Superman Poops.
Please forgive me. I was just reading a post about today -- Leap Day, which comes around every four years in years divisible by 100 yet not divisible by 400 or something like that -- being Superman's birthday (within DC Comics, anyway) and as I was about to start writing this post covering the weekend with our daughter Sarah's birthday party (where she turned ten. TEN, I tell you!) some of the details of Sarah's party at our house came to mind ... and I needed a title with the cadence of the book Everyone Poops. Don't look at me like that, there really is one!
Our son Jeffrey got to go to another slumber party ... correction, I was told in Sunday school yesterday with the fourth graders that boys go to sleepovers and girls go to slumber parties. At least Jeffrey must have washed the makeup off by then *bleah*! But anyway, Sarah was with me and we slept in since I figured Mister J would be too (yeah right; he was up at his friend's house until five that morning, so he claimed) and when we went to pick him up at our local YMCA we were standing on the opposite end of the parking lot from him where he's with Kaden and his dad.
Kaden's stepmom called me wondering when I'd arrive and I felt a mite silly. But then we picked him up, we met Martha at Burger King and ate a small bite (among six cousins, four sisters, Grandma and Grandpa, Donovan, Sarah's classmate Hailey, and I we would later eat three pizzas, drink two two-liters of soda, apple juice, and a homemade chocolate fudge emoji birthday cake. This was Sarah's year for emoji and all her gifts somehow related to those delightful little icons! Hailey's mom Natalie even made the two emoji pillows Sarah got as a gift in just under a day's time.
And the party game was "pin the smile on the emoji". Martha's boss Becky had already let my wife laminate a winking face, and as a part-surprise part-joke on Friday she also suggested laminating the poop emoji -- seriously, it looks like a swirl of poop ("number two") with eyes. It's that strange appeal bodily functions have at my kids' age (yep, Jeffrey will be ten July 2 of NEXT year, and my head swirls). And when Grandpa was sitting down looking at the poop emoji we'd taped up he said it looked like chocolate ice cream without a cone! And I can see that.
Sarah got recognized on her birthday DAY as well; after church we took her out to WalMart to spend some of her birthday money on clothes she wanted to buy (and she even remembered she owed her brother money for some shoes she'd bought some months ago) and then went to Perkins for lunch, where she wanted to go. Then we got home for the day and I went to take a nap and a cat leapt into our garage while Martha and the kids were watching I don't remember what. It must have gone by the time I got out to check on it myself. Again, I can see that.
And now I'm planning time with MY Wonder Woman, David
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