Thirteen Reasons Why On Victoria Day
Sometimes I need ONE reason why – oh, don't worry, I have no plans to be a coward and off myself. Indeed, I won't go for as to say Jay Asher's debut novel Thirteen Reasons Why (ISBN 9781595141880, rendered on the cover and title page as Th1rteen R3asons Why) was especially depressing, nor does it fall into the Mark Millar category of good writing – okay, maybe that – making you think and great writing changing you think. And yet … isn't that the most insidious type of writing, the type that changes the way you think and you don't even realize it.
Can't say yet if this will become such a text as 1984, The Holy Bible, or Superman: Red Son has for me, but the main character of Thirteen Reasons who's already dead when the story begins and relates through a set of cassette tapes how many different people had a small effect (so the unreliable narrator on the tapes, Hannah Baker, claims) on her decision. And everyone mentioned on the tapes gets to listen to them …
Now to the weekend which, to be quite honest, I had to review my journals to remember some stuff. Saturday morning, when for right now the kids and I get to sleep in while Martha is working a shift at a local McDonald's (I have misgivings about that, but both parents working two jobs is gonna be more of a hassle in my opinion) I arose first and about late morning we went to a local church's indoor rummage sale.
This weekend was Minot's special garage sale weekend, but I'm guessing most of the action happened Friday and Saturday as we've had scattered showers since Sunday and have wind and flood watches right now! That afternoon we had a commissioning service at Bethany Lutheran for one of our music leaders as an Associate in Ministry which, let's be honest, I had to d-r-a-g myself too. Not because I'm not happy for Kari Files, I assure you … but my seven and five-year-olds can be exacting!
So can my thirty-five-year-old, but I digress. I went for a walk after we got home because, let me confess, I needed some time out of the house and with everyone else busy with the electronics I did not think I'd be missed that much. For about thirty minutes I wasn't, but then I came home with several things from the Loaf 'n Jug closest to us, one especially impressing me – a strawberry cupcake cappuccino (so it is two c's according to OpenOffice's spell check; interesting)!
Sunday morning, we all woke up and went to church for the "official" installation of Kari along with our final Sunday School session until fall, Spring Fling. (And YES, one apprehension I had I'm glad was not fulfilled – the teachers in class DID get recognized along with the shepherds!) Sarah and Jeffrey along with several other kids did have perfect attendance for the year and one sixth-grader got honored for perfect attendance ALL TEN YEARS of Sunday School! Next comes confirmation …
Took the kids to lunch at Burger King while Martha was finishing singing for second service – she and Sarah both got to sing at first, where we're usually at – and then met her at our nephew's Brandon's parents ' house for his thirteenth birthday party. Small family gathering, and after the cake and ice cream had broken up, Brandon's dad Allan and I saw the computer he's putting together himself. Best conversation we've had in months.
I feel like I'm going to hear about this from Martha later, though even she had to admit she liked the latest Star Trek movie, Star Trek Into Darkness, that debuted this weekend. And I personally wanted to see it, even though the matinee consensus among the four of us seemed to be for Iron Man 3. But by the time we got to the ticket counter, THAT was sold out (which surprised me since Iron Man 3 has been out for a few weeks) and the theatre was full just as the opening credits were finishing.
YES, everyone stayed awake for the whole film! I don't want to spoil it too much for you, though I questioned the opening premise – isn't it a bigger violation of the Prime Directive, Starfleet's hands-off policy on pre-warp and space travel civilizations, to stop a natural disaster with a cold fusion device than it is for the natives of said pre-warp civilization to see your starship streaking across the sky and apparently start building a faith around it? Watch. Spock. Kick. Butt.
I don't (always) know what I should do. I know what I can do.
Can't say yet if this will become such a text as 1984, The Holy Bible, or Superman: Red Son has for me, but the main character of Thirteen Reasons who's already dead when the story begins and relates through a set of cassette tapes how many different people had a small effect (so the unreliable narrator on the tapes, Hannah Baker, claims) on her decision. And everyone mentioned on the tapes gets to listen to them …
Now to the weekend which, to be quite honest, I had to review my journals to remember some stuff. Saturday morning, when for right now the kids and I get to sleep in while Martha is working a shift at a local McDonald's (I have misgivings about that, but both parents working two jobs is gonna be more of a hassle in my opinion) I arose first and about late morning we went to a local church's indoor rummage sale.
This weekend was Minot's special garage sale weekend, but I'm guessing most of the action happened Friday and Saturday as we've had scattered showers since Sunday and have wind and flood watches right now! That afternoon we had a commissioning service at Bethany Lutheran for one of our music leaders as an Associate in Ministry which, let's be honest, I had to d-r-a-g myself too. Not because I'm not happy for Kari Files, I assure you … but my seven and five-year-olds can be exacting!
So can my thirty-five-year-old, but I digress. I went for a walk after we got home because, let me confess, I needed some time out of the house and with everyone else busy with the electronics I did not think I'd be missed that much. For about thirty minutes I wasn't, but then I came home with several things from the Loaf 'n Jug closest to us, one especially impressing me – a strawberry cupcake cappuccino (so it is two c's according to OpenOffice's spell check; interesting)!
Sunday morning, we all woke up and went to church for the "official" installation of Kari along with our final Sunday School session until fall, Spring Fling. (And YES, one apprehension I had I'm glad was not fulfilled – the teachers in class DID get recognized along with the shepherds!) Sarah and Jeffrey along with several other kids did have perfect attendance for the year and one sixth-grader got honored for perfect attendance ALL TEN YEARS of Sunday School! Next comes confirmation …
Took the kids to lunch at Burger King while Martha was finishing singing for second service – she and Sarah both got to sing at first, where we're usually at – and then met her at our nephew's Brandon's parents ' house for his thirteenth birthday party. Small family gathering, and after the cake and ice cream had broken up, Brandon's dad Allan and I saw the computer he's putting together himself. Best conversation we've had in months.
I feel like I'm going to hear about this from Martha later, though even she had to admit she liked the latest Star Trek movie, Star Trek Into Darkness, that debuted this weekend. And I personally wanted to see it, even though the matinee consensus among the four of us seemed to be for Iron Man 3. But by the time we got to the ticket counter, THAT was sold out (which surprised me since Iron Man 3 has been out for a few weeks) and the theatre was full just as the opening credits were finishing.
YES, everyone stayed awake for the whole film! I don't want to spoil it too much for you, though I questioned the opening premise – isn't it a bigger violation of the Prime Directive, Starfleet's hands-off policy on pre-warp and space travel civilizations, to stop a natural disaster with a cold fusion device than it is for the natives of said pre-warp civilization to see your starship streaking across the sky and apparently start building a faith around it? Watch. Spock. Kick. Butt.
I don't (always) know what I should do. I know what I can do.
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