My Senior Will For The Class Of 1990
WORD COUNT: 38,026
[I had to get some paperwork together for a nine am meeting today and came across this collection, "Senior Wills for the class of 1990", written by the senior class of Crescent City High School that I was in. Thought it interesting to share mine, and see how my will has held up over time … – David]
I, David Alvin, being of (debatable)
sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following: to Mrs.
Williams, a state Forensics trophy, a road map, a cooler of freshly
run-over animals, an invitation to my wedding, and someone to nag you
in Forensics practice that will remind you of me.
Ms. Hooten, I wish Drama, English IV,
and HiQ the best of luck in years to come, and I want to leave you
all those period-long plus tests as a reminder that “It was the
best of times; (and) it was the worst of times.” To Mrs. Ellis I
leave $2500. To Mr. Ripley, another one of those long chats about
history. To A.G. and “Raggedy Andy”, I leave a spelling tutor.
To J.B. I'm sorry that things didn't
work out between us. To Mr. Jordan, I leave that nap in your class
that I never took. To S.F., who's been like a sister to me all these
years past. Ms. Redmond, one more copy, please! To S.B., forgetting
my birthday – no, strangling you is too good a punishment. For you,
I leave some surprise English exams! (ha ha!)
Mrs. Luke, while you must never assume,
you can never assume that you can never assume, either. To J.P.,
don't take what I say to heart; Steve's a very lucky guy. To our
faculty in general, I heave this message – school will go on
without the class of '90! No need to close the school for a year of
Seriously, though, I want to say thanks
to all of you for helping me to see the real person within myself and
giving me a push toward being all I can be!! For that I will be
forever grateful. However, the thanks also goes to my parents, with
out the support and additional guidance I would never have gotten
through some of my darkest hours.
Finally, I want to say thanks to the
students – people on my level who could relate to what I was going
through because they were going through it at that time to,
especially the class of '90!! It may be the last year we'll see each
other, so let's make the most of it!! (Remember the three cardinal
rules to success: learn everything you can while you can, be able to
make and keep friends, and HAVE FUN!)
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