Ensign: Recognize The Legitimate Rights of Self-Determination Now!!

All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye. Isaiah 18:3

AN ENSIGN ON THE MOUNTAINS                                                  15 May 2015

[I was paging through Rapture Ready this morning, which provides links to a great many Bible prophecy-themed articles and other items that tie into our world today and the ... let's be polite, DISASTER it's becoming when we try to live without God at our center.

Read this one, an op-ed piece posted today on The Jewish Press website which was written by Steven Plaut, a professor at Israel's University of Haifa, and I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. And being a bit of a history geek myself, after a minute I couldn't stop laughing!

Still don't think the Visigoths, past or modern, will get much of a hearing, though ... David]

Friends, Comrades, Zionists!

It is time we acknowledge Alaric I and his descendents as the true and rightful rulers of the Vatican.
As you recall, the good Alaric took control of the Vatican on August 24, 410 CE [the "progressives" version of AD, my note, but still giving primacy to an event they deny significance -- D.], and turned it into a city of Visigoths. Ever since then, the rights of the Visigoths to self-determination and freedom in the Vatican have been denied by Church authorities. But these rights to the eternal city are eternal and must at long last be acknowledged.
Indeed, Visigoth rights stem directly from the Nakba that the long-suffering Visigoths suffered at the hands of Theodosius and the Eastern Empire based in Constantinople and also from the Huns. Thousands of Visigoths were brutally murdered in the year 400 in Constantinople. Clearly a two-state solution is called for whereby the Church can retain its control of Roman Ravenna and the Visigoths exercise their legitimate rights in the Vatican!
Now clearly the Visigoths held hegemony over the Vatican many centuries before anyone even dreamed of inventing a “Palestinian people.” While “Palestinians” are nothing more than Arabs from neighboring areas who migrated into “Palestine” to take advantage of the rising standards of living produced by the influx of Zionist migrants and capital, the Visigoths are a bona fide ancient people having their own rich culture. Indeed their culture was the foundation for that of Spain and Portugal. They produced masterpieces of art and architecture. And they were progressive reformers; their laws were the first in Europe to recognize the legal rights of married women and of community property of couples. They were religiously tolerant and pluralistic. Unlike the Vatican.
So now that the Vatican has decided to “recognize” the “Palestinian people,” the only logical response from the world must be to recognize the legitimate rights of the Visigoths to the Vatican. No justice – no peace.

P. S. I write this weekly devotional to keep in touch with you, and I hope it encourages you too. If I'm not or you want me to get lost, please let me know -- thank you!

Thank You, Lord, that we can come to You in praise and prayer and that You provide for all our needs, even the ones we don't know we have! Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem on both sides of the fence there and around the world.

Thank You, Lord, for all of us in leadership and service here and abroad, as well as for opportunities we have and the promise of new life! I pray we all seek and have a blessed week. Amen.


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