Seek God.
Seeking God is the first of five commitments Craig & Amy Groeschel put forth in From This Day Forward (ISBN 9780310333845) to "fail-proof" your marriage. In this case, Martha's and my marriage -- don't take it wrong, it's nowhere near on the rockslide this founding and senior pastor and his wife the home educating mom detail -- could use some fine-point tweaking. There's a lot of anger issues, especially since the flood here in Minot a few years ago. And there are a few things for ME that in the last six months have made me feel kind of useless around the home we're supposed to be sharing as husband and wife, not as roommates.
Friday after work I met my family at a party! A Tupperware party, actually, the first one held by a friend of hers which went very well. Kids and I even got to play tossing a plastic orange back and forth in the back of the room -- we were going to watch a movie but the DVD was too scratched up in a local church's basement -- and we've got several items coming in the mail Martha ordered and several that Martha and Sarah who stayed to the end won! Jeffrey and I headed out after a while when he wanted to go, and I can appreciate that. So we were sitting home when the girls called and grabbed us some dinner to bring home, then caught a show before bed.
Happy Pi Day! For the uninitiated amongst us, that's for the mathematical value expressed by the Greek letter pi for the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter (which is about 3.14159265358979 ... I know it that far because I use the three-digit designations for alternate Earths in my fictional Progeny Cycle which I really must get back to). When I wrote that in my journal this morning Jeffrey asked me what I meant and I tried to explain it without getting too technical ... middle school math is usually where they hear this, or at least where I did. I suppose I could have also said Happy Napping Day, which is also today! And now someone who read this will take one.
Saturday home with the kids (for the day, Breakfast With The Boys was out because the next few weeks will be even more hectic for us Saturdays, and we needed to sleep in anyway) and a couple hours after Martha got home from Burger King the four of us met Martha's sister Malesa and her youngest son Trevor at Oak Park. I watched the kids playing while Martha and Malesa took a lap, and then she reciprocated. I just need to work on walking a straight line! I'd already been with the kids at the school playground for a while and I think we all had yawning fits before dinner that night! We'd planned to make burritos for dinner at home, but we waited until last night for them.
Sunday morning at church was Family Planning ... sorry, Family Sunday School where the kids and I got to put together another Cross and Tomb Garden with rocks, topsoil, grass seeds, the works! And we had fun doing it -- it's sitting at home right now . Just before we got done though I got the perquisite slam from Karn that once more Parable Playhouse will be phased out of the next Sunday School rotation. Third time this year the class has been, and the way she answered me when I asked why (on the order "do you want to discuss this upstairs" due to ... a falling out we had over one misspoken phrase last week) make me not care if I ever teach there again.
There are other ways to be seeking God. Perhaps I need to start doing so.
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