Inventive Uses For Rentable Equipment
Something Jeffrey said to me last night when I was comparing the combination lock on my middle school lockers in the 80s with the one our niece Josceline is fighting to handle before her first day of middle school next week was SO awesome, and it really should be status 27 (wait, 26 if we're chronological) ... but assorted curse symbols here, I deleted the message I wrote it in this morning so I wouldn't have to remember it!
But hey, in the next twenty-six posts and missives and quotes I list here I've read from this first half of August, you'll still find something you like.
I will it, David
1. It embarrasses me that I have to look up or think too much to remember where Ecclesiastes is.
(me, 080116, 0627 hrs)
2. Plan, v.t. To bother about the best method of accomplishing an accidental result.
(Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary)
3. It's a mixing up of the parts, according to which you who act your own part become the puppet of yourself.
(Luigi Pirandello, Six Characters in Search of an Author)
4. The pot roast tonight will be amazing and Martha will be sweet!
(me, 080216, 0743 hrs)
5. When you feel like a kitten, want to look like a fox, but you end up looking like a muskrat ✌🏻️ at least my parents still think I'm cute!!! 🙈
6. As Power Girl resented her cousin Superman for his "repressive" behavior, Freud would say that the nimbus on her chest symbolically represents her "cutting out" the "S" insignia from her life. Its an act of defiance against Superman.
7. I think I told Sarah this morning she was putting together a tetragrammaton. I should have said it was a dodecahedron.
(my thought about a puzzle Sarah put together, 080316, 1030 hrs)
8. The goofy things my husband says... I picked up a couple things at the grocery store at lunchtime, to go with the pork chops that are thawing in the fridge. I called him and told him I was going to make the garlic parmesean squash he likes tonight with the pork. He asked "Instead of cutting the squash into rounds, can you cut it to make it oblong?" My immediate response was "why? What difference would that make?" His reply... "I can fit more in my mouth at a time, coz it's good." Men are weird.
9. Just a thought... Trump concedes. Hillary is set to win, but obama signs martial law into effect..or an executive order that he doesn't have to leave the presidency..
Scary, right?
10. I pray for our household to know and act on our love for one another.
(me, 080416, 0725 hrs)
11. The last few days being retired have really felt weird. Not having a classroom to get ready, not being on a field or in a gym coaching, or being ready mentally to teach or coach is so different than what I've been used to for 20 years. Now I focus on spending time with [his wife - D.], taking my meds, keeping my appointments, trying to walk and exercise, and reading the Bible and praying. Not a bad trade, just feels different.
Is this normal?
12. The Nick Fury LMD [Life Model Decoy, an android made by Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D. practically indistinguishable from a human - D.] with a sensitive heart, the beers, Moon Knight escapes the drowning pool ...
13. I may or may not be watching the USA women's gymnastics team's podium training. My husband & my daughters may or may not be humoring me.
14. Do your characters create inventive uses for rentable equipment? Or do they write bureaucratic press releases that miss the point?
15. Take a deep breath. Deal with what you know. You KNOW where you are is toxic. You don't know what the public school will be like. a) it could be better, b) it could be worse. You need to at least TRY something different... If it works, great. If not... You can try something else.
Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. It really doesn't matter that there's absolutely no evidence that Einstein actually made this statement; it's still a great quote!
But you've got to give it a try with an open heart and mind. My money is on it being better.
16. Sometimes I whisper, "I´m on your side" to the computers, just in case they ever succeed in taking over the world.
17. "Isn't that interesting?" That and How about that? were the only two phrases Aaron had ever found that you could drop in almost anywhere without making anybody want to grab for a broken bottle.
(Harry Turtledove, Fallout)
18. Does your character need a crazy cause to get behind? How about women's pants pocket equality?
Ok, so it's not writing related. Just wanted to rant.
So, I've always wanted red pants. I found some that fit, so I splurged and bought them. And then this! The big "pockets" are decoration. But at least they gave me this one. (sarcasm) Might as well as be fake for all they can hold...
It's 2016! I want my #pocketequality rights!
19. It's amazing how many pedestrians confuse right-of-way with immortality.
20. Thats what im sayin [to a previous Poster]. PARAMOUNT spent more time going after AXANAR then they did promoting BEYOND.
21. Geek Joke of the Day: Erwin Schrödinger celebrates his 129th birthday [August 12, please see Schrödinger's Cat - D.] . And doesn't...
22. Because Weird Al [Yankovic, an entertainer specializing in song parodies - D.] doesn't just song songs, he rocks the universe into harmonic submission to his will.
23. During my lunch break I eat my food quickly so I'll have 20 min to watch cute animal videos... I think my priorities are in order
24. We used to call people like her "depressed," but we dropped those clinical locutions because despair was a spiritual condition that was as real to us as the practical difficulties we struggled with in everyday life.
(James Howard Kunstler, World Made By Hand)
25. I surveyed 100 women and asked them what shampoo they used when showering, 98 of them said: How the hell did you get in here?
26. MUST READ: Brunhilde Pomsel [now 105 years old, the Guardian recently interviewed this secretary to German politician Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels -- D.] claims she knew nothing and was kept in the dark. I believe her, particularly when you consider how many of us have only recently become aware of the fact that our government is "owned" by the oligarchy and the corporatocracy that control and have enslaved the masses. Still, in spite of this, many continue to believe our "government" does what is in the best interest of the people and that we live in a "true" democracy. How sad this is. Many good, trusting people are often destroyed by a few evil, greedy ones.
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