And This Has Been ... iCarly. And We're Clear.
I wrote the final lines of the final episode of Nickelodeon's iCarly in my journal last November 24, the day it was broadcast, because it just stuck with me and I wanted to write it down so I didn't have to remember it. Just got off the phone with two electricians regarding getting our air conditioner … not working, for it is, but to get those of us inside the house feeling it!
Never suffer rivals. That's the lesson an Imperial officer who learns a lot from Darth Vader learns when the Emperor drops hints he could be the Dark Lord's successor in Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison, an awesome story (ISBN 9781616550592) I read Friday in Barnes and Noble when I didn't have the kids or Martha with me – for legitimate reasons, Martha was at work, and I had to be up early getting ready for a Saturday vendor show.
Queen Elizabeth's body (the first one, not the current British monarch's) blew up a month after she died due to a bad embalming job. Buddhist monks in Japan would starve themselves to begin mummifying up to a century ago. Some fell in bogs in Scandinavia, in Egypt how you got the job done depended on your social status – I learned a lot from Natalie Jane Prior's The Encyclopedia of Preserved People (ISBN 0375822879) that I didn't realize I wanted to know. And it's just a slim volume.
Saturday after the vendor show where I represented Shaklee on my lonesome due to some last minute changes, Jeffrey and I – he met me at about two, and the show was from nine to four – met Martha and Sarah having just come from a baby shower for one of our fellow church ladies who'd just given birth to twins. Then the four of us along with sister Mary and nieces Breanna and Josceline went to the first show of Minot State University's Summer Theatre, "Shrek The Musical".
Normally the family and I get to one show out of a four-or-five-show theatre season, but we may make the effort to go to all of these. I'm particularly excited about the next performance a week from now, "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" because I may be able to relate to it! Georgetown and Crescent City, Florida where I grew up are both in Putnam County, Florida, but like the Danville of Phineas and Ferb, the actual location of Putnam County in the play is ambiguous. (In North America there are NINE Putnam Counties and TWENTY Danvilles.)
So we saw "Shrek The Musical" in two and a half hours and got home with everyone ready for bed! Sunday morning we went to church, I got to read our lessons and was asked politely by Martha to JUST read the lessons and not try to make a joke. (I don't do that, really.) Then I was taken to lunch at our local Ground Round for Father's Day. Just as Martha did last month on Mother's Day, I got to spin a wheel for a free item or discount on our meal. Unlike Martha, I spun the wheel three times.
First spin was "$1 Off And Spin Again", so was the second, and the third was "Prize Package"; it was an awesome collection of grilling tools and a tie. Yes, I will eventually learn how to grill … we got home yesterday and played with the kids as well as mowed our lawn, making it as weed-free as we possibly can! Since we were flooded two years ago, we're eligible for a free hydroseeding program courtesy of a local church, now we just need them to arrive! And we should be there,
and clear, David
Never suffer rivals. That's the lesson an Imperial officer who learns a lot from Darth Vader learns when the Emperor drops hints he could be the Dark Lord's successor in Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison, an awesome story (ISBN 9781616550592) I read Friday in Barnes and Noble when I didn't have the kids or Martha with me – for legitimate reasons, Martha was at work, and I had to be up early getting ready for a Saturday vendor show.
Queen Elizabeth's body (the first one, not the current British monarch's) blew up a month after she died due to a bad embalming job. Buddhist monks in Japan would starve themselves to begin mummifying up to a century ago. Some fell in bogs in Scandinavia, in Egypt how you got the job done depended on your social status – I learned a lot from Natalie Jane Prior's The Encyclopedia of Preserved People (ISBN 0375822879) that I didn't realize I wanted to know. And it's just a slim volume.
Saturday after the vendor show where I represented Shaklee on my lonesome due to some last minute changes, Jeffrey and I – he met me at about two, and the show was from nine to four – met Martha and Sarah having just come from a baby shower for one of our fellow church ladies who'd just given birth to twins. Then the four of us along with sister Mary and nieces Breanna and Josceline went to the first show of Minot State University's Summer Theatre, "Shrek The Musical".
Normally the family and I get to one show out of a four-or-five-show theatre season, but we may make the effort to go to all of these. I'm particularly excited about the next performance a week from now, "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" because I may be able to relate to it! Georgetown and Crescent City, Florida where I grew up are both in Putnam County, Florida, but like the Danville of Phineas and Ferb, the actual location of Putnam County in the play is ambiguous. (In North America there are NINE Putnam Counties and TWENTY Danvilles.)
So we saw "Shrek The Musical" in two and a half hours and got home with everyone ready for bed! Sunday morning we went to church, I got to read our lessons and was asked politely by Martha to JUST read the lessons and not try to make a joke. (I don't do that, really.) Then I was taken to lunch at our local Ground Round for Father's Day. Just as Martha did last month on Mother's Day, I got to spin a wheel for a free item or discount on our meal. Unlike Martha, I spun the wheel three times.
First spin was "$1 Off And Spin Again", so was the second, and the third was "Prize Package"; it was an awesome collection of grilling tools and a tie. Yes, I will eventually learn how to grill … we got home yesterday and played with the kids as well as mowed our lawn, making it as weed-free as we possibly can! Since we were flooded two years ago, we're eligible for a free hydroseeding program courtesy of a local church, now we just need them to arrive! And we should be there,
and clear, David
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