September Second Half
The Angry Birds Movie.
THAT'S what I couldn't remember yesterday when I said in my post that the rest of Saturday was a blur! For further details, please see paragraph five of yesterday's post, "Now FORWARD!" We rented the movie and went home to watch it, and I was pleasantly surprised I liked it and it made sense even to me.
Anyway (cracking my knuckles), now to my favorite pieces not written by me from the last half of September! Authors only identified if the quote's from a book or the person is public knowledge.
Have fun,
1. Our faith, too, is a gift from God, ... one that gets stronger and surer the more we use it.
(Sarah H. Boatwright, 091816, Christ In Our Home)
2. If all students left schools with basic reading skills 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty.
Global Partnership for Education
3. Lima beans loom over Levittown.
(David Wiesner, June 29, 1999)
4. So on a day i had off of work i supposedly pulled garbage from a resident room but didn't clean it and i had too many smoke breaks..... hmmm i really must be that good.
5. Real life ain't like poker -- ya gotta do yer best and play the game, long before ya learn the rules!
(Thing, Marvel Two-in-One #75, "By Blastaar - Betrayed!", cover dated May 1981)
6. Buckle up, kiddos, because this writing and publishing thing is a wild ride. But you've got it. I know you do. You know how I know?
You've got whole worlds living inside your brain, whole cities, towns...Motherf'in UNIVERSES full of people that you made up. And you know what?
They matter. Not just to you. But someone out there needs your story. Maybe they need it to entertain them for a few ho...urs or distract them from a really bad day.
Maybe YOUR book saves a life.
And I say that as someone who might not be alive today if not for stumbling blindly on a book series during the most crippling depression of my life. Books got me up. Books got me out the door to the library, gave me something to talk to. Something to look forward to.
In all likelihood, I'll never get to tell the author of those books how much they mean to me because I'm an awkweird hippo-loving, shy and quiet girl most of the time. But my life was touched by books. Some of them are by people here. And somewhere out there is the person waiting for yours.
And it's not always that dramatic. Sometimes, the difference between a craptastical day and a magical day is the twenty pages I get to read. I'm sure it's that way for some of you, too. Imagine a world without books... You can't. It's not in you. Just like not writing is not in you. You're a goddamn hero. Now, go and write. Someone's waiting to read your books!
7. Is there anything more wasteful than restricting human enterprise?
(John Christopher, The Guardians)
8. OK so you know yesterday was a freaking awesomely amazing day? So I went to class as usual on a Monday night. ONe lay asked me how much weight I've lost. SQUEEEEEEE! Bonus points for her. Then while in a discussion I cracked a joke about something, and another lady that is relatively new got this crazy screwed up expression. THen asked, are you serious?
Then acted troubled because it was out of character for me.
She was seriously troubled that I made a wisecrack.
I guess she thought I was some prim and proper collegiate type or something.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't even. . . . . my sides hurt.
9. You humans: Even the young ones will argue you to death.
(Alan Dean Foster, Son of Spellsinger)
10. A bit ago, I walked to the store I used work, of course they tell me they miss me and how things are a mess.
It doesn't surprise me in the least, in part because as I was telling my daughter I watch people and see what they do and don't.
See how some people want to be in management so I they can get out of work, were as if they were real leaders they would show how it ought to be done!
I was trying to explain to one person that if you want to be a leader, you have to lead by ...example, a general for an example who leads his troops into battle, who is willing to endure what his troops endure will inspire his troops to follow him into battle as opposed to those who don't lead from in front.
Which is why I have always thought what a joke it was when Obama said he lead from behind. Does the leader of a race, lead from behind?
Of course not,
11. Are your apology glands swelling up right now?
(Bella Dawson, Bella and the Bulldogs)
12. One's closet full of anxieties is never complete without an MX missile.
(Berkeley Breathed, Bloom County)
13. a well acted scene defies what decade its from. A good story defies time. cheese or plotholes are also timeless.
14. Today in Psychology Induction.
Tutor: Right okay I want everyone to write down three facts about themselves. Two needs to be true and one needs to be false. Then you need to read them out loud to the rest of us and we will try to figure out which one is the lie.
Me: *gets every single one right in first guess*
Tutor: How..... did you do that. ...
Me: I can hear it in their tone of voice.
