The Stati of December

[Hey, it could work. The plural of radius is radii although the plural of circus isn't circi, go figure, but it could have happened if Latin had gotten more of a hold … anyway, I find myself tripping over my tongue with statuses. Also got a bit of regality, I think stati does, although I recall reading that the Latin which had trickled down to today is mostly the equivalent of our graffiti or slang. We trot it out when we want to sound important.
But to round out the year, please allow me to share some of my favorite Facebook status updates for the month of December. Ones that I liked enough to save myself because they taught me something I didn't know, thought I knew but was wrong about, or were so coolly worded – you get the idea. Read them yourself, you may find something you agree with, you may find something that will make you mad, just consider that hey, maybe you and I don't know everything. Just the first names of the guilty parties … er, the writers remain so I get no one in too much trouble. Except for me.
And on this day the forty-sixth anniversary of the United States broadcast of the original Star Trek episode “The Trouble With Tribbles”, there should be no tribble at all.
One per customer, David]
Israel is isolated now. The international community has effectively SACRIFICED ISRAEL to get along with the Ayatollahs of Iran, and that's a HUGE SIGNAL TO US TO BE READY FOR THE RETURN OF THE KING!!!!

WAR IS COMING.........A WAR THAT WILL KILL TWO BILLION TARES, mostly in the Middle East. There is no getting around it. Israel NEEDS to act for the preservation of their race, but they are being manipulated into a diplomatic complacency that is going to end up FORCING the Return of the King. GOD WILL PERSONALLY SHOW UP AND SAVE ISRAEL!!!!!!

The antichrist (Pope Francis) has a visit tentatively scheduled for May 2014, which is ONE MONTH AFTER THE TETRAD ARRIVES IN APRIL.

2. The Pre-Tribulation rapture of the children and the believers.
A. Global Economic Collapse
B. Fall of the Sovereign Governments whose economies collapsed.
4. The Seal Judgments begin to be opened
A. The first seal is opened which empowers the ANTICHRIST
1. Antichrist restores order from chaos
2. Antichrist given authority over the saints
3. Antichrist given power over the New World Government (UN)
4. Antichrist implements New World Economy utilizing the MARK
5. Antichrist gathers all apostate faiths into New World Religion
B. The second seal is opened which brings WAR TO THE MIDDLE EAST
C. The third seal is opened which brings GLOBAL FAMINE
D. The fourth seal is opened which brings MASSIVE DEATH
5. Israel buries millions of bodies for seven months.
6. Israel begins burning weapons for seven years.
7. Antichrist guarantees Israel's security - confirms treaty for seven years.
8. Treaty signed at some point in 2014 between the first two blood moons - officially starting the 7 year Tribulation period.
9. Treaty HOLDS for the first 3-1/2 years while Israel rebuilds the temple and while the mark of the beast is being forced on the world's population.
Lisa S., 120213, 1108 hrs
It warms my heart to see that true love still exists.
Christina M., 1228 hrs
"The three Magi first worshiped, then gave. These initial reactions to the Savior continue to reverberate around the world."
Chuck B., 1735 hrs
If you're looking for opportunity, stop looking. You are the opportunity. Act on your purpose and you'll see...
Maria C., 1803 hrs
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."
C. quoted by Capitalism, 120313, 1121 hrs
Music is one of God's little reminders that there is something greater than me...I hear His joyous laughter when I sing...I see Him dancing when I worship, and He fashions my praise into keys that unlock the shackles of sin and death. I can feel Him all around me...
Tesa W., 120513, 1641 hrs
Joker and Batman don't make good cats, do they?
Chuck T., 120613, 1337 hrs
In the hands of mad and disability
Rama M., 1418 hrs
David's home, driveway's shoveled, snowball battles have been fought, snowman has been built, and all is right in Halliday World.
Dana H., 1750 hrs
Note to self: DEFINE your words when you say things such as threesomes. Make sure it is specific as in "Johnny Depp Tarantino and I all three sat down and brain stormed on scripts...QT was freaky with his...""
Cerriwin F., 1125 hrs, 120913
Most People Have A Problem Seeing The Complications & Dept Of Others.
Sharon K., 1235 hrs
Today was a good day! I got a 100% on my Art paper. He said "this is an outstanding paper and a great way to finish the course". Got AutoStart installed in my car and I got my Gun license.
Jehan A., 1745 hrs
What if I never see you because we're both on a stage
Nikki D., 1343 hrs
I bought myself a bouquet of lilies just before thanksgiving, just pretty orange ones, and today I realized that I needed to accept they are dead.
Cara C., 1711 hrs
Apodyopsis (n.) the act of mentally undressing someone
posted by Judith M. from Word Porn, 1130 hrs, 121313
Ok guys! You're all so quick to ask for LIVES but aint so quick to give lives or TICKETS. You're on notice!
Sue G., 1229 hrs, 121613
Making a list. Checking it twice. Crying at the sight of my bank account. Ah, the holidays.
Meagan O., 1522 hrs, 121713
All other things being equal, taking the trouble to ask – over and over again - can be the main difference between success and failure.
Robert R., 1135 hrs, 121813
I think about personal purchases for a very long time. A couple years ago my daughter gave me a B&N gift card, so I got this great book by Sir Martin Gilbert. It's one of my treasures. Naturally, our (now former) dog ate part of chapter one. He took out part of the section about the founding of Petah Tikvah but happily could not prevent the Jews from establishing the state.
Jim F., 1212 hrs
Why do we so often roadblock the way to our own strength with manufactured worry?
Dr. V, 1406 hrs
Unfortunately there is a strong culture for anti-intellectualism out there. A lot of directors build films toward that demographic by playing up the violence, noise and sexism because those are often things ingrained into that culture.

So I guess when you want to switch your brain off you will identify with that demographic a lot more closely.
Kim B., COMIC BOOK ISSUES, 1705 hrs
If there's one thing English classes teach you, it's how to scan through large amounts of material for reoccurring themes or motifs.
Emily M., 1811 hrs
Reputations : are just history in rumor form .... we can change them
Lainey D., 1154 hrs, 122013
Watching Property Brothers. I would love to buy a fixer up and work on it. It's funny though because I can see me doing most of the work and Matt running for the hills lol. I am the one that wants to do all these cool builds when we finally own a house and his response is always, okay you have fun with that. He loves the ideas he just isn't as hands on as I am He is great at letting me do what I want though even if it means moving furniture every other month lol
Christa P., 1158 hrs, 122313
I find the idea of doing anything useful today intellectually interesting but ultimately not compelling. It is now late enough that I can stop pretending and go back to my Glee marathon.
Beth T., 1530 hrs
Home: I will try on every stitch of clothing in my closet & have those no longer fitting or worthy of my form (I'm growing muscle...) categorized & ready for donation to three recipients charities by Jan 10. And will judiciously with great sales hunting skill begin rebuilding a wardrobe reflected on the body I'm building TODAY .. And with room to expand/contract in echos for the body I will have in 3 month increments through the year.
Renee P., 1751 hrs
By and large, the people who should have been ready for Jesus' first coming were not ready. By and large, the people who should be ready for his second coming will not be ready for it either.
John H., 122713
I may or may not be in my pajamas, sitting up in bed, drinking coffee & eating biscotti at noon. I may or may not apologize for this.
Amy M., 1203 hrs
Give God the opportunity to do His work in your life.
Sanctus Real, 1631 hrs
If you’re not making your candy cane into a pointy sharp weapon, you’re eating it wrong.
Leashea T., 1840 hrs


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