Today Is A Snow Day
Outside my office where I type this right now, it is thirty-one degrees (Fahrenheit; it's point five degrees below in Celsius and I know THAT because I've kept a Fahrenheit to Celsius converter on my computer since a conversation I had with a man originally from Kenya a few weeks ago) and there is snow on the ground! And once more yesterday I got to hear Jeffrey shouting and pouting because we couldn't go to the park because of it.
Tough little guy I have; I don't think he'd put on a jacket if Martha and I did not insist he do it. And today is the last day of the kids' extended Easter weekend before they return to school tomorrow! Good Friday, then Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday (a holiday in Canada), and then today a "snow day" when Minot Public Schools anticipated making up school when one day during the real winter would drive Minot to a halt. None did. Someone's laughing that it is snowing now.
"A man's second childhood begins when a woman gets hold of him." Jeffrey's not yet at the age when this would make sense to him -- at least we don't think there is a significant other in his life -- but I had to laugh when I read it. It's from a novel I bought at Dakota Antiques and Collectibles that I'm still reading, James M. Barrie's The Little Minister. (Better known to my reading audience as the author of Peter Pan.) But more about that when I finish it.
This morning the kids promised they would catch up on their reading with me. Sarah spent her twenty minutes reading at home with a child's first book of biographies and I'm impressed with how far she's gotten with it and questions she asked like why Amelia Earhart's death date had a question mark after it (because she disappeared on her 1937 flight around the world and we don't know what happened to her) and the words giving her trouble (Pierre in Pierre Curie) she makes the effort.
Jeffrey is still on a Geronimo Stilton Christmas book and asks so much "how many minutes left" that I was trying to keep up too with the main character's trip through New York City. Also, my son and I were engaged in a yawning fit (why I don't like having the kids do schoolwork in the mornings!) and THAT was after Martha's morning delivering the papers. I don't know, I seem to sleep less well when I sleep in! Weird, huh?
Happy Snow Day, David
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