Tutor: Okay you literally just started today you should not be able to do that yet.
16. My sons have brainstormed a story they're going to write, act out, and film.
(Berkeley Breathed, Bloom County)
13. a well acted scene defies what decade its from. A good story defies time. cheese or plotholes are also timeless.
14. Today in Psychology Induction.
Tutor: Right okay I want everyone to write down three facts about themselves. Two needs to be true and one needs to be false. Then you need to read them out loud to the rest of us and we will try to figure out which one is the lie.
Me: *gets every single one right in first guess*
Tutor: How..... did you do that. ...
Me: I can hear it in their tone of voice.
Tutor: Okay you literally just started today you should not be able to do that yet.
15. You can do it, unlikely candidate though you may be, by leaning into the Lord's everlasting love for you.
(Sarah H. Boatwright, 092216, Christ In Our Home)
16. My sons have brainstormed a story they're going to write, act out, and film.
Pizza Zombies from Outer Space!!!
(They're seven and eight and this will be book #3 for them.)
(They're seven and eight and this will be book #3 for them.)
It's going to include tons of lasers, farts, and PIZZA!!!! (This is how they explained it to me.)
Just wanted to let y'all know, No Idea is a Bad Idea!
17. Atheism apparent loses its luster when the finish line approaches.
(Brian K. Vaughan, Y: The Last Man, #60, "Alas")
18. That just means you have to improve. Remember, if the writing were really bad, she wouldn't continue reading.
19. Hangover free alcohol sounds like a great idea, right? But consider the level of idiocy we are already experiencing in the world. Do we really need to up the ante? I think alcohol is perfect as it is right now. It is poison that if consumed moderately with responsibility can alleviate stress and elevate mood. Taking away the negative side effects is going to create an avalanche of drunken nightmare behavior from people around the clock.
TL;DR The only reason a lot of people do not stay drunk 100% of the time is the hangovers. We need hangovers.
[The Poster wrote this in reference to "alcosynth", a synthetic alcohol a professor at Imperial College develop and that HE predicts could replace regular drinking alcohol by mid-century. Good idea? -D.]]
20. Found a streaming movie service called AngelVid, which allows you to filter language & content in movies to make them more kid-friendly. We're going to try it out tonight, so more later on how it works, but in my reading & research, I came across this filter option. They've already won me over.
21. That's exactly what these pictures are showing. Not even kidding - - it totally filters out every time JarJar is on screen.
[From the same poster, six minutes after post #20. You can probably guess the Poster tried out AngelVid with The Phantom Menace. - D.]
22. QUESTION: Hillary complained about Trump not releasing his tax returns. Ok, she had my attention for that point. However, she couldn't explain why she deleted all of those emails. Is that not the same thing? Keeping things hidden is not being honest. It doesn't matter who is the 1 doing it. It made for a moot point.
>> I just want full disclosure. . .
Is that so WONG?
23. I'm a nurse in a hospital and we always encourage our patients families to help out as much as they are comfortable. If it's a really extensive dressing change or a fresh surgical wound then usually the wound care nurse or the surgeon's PA would see to it first, show us how to do it and then once it was more easily managed we would help the family learn how to do it. If the patient is going home with dressing changes then we have to make sure that the patient and their family know how to do it and we will usually have home health set up to check in and make sure it's being done properly. We've had to teach patients going home with central lines for home antibiotics how to care for the lines and administer the medications, patients going home with subcutaneous blood thinners or new diabetics with insulin how to administer their shots. It all depends on what the patient's needs are and just how much the family is willing to do. Most of the time they aren't willing to help with anything which is a harsh but true reality. Sorry if I went a little overboard with the explanation, I just realized how long this was!
[The Poster's responding to the question, "When a patient is in the hospital for a longer period of time (weeks to months), do their loved ones get to help caring for them?" - D.]
24. I have a winning temperament. I know how to win.
25. Barbarism in Africa is not new, not old, not isolated to historical events, but a continuum, sadly throughout it's whole history, that even exists today, and has very little to do with colonialism and much more to do with long held cultural beliefs and practices.
26. Yep.
That was the exact moment [Wolverine] became the bad-ass of the Marvel Universe.
27. We are very good lawyers when it comes to our own mistakes, but very good judges when it comes to the mistakes of others.
