Syzygy Darklock Speaks For Me
[By the way, in real life a syzygy is an alignment of three celestial objects in line with each other. -- David]
In fact, for weeks now I've sensed some drastic change approaching.
I'm not sure ...
I'm not some fantasy literature character who gazes into a crystal ball and sees a crystal clear view of the future.
But I do have a sense of the tomorrow, and what I feel is ... change and death.
But I can aid you in weathering the transition, Vanth. I can help guide you through what lies ahead.
You won't be able to handle the future alone. You'll need my mystical powers to augment your own might.
(Marvel Graphic Novel #3: Dreadstar, copyright 1982)
Of course, if you have ever read Dreadstar, "what lies ahead" isn't quite what anyone expects. And while I may not have the destiny of a galaxy in my hands, I DO realize that I have in the persons of my family -- Martha my wife, Sarah our daughter, and Jeffrey our son -- the opportunity to make their day or break it. And I'm a little down because it feels I've done the latter today. More about what happened before tomorrow, because I've got much I should be doing.
See you then, David
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