Nixon, Author Page, 030917, 1830 hrs)
11. I wonder if the church is not living out the reality of what is called the "Ephesus Symptom." "The church of Ephesus was faced with probably one of the greatest social, political, and theological challenges. The Lord praised the church for resisting the lure of the empire, and for their vigilance in brandishing many causes (Rev2-3). Yet in the midst of the praise for their persistence, the Ephesian Christians were rebuked for abandoning their first love. In their zeal for theological purity and social relevance, they abandon their "first love"- the sovereign Christ and the supremacy of loving him, for a mere cause. "
Jesus Manifesto
12. When The Kids Crash Your BBC Interview
(nytimes.com headline, 031017, c. 1028 hrs)
13. "Making Peace with Your Body Frees Up ..." so much time to plan total Curvy world domination, so much time to love your kids and family, to have lots of hot sex. (The first part is Brittany's quote. The second part is me. ) She has made peace with her thighs and cellulite and I could not love this more if I tried!
(Curvy Girl Lingerie, 1540 hrs)
14. Life happens...experience it. Revel in the feel of it.
Sometimes horrible things happen... push through it... than choose to continue to live.
15. I do not call these events MIRACLES. They are simply the PROVIDENCE OF GOD in action.
The term miracle is too freely thrown around.
16. "Trust me," says the older gentleman in the spirits department after recommending a beer.
"You know, my wife always says if a man tells you to trust him, run like Hell and never look back. So I asks her why she ended up with me.
And she says, "I looked back.""
"You know, my wife always says if a man tells you to trust him, run like Hell and never look back. So I asks her why she ended up with me.
And she says, "I looked back.""
(The best inspiration comes from everyday life.)
[Martha is always saying never trust a person who says "trust me". So far she's kept looking back.]
17. It is sometimes necessary to repeat what all know. All mapmakers should place the Mississippi in the same location, and avoid originality. It may be boring, but one has to know where he is. We cannot have the Mississippi flowing toward the Rockies for a change.
(Saul Bellow, Mr. Sammler's Planet)
18. "Yes, Master." Hmm. There's a reason the classics never go out of style.
(Arkham Asylum: Living Hell)
19. Religion is belief in someone else's experience.
Spiritualism is having your own experience.
There are certain things you'll wish could stay forever, as we all know life goes on, with or without you, advancing with a force that awaits noone, like rushing water at times. Don't exhaust energy fighting the current. Surrender, trust in hope, enjoy the journey.
Smile along th way......
Then eat chocolate!
20. I've been eating massive amount of salad lately and I can't help but be so incredibly obsessed with cleaning my greens properly. I've had e-coli TWICE and I'm only 25. Both times from not washing veggies and greens properly. I mean you need to put SERIOUS energy into making sure your food is clean. Don't forget it fam.
21. Like I said, collarspace
22. Our time together is fragile as butterfly wings -- bright and beautiful, yet easily damaged.
(Laura Moe, Breakfast With Neruda)
23. When at a loss for an ending,
have some brown hens standing in the rain.
(Billy Collins, "The Student")
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