(author unknown, KHRT's 092916 quote of the day)
28. Learning some cooking skills. Today just knife skills. Brunoise, Julienne, Batonette, all cuts.
Just wanted to let y'all know, No Idea is a Bad Idea!

17. Atheism apparent loses its luster when the finish line approaches.
(Brian K. Vaughan, Y: The Last Man, #60, "Alas")
18. That just means you have to improve. Remember, if the writing were really bad, she wouldn't continue reading.
19. Hangover free alcohol sounds like a great idea, right? But consider the level of idiocy we are already experiencing in the world. Do we really need to up the ante? I think alcohol is perfect as it is right now. It is poison that if consumed moderately with responsibility can alleviate stress and elevate mood. Taking away the negative side effects is going to create an avalanche of drunken nightmare behavior from people around the clock.
TL;DR The only reason a lot of people do not stay drunk 100% of the time is the hangovers. We need hangovers.
[The Poster wrote this in reference to "alcosynth", a synthetic alcohol a professor at Imperial College develop and that HE predicts could replace regular drinking alcohol by mid-century. Good idea? -D.]]
20. Found a streaming movie service called AngelVid, which allows you to filter language & content in movies to make them more kid-friendly. We're going to try it out tonight, so more later on how it works, but in my reading & research, I came across this filter option. They've already won me over.
21. That's exactly what these pictures are showing. Not even kidding - - it totally filters out every time JarJar is on screen.
[From the same poster, six minutes after post #20. You can probably guess the Poster tried out AngelVid with The Phantom Menace. - D.]
22. QUESTION: Hillary complained about Trump not releasing his tax returns. Ok, she had my attention for that point. However, she couldn't explain why she deleted all of those emails. Is that not the same thing? Keeping things hidden is not being honest. It doesn't matter who is the 1 doing it. It made for a moot point.
>> I just want full disclosure. . .
Is that so WONG?
23. I'm a nurse in a hospital and we always encourage our patients families to help out as much as they are comfortable. If it's a really extensive dressing change or a fresh surgical wound then usually the wound care nurse or the surgeon's PA would see to it first, show us how to do it and then once it was more easily managed we would help the family learn how to do it. If the patient is going home with dressing changes then we have to make sure that the patient and their family know how to do it and we will usually have home health set up to check in and make sure it's being done properly. We've had to teach patients going home with central lines for home antibiotics how to care for the lines and administer the medications, patients going home with subcutaneous blood thinners or new diabetics with insulin how to administer their shots. It all depends on what the patient's needs are and just how much the family is willing to do. Most of the time they aren't willing to help with anything which is a harsh but true reality. Sorry if I went a little overboard with the explanation, I just realized how long this was!
[The Poster's responding to the question, "When a patient is in the hospital for a longer period of time (weeks to months), do their loved ones get to help caring for them?" - D.]
24. I have a winning temperament. I know how to win.
25. Barbarism in Africa is not new, not old, not isolated to historical events, but a continuum, sadly throughout it's whole history, that even exists today, and has very little to do with colonialism and much more to do with long held cultural beliefs and practices.
26. Yep.
That was the exact moment [Wolverine] became the bad-ass of the Marvel Universe.
27. We are very good lawyers when it comes to our own mistakes, but very good judges when it comes to the mistakes of others.
(author unknown, KHRT's 092916 quote of the day)
28. Learning some cooking skills. Today just knife skills. Brunoise, Julienne, Batonette, all cuts.
29. Yes, we all have issues with the words late fees.
(Amanda from CitiMortgage to ME, 093016, 1339 hrs)
30. Here's how to know you're REALLY procrastinating. You find yourself listening to this recording of my pub day reading at City Lights. (But it's GOOD procrastinating. You're supporting an author. Maybe daydreaming. Maybe thinking of writing your own book one day. Actually, it's not procrastination at all! You're future building!! You're owning this moment!!!)
[One Author's sponsored post. - D.]
31. and i wonder why the weekends always seem to get away from me and before i know it they're over....
i just spent 45 minutes debating between charcoal or driftwood...
i finally had to give up.... it's just too much pressure
i just spent 45 minutes debating between charcoal or driftwood...
i finally had to give up.... it's just too much pressure
32. Never say anything about yourself you do not want to come true.
(Brian Tracy)
33. There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.
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